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ddboy102 → Damanos

happy b.day
Aug 20 2018 03:17 PM


Turned 25 today and now I feel old xD
Aug 14 2018 05:34 PM
  • Raiden's Photo
    Happy Birthday! :) and you surely aren't old^^ (Unlike me...)
    Aug 15 2018 07:35 AM
  • Tokoya's Photo
    Thanks man xD
    Aug 15 2018 07:58 AM

Fenrix → Shin

Happy Birthday!
Aug 14 2018 12:38 PM
  • Shin's Photo
    Thanks for the happy birthday, Fenrix!
    Aug 14 2018 04:54 PM

Kid Frost → Shin

Happy Birthday!
Aug 14 2018 07:21 AM
  • Shin's Photo
    Thank you! ^^
    Aug 14 2018 04:55 PM

Kid Frost → Tokoya

Happy Birthday!
Aug 14 2018 07:17 AM
  • Tokoya's Photo
    Thank you!!!
    Aug 14 2018 05:34 PM

hollowhowl7 → Maika

already reached the 100 mark again :B
Aug 12 2018 06:01 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    yea I knows @w@ I wasn't talking about then, she couldn't work after she had her first strokes either right? :3 well, we'd need photos and whatnot too I think but jo O;
    and not the worse parts about you? hm? oCo excuses bebu owo and prob dead, for if they are gigantic snowballs they prob weigh a lot too G; /kisshugholdtight
    so you forget all about what food/drinks you bought when you leave the kitchen? *hugglecuddle* ;B I suppose, unless you have someone else pay the taxes for you @u@
    nuo, could just be saying that to hide your own silliness! C; ♥
    indeeds, or they could be blocked from our regions X3 then why are you keeping that from others? ouo <3 /kisshug
    hehe okies >3 noo I say, nothing to do with "Bob" \>w<\ nuo, I don't like shouting/screaming *hugglenom* XB
    well not right now, since I ended up oversleeping ;3 even tho there's already an established meaning ;b just take a globe and put it in the fire @~@ /hughugtight
    Dec 05 2018 01:16 AM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    with hopefully more money too @w@ she was getting vacation or paid-leave at that time, though :3 can always print something, or I can bring the ones I have already O;
    well those too, but y'know, one outweighs the other, right? oCo valid excuses for something I don't need to do omo dead from being crushed and suffocated G; /kisshugholdtight
    I mean, pretty much, yes, if I'm honest *hugglecuddle* ;B well, that would be illegal to do, but okie @u@
    or I'm trying to bring your silliness out into the open! C; ♥
    which is pretty damned stupid X3 they don't deserve to see it most of the time ouo <3 /kisshug
    will just start again at night! >D not even as a middle name? />w</ doing it or hearing it? *hugglenom* XB
    hehe sounds like an excuse to me bebe ;3 yeap, but people like to change things around apparently d; lol is that how it works? @~@ /hughugtight
    Dec 05 2018 06:59 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    mhm, gotta find a place that can afford your talent @w@ okays, I see :3 mhm, we should be fine O;
    because you have more good than bad parts about you oCo you don't need to do it no, but wouldn't you want to? owo yeps, which happens in an actual avalanche too G; /kisshugholdtight
    are you honest? lol *hugglecuddle* ;B it's not illegal over here, the employers usually pay taxes on your behalf for work related stuff @u@
    so you admit to making me silly then? C; ♥
    I knows bebe, it is X3 okies then, so you decide when they've earned to see it? ouo <3 /kisshug
    nuo, we're sleeping then >3 nope, not even that \>w<\ both of course *hugglenom* XB
    it was a valid excuse y'know, and I went to check it out now, apparently we had reached over 6000 messages in our first convo ;3 cuz they be stoopid ;b mhm, then you can watch the world burn @~@ /hughugtight
    Dec 06 2018 11:58 PM
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DrugzRule → Dark Sasuke_101

why does everyone keep saying that?
Aug 11 2018 05:51 PM
  • Dark Sasuke_101's Photo
    Dark Sasuke_101
    I would like to wander your brain....
    Dec 03 2018 04:03 PM
  • DrugzRule's Photo
    You don't. You'd just be horribly disappointed...
    Dec 03 2018 11:06 PM
  • Dark Sasuke_101's Photo
    Dark Sasuke_101
    Dec 04 2018 11:27 AM
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azer_moli → Candles

Happy Birthday! We're so many to turn 30 this year haha. Enjoy~ 
Aug 07 2018 12:47 PM


we just gotta keep on truckin'
Aug 06 2018 11:44 PM

Fulmine → DaEvilWithin

Horikoshi said in interview he read all of Spiderman and Deadpool comics. Guess he's much more reliable in terms of science than Oda thanks to that LOL
Aug 06 2018 08:28 AM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    OMGOD, One Piece new databook's cover has Enel on it. It's a special edition even cause it's not a book but a folder with a bunch of cards in it. Maybe Oda will do some Yugi-oh battle cards with Enel-sama's power level listed as SSS-rank =))))
    Aug 10 2018 08:13 AM
  • DaEvilWithin's Photo
    Wait REALLY? I want it.
    Aug 22 2018 06:20 PM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    Yep, it will be released in September/October. I did link it in One Piece forum. Though I don't remembe rif it was News and Merch thread or Official Volume thread.

    Enel-sama looks mighty fine there <3 <3 <3
    Aug 22 2018 10:54 PM

ddboy102 → waleuska

I honestly think that man in the marvel thread is a perv.
Aug 02 2018 08:45 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    I know he didn't do anything wrong but still there is a line I feel you just don't cross.

    sorry If this is random.
    Aug 02 2018 08:46 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    Didn't watch GOtg BTW Chris Pratt is a religous zelot/ hipocrit.
    Aug 02 2018 08:47 PM
  • waleuska's Photo
    LOL yeah just found out Chris Pratt is a religious nut bag and it makes sense that he would defend Gunn. Yeah agree i wouldn't let Gunn around any kid.
    Aug 02 2018 09:04 PM


All I want for my birthday is .... well look at my profile page.
Aug 02 2018 04:09 PM
  • Dark Sasuke_101's Photo
    Dark Sasuke_101
    You want both.
    Aug 03 2018 07:14 AM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    I want all of them.
    Aug 03 2018 09:57 AM
  • Dark Sasuke_101's Photo
    Dark Sasuke_101
    Aug 03 2018 04:34 PM


Rain! Glorious rain!
Aug 01 2018 05:16 PM

Dark Sasuke_101

I want to die
Jul 31 2018 05:26 AM

Insane Soul

As I have been saying, I don't really need to 'know' the current status, I just need to throw empty words every so often and they will find their destination...Time proves me right every single time. Will I ever get bored of it?
Jul 24 2018 09:52 PM