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Insane Soul

Oh Biorg Trinity, what will I ever do withou- Oh right...HAO MY LORD
May 24 2018 07:25 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Whatever happened to JoJo?
    May 26 2018 02:09 PM
  • Oben's Photo
    Definitely one of my favorites, but it was never *the* most favorite
    May 26 2018 02:30 PM
  • Oben's Photo
    I even have an HxH avatar right now :P
    May 26 2018 02:34 PM


sjlkfajflslk it took me like 4 years but I finally read my hero academia
May 15 2018 08:43 PM
  • Dark Sasuke_101's Photo
    Dark Sasuke_101
    It's been sooo long since I saw you.
    May 17 2018 11:26 AM
  • Godpachi's Photo
    @Soul: MY MORTAL ENEMY!!!!!

    @Dark: I knoooow! I'm so sorry, my twin! I'll be on regularly again, so we can catch up!
    May 18 2018 10:20 AM
  • Dark Sasuke_101's Photo
    Dark Sasuke_101
    Hope so.
    May 18 2018 12:04 PM

ArSoNiSt JoE → Kid Frost

Happy belated Mothers Day Tracy :D
May 14 2018 05:15 AM
  • Kid Frost's Photo
    Kid Frost
    Thank you!!!
    May 23 2018 06:26 AM

ArSoNiSt JoE → Goddess Nike

Happy belated Mothers Day Nike :D
May 14 2018 05:14 AM

Insane Soul

I wasted 24 of my life living in that goddamn country, a realization that took 3 days living outside of it.
May 08 2018 05:57 PM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    Oh, so you are finally in Colombia? I'm glad :)
    I met a Venezuelan not long ago. Told me how his mother was dying there because there was no more food nor medication, until he and his siblings managed to get her out of the country.
    Good luck for all that is upcoming.
    May 09 2018 06:48 AM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Thank you!.

    Yeah, situation is ridiculous over there right now, only solution is to leave the country.

    Thanks again.
    May 09 2018 08:58 AM


After all these years, I have finally read Berserk! Hooray!
May 08 2018 04:48 PM
  • Oben's Photo
    Although apparently the author is even worse than Togashi at putting out chapters ^^
    May 09 2018 03:11 PM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    That's the main reason why I haven't started yet ^^"
    May 10 2018 03:25 AM
  • Oben's Photo
    In that case, you might never get to start though at all...
    May 10 2018 04:30 AM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    I loved everything of this Fight.
    May 03 2018 09:19 PM
  • gamria's Photo
    Right? I love that at first, you thought it would be the same as before and you've merely found the trick to solve this obstacle once and for all. But no, that was merely a trigger to bring you to the real stage, which is something very different from anything you've seen before, in a good, clever and exciting way.
    May 04 2018 04:48 AM

Insane Soul

And thus, I am finally free.
May 03 2018 07:57 PM
  • Oben's Photo
    May 04 2018 07:13 AM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Thank you!
    May 04 2018 02:40 PM

Tainted Gene

Hahaha... the more things change, the more things stay the same. Kinda scary just how fast time flies
May 03 2018 01:45 PM

hollowhowl7 → Maika

100 down, 100 to go omo/
Apr 30 2018 05:39 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    mhm, she does both @w@ there aren't as many opportunities to die here in comparison :3 yea, another one is on it's way but it should only last a few days here O;
    prob not, but who knows oCo is that how it works? owo still not as loud as the city G; /kisshugholdtight
    yus, exactly *hugglecuddle* ;B maybe, they would've had it easier if they did it before we started monitoring space @u@
    I think you got your numbers wrong C; ♥
    ofc you gotta have a hobby or so, many retired people over here find something fun they like to do X3 nope, and they don't know us as well as we do ouo <3 /kisshug
    or that, but they'd prob have a reason to believe so then >3 how rude, was it cuz he thought the opposite? \>w<\ there are job openings every now and again ofc *hugglenom* XB
    yep that's for sure ;3 mhm, I hope it last for a bit longer ;b okays, well it's up to you @~@ /hughugtight
    Aug 06 2018 11:48 PM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    hehe goodie, I'll boop you with mah snoot too @w@ I mean, there are more things here than in outerspace, right? :3 ours is still going strong O;
    I'm not big into leading stuff so oCo ofc, always gotta have some support omo lol I dunno, those damned cicadas can get pretty loud G; /kisshugholdtight
    but I don't drink to get drunk at least *hugglecuddle* ;B assuming their technology isn't much more advanced than ours? @u@
    nah, I did all the calculations twice~! C; ♥
    what if my hobby is working though? X3 nope, despite thinking they do for some reason ouo <3 /kisshug
    animal instinct/craziness >D no, it was more him just making crude remarks about it being "sexier" with her and you or something />w</ for my field of work? *hugglenom* XB
    the world has advanced past what was previously established ;3 jo, just depends on everyone else d; if I get around to it, only need more space really @~@ /hughugtight
    Aug 08 2018 05:19 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    then I boop you with mai snoot back @w@ if humans go out there, they are most likely after a planet which I'm sure will have plenty of ways :3 jo, do you think it will last all month still? O;
    neither am I really, at least not right now oCo what aboot All Might? owo we don't have any cicadas over here bebe G; /kisshugholdtight
    nope, I wouldn't drink for that reason either *hugglecuddle* ;B I dunno bebe, it could be but who knows @u@
    well I think you are using the wrong formula, since I got the opposite result! C; ♥
    that's fine too, maybe you'll start your own little business X3 they think they know everything but they are so wrong ouo <3 /kisshug
    if someone did something that seemed threatning, then sure >3 hmm in comparison to what now? \>w<\ yes, even your field of work bebe *hugglenom* XB
    it has, and people should stop being lazy about changing things up ;3 and whether or not you have to work weekends ;b is it space for things you would need? @~@ /hughugtight
    Aug 08 2018 11:49 PM
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YoWid → Wingman

Happy birthday, Wingster. Here's your tree fiddy.
Apr 28 2018 01:44 PM

YoWid → GintaMan

Happy birthday, bro. I was being a huge dick before, so I could understand if you don't wanna forgive me on that, though.
Apr 28 2018 01:43 PM

Fulmine → DaEvilWithin

Glad that latest chapter confirms the fact that Marco's hype is no hype. Luffy suprassed him like an afterthought
Apr 27 2018 09:46 PM
  • DaEvilWithin's Photo
    188 cm.

    I'm saying if LeBron was in the West and not on the Warriors (or Spurs), he just loses in the Conference finals instead of the actual finals. Extrapolating his 3 - 5 record to be 3 - 0, if that makes sense.

    Gandharva is arguably worse scum than Sagara haha.
    May 16 2018 09:28 AM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    Wow, Sakuragi Hanamichi material. Ah, Sabo, too. And that's a ''good'' height. 1+8+8=17 which is the best number ever.

    Oh. Well, if he was in Lakers...oh wait, that wouldn't work with Kobe LOL. Maybe Dallas? Or Suns? In theory, would still be strong.

    Yeah, he was. But he's granted special treatment on account of my love for TeoxGandharva haha. I mean scum as in characters I hate anw. I kinda want to see Gandharva back when he was evil though. Not sure how Menaka changed that. Speaking of that, I realize currygom never told us about Sura population and history. Everytime we get to see Sura realm, it was always scenes with relevant characters who know each other which kinda makes an impression/illusion of small community LOL but then universe has existed for like millions of years and Gandharva only changed like in the last millenium so that means it took a long time for him to meet Menaka even though he was king of his clan and should have known everyone, unless Vishnu kept creating new Nastika or Menaka somehow went under radar for that long.
    May 16 2018 10:03 AM
  • DaEvilWithin's Photo
    Well you got your wish for backstory!
    Jun 11 2018 12:58 PM