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Shin → Jiyuu

Yo Jay, missed you in the chat box when you posted. How ya been? For some reason I thought you already had an account on OMF 3.0. Weird.
Mar 05 2017 07:41 PM
  • Jiyuu's Photo
    Gee im a good friend. Replying a year later haha
    Jul 10 2018 05:31 AM
  • Shin's Photo
    Hahaha, no worries.
    Jul 10 2018 05:05 PM

ArSoNiSt JoE

Not liking this New Testament DLC, God got nerfed big time. :(
Mar 05 2017 09:42 AM

Episteme → Acnologia

We BBS BFFs now colon three
Mar 05 2017 07:06 AM
  • Episteme's Photo
    That Unohana looks so good. She's made it onto my ever increasing list of must haves.

    Yeah, it's painful. 5-starred my purple Hojikuzai and got 1% SP. Did some fusion trials and managed a re-roll: 12% stamina. Went with the latter. Not great, but not the worst.

    Will do~

    I'd give him to you if I could.^^ But I'm like that too with Aizen, Rukia, Byakuya and Gin. Must have them all. Only missing OG Byakuya, SS Byakuya and FB Byakuya. Soon though... soon.

    Hai~ But my account's not that great with all those missing Kennys. xD

    I can see them doing the movies, but that Bount arc is never happening. No one wants aids so it wouldn't be well received at all.

    Editor-sama an IchiRuki shipper? Kek. Most probably yes given the ending.

    Must be the men. Can always identify a cuck from their supreme dislike of Aizen. And given the state of their society I can't say I'm surprised. I was actually thinking Chrysalis Aizen would be an ideal Frenzy character.

    Smimsuit Aizen... God in Heaven. I've wanted him for so long! I already have his design envisioned in my mind: white beach trousers with rolled seams just above the ankle; white shirt with just a few buttons done, just enough to see some pectoral action and the very top of his abs; and black shades resting atop his head. Effortlessly cool and dapper. They could get really creative with his special as well (unlike the current SS crop); I'd like to see something with water. Not only would it fit the seasonal theme, but it would be a nice throwback to Aizen hypnotising everyone into thinking he had a water type Zanpakuto. Ahhh, the possibilities!

    Serves me right for not venturing out beyond /pol/. But yes. Please. Would love to see anything (everything) from that meltdown.

    Wew... echo quotes. Now I'm really intrigued.

    No, I have not seen any twatter translations. Do you have links? But yeah, I know. The Kojima/Konami debacle reminded me all too well. But I always hope someone will one day say 'fuck it' and let loose in the most chaotic way possible.
    Mar 09 2017 11:12 PM
  • Acnologia's Photo
    Sorry for the hiatus. I come bearing gifts though.

    Hall of Anal Devastation - Bleach Edition: (there's A LOT of pics) http://imgur.com/gallery/XcMWY
    Hall of Anal Devastation - Deathberry Edition: http://imgur.com/a/FseWz
    OY VEY gremlin is clinically insane pt.1: https://schmaltzmama.tumblr.com/post/158191023577/me-with-my-happy-face-and-long-matches-before
    OY VEY gremlin is clinically insane pt.2: https://schmaltzmama.tumblr.com/post/152728153342/jaymeshanson-can-just-kiss-my-ass-this-was-a-few

    Kubo's new twitter: https://twitter.com/tite_official
    Translation: http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2016/11/17/bleach-author-shares-emotional-story-of-ending-manga

    Enjoy :3
    Mar 22 2017 03:44 AM
  • Episteme's Photo
    Wew. That was quite a ride. Those deathberry posts especially. Mein Gott, the level of entitlement and delusion. What they need to realise is that there isn't a competition and Rukia didn't 'lose' by not ending up with Ichigo. Yes, there were dire problems with the manga, but those problems would still exist even if it had ended IchiRuki. This is why shipping is cancer. At any rate, lots of laughs were had so thank you for sharing~

    Oh, and you weren't kidding about this (((Debbie))). Shit I almost spit out my tea when I saw her! Not only is she insane but a living breathing caricature as well.

    Honestly don't know what to think of Kubo's story. It's certainly sad but at the same time it seems to be a minor band-aid over a festering and gaping wound. Feel like he just wants to put everything to rest as amicably as possible.

    Anyway, I'll PM you my skype id. Been busy with uni and real life lately but should be able to find time for some co-op. Oh and congrats on your latest pulls, you did well. :3
    May 10 2017 10:39 PM

Zeando → disastrousmaster

i've just realized that yours and Rayman's avantars now look like out of season drunk santa pictures :o
Mar 04 2017 06:56 PM
  • Zeando's Photo
    and now i wonder if mentions work into profile feeds @Rayman
    Mar 04 2017 06:56 PM
  • Rayman's Photo
    Its a Christmas *hic* miracle!
    Mar 05 2017 05:10 AM
  • disastrousmaster's Photo
    haha nice
    Mar 07 2017 08:37 AM

ddboy102 → Scorpion2k4u

If I became famous for being famous would you still be friends with me.
Mar 04 2017 04:48 AM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    I don't want to be a trashy whore like Paris or Kim though.
    Mar 04 2017 04:48 AM

ddboy102 → DrugzRule

Drugz I want to be like Paris HIlton, famous for being famous.
Mar 04 2017 04:47 AM
  • DrugzRule's Photo
    Try being a Kardashian then. They are slightly more classy whores.
    Mar 04 2017 05:59 AM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    you think the Kards are classy, those whores have screwed their way to the bottom
    Mar 04 2017 06:01 AM
  • DrugzRule's Photo
    Which is why there should be a emphasis on "slightly". Being more classy than Paris Hilton is one of the easiest things in the world.
    Mar 04 2017 08:27 AM

Zeando → AYAME

are you going to be back for real? or just lurking around? :o
Mar 02 2017 08:15 AM


If you've never been beaten by an air-pumped pig bladder, you haven't lived.
Mar 01 2017 04:36 AM
  • Oben's Photo
    Hence I amended! Or how can you miss these glorious gentlemen?
    Mar 02 2017 03:57 AM
  • Otaku-N.'s Photo
    By not living there. Do they serve any other purpose than beating the crap out people?
    Mar 02 2017 07:44 AM
  • Oben's Photo
    They bring the witches to the stake to end winter every year.
    Yeah, carnival here is a little bit archaic XD
    Mar 02 2017 10:00 AM

Aurora → Pitou

Feb 27 2017 09:00 AM

ddboy102 → Strawhats

Where Are you?
Feb 26 2017 09:36 PM
  • Strawhats's Photo
    Found my way onto omf after a long time.
    Feb 27 2017 07:09 AM

Goddess Nike → ArSoNiSt JoE

Happy Birthday JoE
Feb 26 2017 07:45 PM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Thank you very much ^ ^ Can't believe I'm 29 :D Oh well at least my hairline is intact, that's what the most important! Once you lose that it's over! :D
    Feb 27 2017 04:34 AM

Shin → beakedbard

Happy Birthday, bb!!!
Feb 26 2017 06:24 PM

Shin → ArSoNiSt JoE

Happy Birthday, Joe!!!
Feb 26 2017 06:24 PM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Thanks my man, much appreciated :D
    Feb 26 2017 06:27 PM


Feb 26 2017 02:23 PM

Kid Frost → ArSoNiSt JoE

Happy Birthday!!!
Feb 26 2017 09:00 AM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Hahah thank you very much ^ ^
    Feb 26 2017 04:30 PM
  • Kid Frost's Photo
    Kid Frost
    What did you do yesterday?
    Feb 27 2017 09:51 AM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Well seeing that it was a Sunday, there wasn't much to do to be honest (I don't know how it is over there in the US, but Sundays are DEAD over here) but later on this week we're gonna have a little get together with the fam. My mother and sisters bought me a bottle of baileys! The expensive one! Somehow I managed to avoid tearing up until they left :D

    But damn, I'm 29 hahaha. I can't say that I'm 100% happy with where I'm at right now (Especially now that I'm looking for a new job after the company I was with folded last week, 2016 was just a bad year for me overall, kinda felt like I was about to go over the hump and then everything just got snatched away from me blergh), but the important thing is that I still have the same drive to get all the things that I want so when the opportunity comes I'll be ready for it.
    Feb 27 2017 10:00 AM