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Goddess Nike

I've done everything I can, so I'll have to let the chips fall where they may...Two weeks until Match Day and it can't get here fast enough because the stress is literally killing me.
Feb 25 2018 10:59 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Good luck!
    Feb 26 2018 12:45 AM
  • Goddess Nike's Photo
    Goddess Nike
    Thanks IS
    Feb 26 2018 08:21 AM
  • Phenomiracle's Photo
    Best of luck, thoughts are with you!
    Mar 01 2018 09:18 PM


Back to my roots! Throwback avatar :D
Feb 25 2018 01:13 PM
  • TheFireSage's Photo
    I may try it out this summer, depends on my work schedule!

    That's cool. I'm happy you're doing it. I'm with it 100%. When you're a kid you are the most unaffected by the "herd", innocent and true to yourself. TBH archaeology sounds hella fun mostly because it's wrapped in history and I LOVE history. Plus there's a plethora of other activities and community that comes with it.
    Mar 14 2018 06:18 PM
  • TheFireSage's Photo
    Cool as hell dude. o7
    Mar 14 2018 06:18 PM
  • Tokoya's Photo
    Yeah man it's a lot of fun :)
    Mar 14 2018 07:24 PM

TheFireSage → azer_moli

Hey Azer! Long time no see, how are things?
Feb 25 2018 12:10 PM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    Hey ^^
    Actually, so-so. Some health problems to deal with. Mostly passed, I should be able to be here more often again ^^ Hopefully... Every time I say that, something new comes up >_>
    Otherwise, I've been pretty great. Everything else is really good ^^ Except maybe my car, she's getting old, I may have to change it. But I like her so much... It's hard to say bye to your first car, you know?
    What about you?
    Mar 26 2018 03:03 PM
  • TheFireSage's Photo
    Same here. Life comes at you fast. Hopefully everything is okay, can't have azer getting sick! :(
    Ooh what kind is it? I still have mine lol. She's not going anywhere.
    I've been sick actually, past 3-4 months but I'm sure everything will turn out fine. Hows the mama and bitchy landlord lol
    Apr 04 2018 07:04 PM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    Indeed, it does. Well, yes, I'm mostly okay now, that's why I'm more active again ^^

    It's a Volkswagen Polo from 2006. Nothing too fancy xD We have small streets in France, it's better to have small cars --much easier to park. With her, I can even park in Paris 8-) But for now, I keep her. Until she tells me she can't take it anymore probably ^^

    Ah. You were sick too. That's a long time to be sick though, must have been quite serious. I'm sorry to hear that. But I'm glad you're seeing the end of the tunnel.

    Wait, mama and bitchy landlord? Hm... Was it my landlords from 2 years ago? I keep on moving almost every summer, so I'm not sure what you're referring to xD
    Apr 15 2018 11:25 AM

Goddess Nike → Phenomiracle

What do you think we should do with the first pick, get a replacement for Eli, grab the best running back or linebacker available, or address our offensive line? Personally I really like Saquon Barkley (well as a Michigan fan I technically hate him) but I wouldn't be mad if we took Roquan Smith or even Bradley Chubb.
Feb 25 2018 07:23 AM
  • Phenomiracle's Photo
    I like Chubb over everyone else. The modern-day Giants prosper best with a killer pass rush, he'd be a great anchor. I think we can afford missing Barkley.

    Hew're things with you~~ Certainly been a while.
    Mar 01 2018 09:16 PM
  • Phenomiracle's Photo
    Just saw his absurd combine performance.

    Giants better take him if he's still on the board.
    Mar 02 2018 06:11 PM

Goddess Nike → ArSoNiSt JoE

Do you have any special plans for today or tomorrow?
Feb 25 2018 07:18 AM
  • Goddess Nike's Photo
    Goddess Nike
    Also x2 what did you think about the games chosen for EVO? I know you said Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite was a disappointment (I haven't played it) but should it have been left off? How is Dragon Ball FighterZ?
    Feb 25 2018 07:21 AM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Hello Nike! Long time no see miss ^ ^ Hope all is well with you :D

    As for my 30th bday plans...we're having a little family get together tomorrow, so I may end up eating and drinking a lot :D Overall I'm 50-50, not exactly happy where my career is right now but on the other hand, my hairline is perfectly intact :D (And if my father is any indication, it'll be that way for a very long time). It all still feels kinda surreal though, 30 is a bit of milestone lol.

    Oh glad you liked them! and yes JC vs Chilla is a classic, a top 5 battle for me. And funny that you mention being happy that the crowd wasn't interrupting or anything, because SMACK has started holding smaller events like that again to bring back that feel. The first event was last year and it went pretty well for the most part (I saw it on PPV)

    as for EVO maaaan, I'm sad that Marvel got left off, but it deserved to be left off because it was a horrible, half-assed game put out by Capcom. Everything about it was a disaster, from the PR ("No one remembers the xmen", the "functions" comment), to the roster (NO XMEN), to the overall art direction and the battle for the stones tournament was a flop. Hate to say it but DBFZ kinda took Marvel's spot as the hype fighting game. It's pretty well made and its fun to play. So yeah MVCI is dead for sure. Hopefully Capcom learns from this lol. Having EVO with no Marvel is wild.

    So how have you been? anything new? how is motherhood treating you? :D
    Feb 25 2018 08:06 PM
  • Goddess Nike's Photo
    Goddess Nike
    I'll respond the rest properly another time but I want to wish you a Happy Birthday now in case I don't talk to you tomorrow. I hope you have a great time with your family.

    If you saw my status update than you know I'd be lying if I said I was fine. I've already finished all of my interviews weeks ago but the stress of waiting for Match Day is slowly but surely driving me insane. I don't even know what to do to calm myself down, it's like 24/7 anxiety and I can barely even sleep.

    The twins are fine (if not overly rambunctious) though, I'm finally spending more time with them again as before I was traveling around the country for my interviews.
    Feb 25 2018 11:39 PM

YoWid → Ganderath

Happy birthday!
Feb 24 2018 10:35 PM

YoWid → Otaku-N.

Happy birthday! Looking back, I've known you for almost 4 years. You're the second person I DM'ed with after Makaze--still with your Amuro ava. Time flies...
Feb 23 2018 01:46 AM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Feb 23 2018 01:46 AM

YoWid → Kurapika

Happy b'day, Pika!
Feb 22 2018 09:35 PM

ddboy102 → Chillman

need you to follow some peope on instagram for me.
Feb 17 2018 12:14 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    Cam Newton
    Arian Foster - Instant Message him telling him to call me.
    Jimmy Butler
    Von Miller - I think he blocked me.
    Feb 17 2018 12:15 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo

    also I don't think Cam Blocked me I just think he took a break from Social Media.
    Apr 02 2018 03:30 PM

hollowhowl7 → Maika

once again, we've done 100 messages
Feb 16 2018 10:21 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    hehe and neither am I @w@ unless one of us moves closer to the other :3 depends on how well thought out those plans are, but jo O;
    why are you hiding bebe? oCo I mean I guess lol, as long as you agree to be the king owo we shall get rid of them all G; /kisshugholdtight
    yus, which is good *hugglecuddle* ;B haha I need picture proof then @u@
    nuo, you're just so silly that you can't see it bebu C; ♥
    good, that would be quite weird and uncomfortable X3 indeeds, and you won't know what kind of stalker they are until it's too late! ouo <3 /kisshug
    is that an expression? >3 well, at least nicer lol \>w<\ hehe same here, I decided early on that I didn't wanna be a farmer *hugglenom* XB
    we can still say just goldfish, just makes it easier to remember thinking aboot keyleth lol ;3 yus! in an adult relationship ;b yeap, there are all kinds of problems @~@ /hughugtight
    Apr 27 2018 03:14 AM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    maybe I'll just have to stop wearing pants @w@ I mean, you never know what'll happen :3 a detailed one is generally well thought out O;
    so I can peak in without being disturbed oCo I'll always be your king omo deeeetriot smaaaash-a! G; /kisshugholdtight
    gotta find what's best in the end *hugglecuddle* ;B I'll have my people fax your people @u@
    I dunno, still seems pretty odd to me C; ♥
    lol jo, even for me X3 but an ex-stalker is still not the same thing ouo <3 /kisshug
    more or less, yus >D same thing in some cases />W</ maybe if I had grown up with it, but still prefer building things *hugglenom* XB
    haha okie dokies then ;3 yohohoho well we both know that for a fact d; just need someone to be there to help with 'em @~@ /hughugtight
    Apr 28 2018 09:07 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    hm what are you going to wear instead? @w@ nope, anything could happen really :3 not always tho O;
    aw who is disturbing you? oCo hehe yus owo lol that's one way to do it G; /kisshugholdtight
    mhm, eventually you'll find something if you look *hugglecuddle* ;B who are those people? @u@
    you're so used to your own silliness C; ♥
    yeap, so that won't happen X3 they could get back into it tho ouo <3 /kisshug
    what does it mean then? >3 possibly yus, I also just like to have it a little bit shorter \>W<\ jo I can see why that is more fun *hugglenom* XB
    up to you too tho ;3 mhm, cuz we are not fooling around ;b sometimes easier than other times @~@ /hughugtight
    Apr 30 2018 01:49 AM
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Furinji Saiga → Chillman

happy birthday brah
Feb 07 2018 05:49 PM


Hikaru no Go manages to get even better every reread
Feb 07 2018 04:51 PM

m1hawkgsm → Miss Coquine

*waves* Federer fan eh? ;D
Feb 07 2018 03:22 PM
  • Miss Coquine's Photo
    Miss Coquine
    No no Nadal not a fan of his style of play. Also very rare to be a fan of both you either love one and hate the other :p Great athlete though.

    What you are active on discord now that I left there? I see what you did there. yes I'm mostly on Skype.

    Any news on Sloan? He's completely dissapeared?
    Feb 11 2018 03:05 PM
  • m1hawkgsm's Photo
    :lolxg: Federer is much more graceful to be fair, I respect that :) Yeah it is, quite polar, sort of like Messi vs. Ronaldo but a bit more fierce. I enjoy both but I'm not a legit fan (CASUALL lol).

    When did you leave?? I've popped in a few times in the past, never saw you!! In any case, I shall bother you on Skype. I have a little bit more free time now.

    I haven't seen him in a long ass minute, did he say he was ghosting or just suddenly disappeared?
    Feb 12 2018 12:27 PM
  • Miss Coquine's Photo
    Miss Coquine
    He suddenly disappeared from everywhere. Sad I miss his humour.
    It’s been about a year since I left. The mood within the chat just didn’t feel “right” for me

    I’m glad you’re well and hope you’ll post more often here <3
    Feb 24 2018 06:43 PM

Dark Sasuke_101 → DrugzRule

Dumbo jokes? ;D
Jan 28 2018 09:39 PM
  • Dark Sasuke_101's Photo
    Dark Sasuke_101
    Just hope to never like poop.
    Mar 06 2018 08:44 AM
  • DrugzRule's Photo
    Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop Scat Man!!
    Mar 06 2018 02:46 PM
  • Dark Sasuke_101's Photo
    Dark Sasuke_101
    And their sidekick vomit boy
    Mar 06 2018 06:53 PM
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2018 is already here!
Jan 21 2018 09:28 PM