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ArSoNiSt JoE

NBA Offseason >>>>>
Jul 12 2019 12:02 AM
  • Goddess Nike's Photo
    Goddess Nike
    It looks like next year will be pretty interesting.
    Jul 14 2019 09:38 PM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Yeah, a shame that Durant will be out for the season though. but I wanna see what Kawhi and George Paul (Skip voice) and Lebron and AD do. but the biggest question is who is gonna pass the ball to who when it comes to Russ and Harden
    Jul 15 2019 01:31 PM

ArSoNiSt JoE

"I am as far beyond weeaboos as they are beyond you normies" - Apocalypse-chan
Jul 09 2019 11:05 PM
  • Kazekage's Photo
    "I'm the shore upon which ships break!"
    Sep 27 2019 03:15 AM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    "There is no freedom from me, only freedom through me....BAKA!"
    Sep 28 2019 04:32 PM

m1hawkgsm → Phenomiracle

Ahoy bud, you alive?
Jul 03 2019 11:42 PM

Goddess Nike → DaEvilWithin

Happy Birthday
Jul 03 2019 10:29 PM
  • DaEvilWithin's Photo
    Thank you so much!!!
    Jul 04 2019 07:07 AM

ddboy102 → DaEvilWithin

Happy B.day
Jul 02 2019 08:17 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    Also congrats on winning the NBA finals.

    we should hang with my husband Drake.

    or hang out on my boyfriend's Yacht Anthony Joshua he is from the UK and his accent is sexy.
    Jul 02 2019 08:20 PM
  • DaEvilWithin's Photo
    Thanks!!! The NBA finals were out of this world.
    Jul 04 2019 07:07 AM

Kilgore_troute → MattC302

Hey are you still on here? I can’t rememver the name of a manga you recommended years ago. The main char could talk to animals...
Jun 30 2019 08:04 PM
  • MattC302's Photo
    Doubutsu no Kuni
    Jul 30 2020 02:42 AM


Rip to the Joyconboyz leader Etika :(
Jun 25 2019 09:13 PM

Kid Frost → m1hawkgsm

Jun 21 2019 07:16 PM
  • m1hawkgsm's Photo
    Oi! You found me!
    Jun 23 2019 10:48 PM

ArSoNiSt JoE

Steph Curry needs more help ;=;
Jun 05 2019 10:53 PM


May 28 2019 04:36 AM


My last Status was accidentally naughty ;~;
May 20 2019 08:34 AM

hollowhowl7 → Maika

100 more messages down bebe B:
Apr 22 2019 07:14 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    nope, but that will change in the future I'm sure @w@ the burnt side? :3 hehe yus O;
    okies bebu oCo true, hopefully he'll get his internet to the weekend after then owo /kisshugholdtight
    I dunno aboot that *hugglecuddle* ;B
    then I will await my chance for revenge! C; ♥
    which is good ofc X3 <33 /kisshug
    I knows, do want me to change it to most people snore? >3 I guess, or any other memory-losing disease *hugglenom* XB
    May 28 2019 11:50 PM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    we can take some actual vacations together now @w@ yea, though now they just unplugged the radio altogether :3 only a couple more days left O;
    lol yea, been too long without some proper D&Ding omo /kisshugholdtight
    what's so unbelieveable aboot it? *hugglecuddle* ;B
    once I've let my guard down, eh? C; ♥
    mhm, probs wouldn't be working so well if that weren't true X3 <33 /kisshug
    nuo, is fine, I'm not bothered by snoring >D yeap, but we will make new ones with each other *hugglenom* XB
    May 29 2019 07:17 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    mhm, that will be great @w@ ahwells, it's all going to be gone :3 tomorrow I will see you~ O;
    it has indeed owo /kisshugholdtight
    well I just don't think their range is that far, to talk to dead fish on shore *hugglecuddle* ;B
    heheehe C; ♥
    maybe so, we've both changed some over the years tho by being together X3 <33 /kisshug
    even I have snored before, but I don't think I do it often >3 for as long as we can bebu *hugglenom* XB
    May 31 2019 12:05 AM

ArSoNiSt JoE → Tokoya

Congrats on winning March Madness bruh. Knew you could do it :P
Mar 31 2019 11:47 PM
  • Tokoya's Photo
    Lol, thanks man!
    Apr 01 2019 11:39 AM

Insane Soul → Peleihno

Been a while boy.
Mar 31 2019 11:22 PM
  • Peleihno's Photo
    Real long while.
    Apr 16 2019 05:37 PM

Dark Sasuke_101 → Hadz-x

Hey no pants! Remember me?
Mar 30 2019 07:51 PM
  • Hadz-x's Photo
    The real question is, how could I forget?
    Mar 31 2019 10:19 PM
  • Dark Sasuke_101's Photo
    Dark Sasuke_101
    You can't lol
    Apr 02 2019 06:18 AM