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ArSoNiSt JoE → azer_moli

just dropping by to send you positive energy and hope you stay safe during the pandemic ^ ^
Mar 26 2020 12:08 AM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    Thank you Joe <3
    Same to you~
    I hope it's not too terrible where you are. Here, it's starting to be quite complicated... While in Italy, it's really scary...
    Take care, Joe!
    Mar 28 2020 05:22 AM


Don't know when it happened but yay for reaching the 2000th post!
Mar 24 2020 12:39 PM


Mar 24 2020 06:50 AM

DaEvilWithin → Abu Dun

Been a while Abu Dun. How you been?
Mar 22 2020 04:52 PM
  • Abu Dun's Photo
    Abu Dun
    Since I last visited, some things did indeed happen. For instance, I finished my Masters Degree, I'm currently working full-time in a hotel (or would be if not for Corona), in late 2019 I had to be isolated for a few weeks due to a potentially nasty virus (which would have went undetected if I hadn't donated blood) and starting in May I'm going to work in a communal archive (more or less what I studied and a job that is virtually immune against shutdowns) - in other words, life continues to be busy and time for Manga and this forum has been short, but other than that? Everything is fine and I'm more or less the same as always, just a bit older^^ How did it go for you?
    Mar 23 2020 10:30 AM
  • DaEvilWithin's Photo
    Congratulations on finishing your Masters degree! What is the communal archive all about? I have no friends who do anything like that so I'm super interested.

    I'm the same way -- I barely tune into OMF these days. I still read quite a bit of manga but at a level of scrutiny akin to a kindergartner. No more essays, haha. I'm also more or less the same as always. I did move to NYC (although I'm back in Canada right now because of COVID-19). A lot manga that is discussed these days doesn't hit me the same way unfortunately.
    Apr 08 2020 11:12 AM
  • Abu Dun's Photo
    Abu Dun
    Hi there and sorry for the late reply. Well, a communal archive is, essentially, the long-term memory of a village, town or county and basically the place where its most valuable (and usually unique) historic documents are being stored so that everyone who wants to can access them. E.g. to do family research, learn about how political decisions about specific topics came to be or how the place one lives in looked like 50, 100 or 500 years ago :) Until just a few years ago, solely with specific projects in mind, but nowadays most of it is accessible without limitations (unless specific laws to protect the rights for the indivual are concerned) - due to the sheer amount (the archive I'm at has a storage of about 3 Km of shelves, is close to topping that out - and considered relatively modest in size), digitalisation takes its time, but efforts are made to make things accessible from all around the planet. In fact, you could, from your flat in NYC, do research in millions of documents that are already avaiable online without ever needing to visit the archive where it actually is stored^^

    When reading through the documents (especially those from about 1900 to the late 1930s), there's one recurring thing I always find to be especially interesting - and puzzling at the same time: In a lot of cases, one could simply scratch the original date off, show the part in question to strangers and they'd often think them to be about recent topics. Meaning that, despite so much time having passed, the tone and style of argueing hasn't changed all that much - depending on the actual topic, this realization can vary from slight amusement to outright fear over the state of things...

    As for Manga, I agree that many of the new stuff isn't really pulling me in. There are some exceptions, but after nearing 1000 read/watched Manga and Anime, there might be a point of saturation reached. That or my preferences simply changed due to getting older ^^
    Jul 15 2023 04:48 AM


Mar 22 2020 04:25 PM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    It's been almost a year, and nothing has changed. That's pretty depressing!
    Jan 30 2021 04:30 PM
  • Mordzart's Photo
    yup we are still alive :O
    Feb 03 2021 02:15 PM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    That is a fair point!
    Feb 05 2021 11:12 AM

Insane Soul

Oh boy, don't they get enough money with BnH, OP and Kimetsu? Why waste resources in bleach.
Mar 19 2020 12:29 AM

YoWid → zetruz

A wild zetruz appeared!
Mar 06 2020 04:24 AM

Goddess Nike → ArSoNiSt JoE

Happy Birthday, hope all is well
Feb 26 2020 08:31 PM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Thank you very much! ^ ^ And I'm good, stressed with work but good. I take solace in the fact my hairline is impeccable at 32 :P As long as it never recedes back, my life can never be whack hehe
    Feb 26 2020 11:17 PM


realizing now that ive been on this godforsaken website for over a decade
Feb 26 2020 01:18 PM
  • vooder's Photo
    Mar 28 2020 01:39 AM
  • YoWid's Photo
    And for another decade to come.
    Jun 15 2020 06:28 PM

ZCOverload → Insane Soul

bud its been a min, just checkin in see how you're doin
Feb 26 2020 01:16 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Same o same o
    Apr 22 2020 06:07 AM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    good to hear my mans
    Apr 27 2020 05:15 PM

ddboy102 → Ganderath

o gand happy B.day
Feb 23 2020 07:57 PM

ddboy102 → ramz91

happy b.day
Feb 09 2020 06:14 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    also ramz I've completed my training.

    I am the last jedi.
    Feb 09 2020 06:14 PM


Exactly 10 years ago, I started reading One Piece. Time flies XD
Feb 02 2020 03:57 PM
  • Tale's Photo
    Will be fourteen years for me this summer. xD Got old along with the manga.
    Mar 16 2020 03:23 PM
  • Oben's Photo
    Before I found Onemanga, I read chapters on Youtube where people uploaded it as videos panel by panel :D

    It's been with me for my entire adult life, it'll be so weird when it ends.
    Mar 18 2020 12:15 PM
  • Tale's Photo
    I used to read spoilers on Youtube. But for the manga itself, I used to download the chapters in zip files because I had no idea sites like OM existed. I had a 1Gb cap on my internet back then so it was a huge pain to download all the chapters. :')
    Mar 20 2020 06:06 AM

ddboy102 → Enbima

Enbima, I forget which one of us the older member of OMF. I know I joined in 2007/08 ish
Jan 27 2020 12:58 PM
  • Enbima's Photo
    I joined 2009
    Jan 28 2020 07:56 AM

ddboy102 → Raiden

Raiden I'm assembling a strike team to go after Kubo, Bleach doesn't need a 20 year anniversary it needs to be burnt at the stake for the witch she is.
Jan 27 2020 12:24 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    Also sadly, after the Big 3 ended I've really stopped reading manga, I've been mostly reading american graphic novels.
    Jan 27 2020 12:24 PM
  • Raiden's Photo
    uhm alright? ^^ I dont think I can help you with that though OP is still going on strong :D
    Jan 27 2020 12:41 PM