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YoWid → Petite Fleur

Dec 22 2019 03:01 AM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Wish you doing good there. Doing fine myself. Got used to get back here now and again, just to suffer.


    Nah i just missed the vibe.
    Dec 22 2019 10:00 PM
  • Petite Fleur's Photo
    Petite Fleur
    There's a vibe?
    Dec 24 2019 12:06 AM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Good point, that's inaccurate.


    I mean doom and gloom. Missed it. Time and again.
    Jan 09 2020 12:21 AM

Aurora → beakedbard

He lives?
Dec 03 2019 09:34 AM
  • beakedbard's Photo
    Yeah of course he does. XD

    Been a long while since i've seen you how is everything?
    Feb 16 2020 10:42 PM
  • Aurora's Photo
    BB<3 Still alive!! I have been alright I guess?

    How have you been?
    I miss you
    Sep 22 2020 11:54 AM

Aurora → Pitou

Dec 03 2019 09:24 AM
  • Aurora's Photo
    IT WAS A FLOWER. I have aged.
    /leaves imaginary cherry blossom
    Dec 03 2019 09:34 AM

ddboy102 → Chillman

Nov 16 2019 09:49 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    Did you buy sword and shield?
    Just curious, I really want to play a new pokemon series, I like some of the new designs but it has some serious issues.

    I don't want to pay 50% when I personally know I won't like the changes made.
    Nov 16 2019 09:50 PM
  • Chillman's Photo
    I don't have a switch. I've been watching streamers and playthroughs.
    Nov 21 2019 04:12 PM

m1hawkgsm → singleturbo

Literally been looking all over, where's your avatar from? It was a reasonably well known manga but I can't remember the name for the life of me :(
Nov 08 2019 02:02 PM
  • singleturbo's Photo
    It's a rotation (old now)

    1. Yuki and Shou from "Good Ending (GE)"
    2. Yuuko from "Tasogare Otome x Amnesia" (Dusk Maiden of Amnesia)
    3. Dal Dal from "Girls of the Wilds"
    4. Jae-in from "Green Boy"
    Nov 14 2019 11:37 PM
  • m1hawkgsm's Photo
    Thank you! Good Ending was the one that completely eluded me. The others, however, I will look up. Thanks again <3
    Nov 15 2019 02:42 PM

ddboy102 → DaEvilWithin

Have you been keeping up with the pokemon news. Its all turrible.
Nov 04 2019 12:46 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    Glad to see I wasn't the only one. I could deal with the graphic because it was never a big thing. But to lie like that and continue like nothing happened.

    How easy it looks, I saw a starter one shot an ace/gigamax pokemon. Also lack of post-game.
    Nov 14 2019 11:50 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    This aged well.
    Apr 22 2020 05:16 PM
  • DaEvilWithin's Photo
    Apr 23 2020 04:33 PM

Zaev → Shin

What would it take to get D-Russ from you in our basketball league?
Oct 24 2019 02:07 PM
  • Shin's Photo
    Maybe a package for Donovan Mitchell? I'm opening to moving him but I need to see what my teams needs most I guess for a bit.
    Oct 24 2019 05:07 PM

Phenomiracle → m1hawkgsm

What's up fool, still chilling in NJ?
Oct 24 2019 01:10 PM
  • m1hawkgsm's Photo
    Yep, always. Just moved into Jersey City actually. Where are you?
    Oct 27 2019 12:28 AM

Phenomiracle → m1hawkgsm

What's up fool, still chilling in NJ?
Oct 24 2019 01:10 PM

Phenomiracle → Goddess Nike

So you're turning 30 soon :)
Oct 24 2019 12:56 PM

m1hawkgsm → Godpachi

Hiya! I see a few survivors remain :)
Oct 22 2019 11:14 PM
  • Godpachi's Photo
    Not anymore unfortunately. It's really my fault. I'm just so bad at keeping in touch with people, because I lack social skills. lmfao I feel so horrible, but I do miss them.
    Nov 15 2019 11:03 PM
  • m1hawkgsm's Photo
    Nah it's understandable, I wouldn't shade yourself like that. It's not easy keeping up over the years especially when everyone has different stuff happening in life. That you're here and talking to people here and there is a great sign you def care and doing your best :)

    What are you up to nowadays?
    Dec 07 2019 06:21 PM
  • Godpachi's Photo
    *cries* Th-thank you. ;A;

    Nothing really. I took a break from college to find myself and I think I’m slowly getting there. Been finding new things to get passionate about. Lately, I’ve been trying to get back into the groove of reading manga and watching anime. After Bleach and Naruto, I kind of gave up. BNHA has sparked my passion again.

    How about you? <3
    Dec 13 2019 03:03 PM

m1hawkgsm → azer_moli

So I finally traveled to France, Paris, predictably xD. Even visited my previous company's headquarters! Was with a group, but thought about your face! How are you, old friend?
Oct 22 2019 11:01 PM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    How was it? I must admit I don't like Paris as a city xD It has wonderful buildings and museums here and there, but I hate the city in itself :3.
    I hope you enjoyed it anyway ^^
    Otherwise, I'm fine! What about you?
    Nov 03 2019 04:58 AM
  • m1hawkgsm's Photo
    Pfahahaha, I can understand why, the people can be extraordinarily cold, rude, and self-important. But I come from a city myself, so I understand it, although I don't necessarily condone it!
    I did! As you say, the buildings, museums, paths, and general ambiance was very rewarding to visit. The food obviously was fantastic, although I suspect other parts of France will also have mind-blowing cuisine to try!!
    I'm alright, between new job and new home, it's been a wicked end of summer, but now looking to relax more into the winter. Still on my data science and programming career, enjoying it well.

    How's teaching and general life?
    Nov 08 2019 01:39 PM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    That's exactly it. And the dirtiness.
    Haha, yeah, depending on where you go in France, food can be entirely different xD Even in the way of cooking: in the north, people cook a lot with butter, while in the south, it's always with olive oil. I must admit I love this diversity that we have.
    I'm glad it's slowing down so that you can relax. It's definitely important.
    Teaching's going well, but I hate driving and traffic jams. It's just something that is not normal in a small country, so it's incredibly heavy on my mind and causes a great deal of tiredness. I mean, having to wake up at 5:30 when you start working at 8:00... nope, not in our habits. In general though, it's going well :)
    Nov 20 2019 08:32 AM

m1hawkgsm → YoWid

You're still around, ain't'cha?
Oct 22 2019 10:56 PM
  • m1hawkgsm's Photo
    Not too shabby, gotta admit. Changed jobs, homes, wives, all the rest. How about yourself?
    Oct 27 2019 12:27 AM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Wot, you no longer with VainDay/Nami? Don't go around seeking some nubile asian mail bride(s) to fill the void now, loverboi.

    Married now myself (not with Maiaku, mind you), decided to not have kids with waifu cuz crapsack society, got a steady peanuts-for-pay full time job, but just enough to make ends meet and save a little for my death by suicide at the age of 39. In other words, so-so.

    So, what keeps you coming back here? Keeping in touch wth @zetruz and others?

    I dunno, mang, this place like a limbo, I know all those moments and memories are lost forever, but I got some inexplicable unfinished business, dunno what tho hha
    Dec 18 2019 11:05 PM
  • YoWid's Photo
    I'm talkin purgatorio, by the way, not that "how low can you go" dance/game--though, in hindsight, that works too. Huh.
    Dec 18 2019 11:08 PM

m1hawkgsm → StaticVoid

Hey! Long time no chat, how are you?
Oct 22 2019 10:46 PM
  • StaticVoid's Photo
    Good day. OMF is pretty much dead, expect delays in response.
    Life's good overall, but a bit boring.
    How are you? When we talked last time (when was that, 5 years ago?) you were aiming for quant finance career. Did things work out for you?
    Dec 06 2019 10:48 PM
  • m1hawkgsm's Photo
    Likewise, but as time passes I'm trying to keep my contacts somewhat refreshed, but no worries if you take long.
    What's life brought you since we spoke? Is it boring but stable I hope?
    Not bad at all. Life wise, I've gone through a marriage (and went through its end), cycled through a few jobs and industries. I did do a couple of quant jobs (commodities research and bank electronic cash equities trading desk), but then did a stint at an ad-tech firm (which interestingly enough had a good deal of ex-HFT technologists and quants). Now I'm at a fin-tech startup (consumer, marketplace for loans and stuff like that) doing data science. Pretty much I've evolved from being a quant, to a data engineer, and now a data scientist (but really it's mostly the same conceptual tools and mindset).

    So far it's been a very rewarding experience, even though I haven't quite made it to the buy side (a hedge fund or the like). I'm not sure I want that in the end due to lifestyle/culture, but I'm open to it. Data science in tech firms is pretty fun and plenty of rewards to be had.
    Dec 07 2019 06:18 PM

Insane Soul

Goodbye Bogota, Hello California
Oct 14 2019 06:57 PM
  • Goddess Nike's Photo
    Goddess Nike
    Good luck out there.
    I actually thought about moving there myself last year but I doubt it would've worked out for me long term.
    Oct 16 2019 09:31 PM
  • m1hawkgsm's Photo
    From Venezuela to Colombia to here in the US eh? Can't imagine how nuts that trip must've been! Long time no chat, my guy :)
    Oct 22 2019 10:38 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Hi!, Sorry it took this long, but I barely check OMF haha

    Oh yeah, it was a ride to escape Venezuela, very exhausting. But now an opportunity to live in the US appeared so I am doing pretty good!

    How about you?
    Nov 14 2019 10:40 PM