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ArSoNiSt JoE

just give the NBA championship to the nets already
Mar 20 2021 09:34 PM
  • Gnag's Photo
    No, the balls belong to the nets, Joe. Do you not know how basketball works?
    Mar 21 2021 04:23 PM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    lmao. and how have you been? long time no see
    Mar 21 2021 08:08 PM
  • Gnag's Photo
    Fantastic! Everything in life just heading in all the right places you know! :) How about yourself, what are you up to? Still coding on that mountain hill top in your tropical paradise?
    Mar 22 2021 02:35 AM

Insane Soul

Don't you love that feeling of sending a PM and the recipient doesn't answer you back? I used to love it but it is now your turn, how does it feel?
Mar 12 2021 09:43 PM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    Happens often on Messenger too xD Maybe it's someone who doesn't come often ;) I mean, I don't use anymore the email address on which I received notifications for OMF for example. You never know.
    Now if it's me, except if it's urgent, I'd forget about it... >_> <_< >_> That happened way too often, even with my students X'D
    Mar 13 2021 08:21 AM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Oh I agree. Back in the day I wanted to keep everyone on contact because I hated to ignore replies. But there were a few friends that did take forever to reply and sometimes it was annoying. But I look back at how sometimes the role gets reversed, given I still get in contact with friends I made since this and the old forum started. So I know when they decide to pretend to be gone/dead and I find it hilarious, It is a good thing it doesn't happen to me any longer!
    Mar 14 2021 08:42 PM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    I'm often one of those that take forever XD For short messages, I answer right away, but if it's long, I'm like "nah, not now, I'll do it later", and "later" can be a while.
    You know how you have short messages with someone, and the more it goes, the longer the messages get? It makes me anxious somehow XD I prefer when it's one thing at a time :3
    Mar 16 2021 08:47 AM


The latest One Piece chapter makes me wish this forum is as active as it used to be a few years ago.
Mar 10 2021 11:21 PM


its cold
Mar 06 2021 01:49 PM
  • ilikewaffles's Photo
    may I suggest adding alcohol
    Mar 07 2021 03:45 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    any day of the week
    Mar 07 2021 09:57 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Mar 06 2021 03:02 AM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    Finally about to come up :D Thank you! I didn't see it pass ^^ Will be nice to rewatch some anime. I haven't for like a year XD
    Mar 13 2021 08:30 AM


Even more convinced now that TX is trying to kill me lol
Mar 03 2021 06:10 PM


Spider-chan#9270 , sometimes on steam at https://steamcommunity.com/id/Nefelpitou/
Mar 03 2021 11:44 AM
  • Pitou's Photo
    Made sure not to change my account links so these should still work if you read this in 2022 or '23. I'm less social than I used to be so I never bothered to get a working mic and I am set to appear offline a lot. That doesn't mean I won't talk to you, it just means you might need to wait for a reply sometimes. I still read manga (maybe more than before). I play non-steam FFXIV (malboro server, crystal date centre), rarely WoW, various single player steam games.
    Mar 03 2021 11:53 AM


Is there a discord of this forum?
Mar 02 2021 09:29 PM
  • Metal Heart's Photo
    Metal Heart
    Not an official one to my knowledge? I know some friend groups have private discord servers, not that I am in any of them anymore.
    Mar 03 2021 01:00 AM

ArSoNiSt JoE → Chillman

Aye Chillman, are you still chill...man?
Feb 27 2021 09:54 AM
  • Chillman's Photo
    Mar 08 2021 04:31 AM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    haha stellar response on a lot of levels. Hope you're doing well :D
    Mar 08 2021 10:24 PM

Goddess Nike → ArSoNiSt JoE

Happy Birthday, I hope you enjoyed it
Feb 26 2021 11:44 PM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    THank you very much Nike! Much appreciates :) And long time no see. I hope that you and your family are doing well ^ ^

    And I'm still up for the MK11 fade!!!
    Feb 27 2021 07:17 PM
  • Goddess Nike's Photo
    Goddess Nike
    Work has been kicking my ass but other than that nothing to complain about. I got vaccinated last month so that's one less thing for me to worry about.

    I haven't played it in forever so give me some time to shake off the rust and then I'm coming for your neck.
    Feb 27 2021 10:06 PM

ArSoNiSt JoE

Bang Bang
Feb 25 2021 05:51 PM
  • Kid Frost's Photo
    Kid Frost
    Happy Birthday, did you get a gun as your birthday present lol?
    Feb 26 2021 07:07 PM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Thank you for the bday wishes! ^ ^ And hahah no I didn't lmao, just a random status haha. How are you? Hope you've been good, with the pandemic and all that.
    Feb 27 2021 07:18 PM


Feb 24 2021 08:17 AM

ddboy102 → Ajh77

Happy Birthday but I do want the money you owe me.
Feb 14 2021 04:55 PM

Metal Heart

Jujutsu Kaisen is still really good and now also has a fantastic anime adaptation.
Feb 03 2021 03:49 AM
  • Gnag's Photo
    I find it hillarious that this is yet again something that we do not agree on. Hahaha. Jujutsu kaisen is whack bad rn. It started out so cool but man, the direction it has been taking is just weird.
    Mar 22 2021 02:41 AM
  • Metal Heart's Photo
    Metal Heart
    Nah I fucking love it, it's legit my favorite running jump manga currently.

    And I dont want to hear that from someone who thinks Reborn was any sort of tolerable.

    But we are never going to agree on anything and that is fine XD
    Mar 22 2021 05:55 PM

ddboy102 → zetruz

Jan 31 2021 02:48 PM