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Metal Heart

Anyone wants another book recommendation? Off course you do, read The Black Prism by Brent Weeks.
Dec 02 2015 06:17 PM

Insane Soul → Negative Syndicate

huhuhuhu you arrived to my profile, does this mean you finally realized my greatness? huhuhu
Dec 02 2015 04:12 PM
  • Negative Syndicate's Photo
    Negative Syndicate
    It is about Piano.
    Dec 02 2015 05:00 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Yes, that much is obvious , but what were those 2 spirits that popped out in the performance?
    Dec 02 2015 05:06 PM
  • Negative Syndicate's Photo
    Negative Syndicate
    There wasn't much explanation about that one. But, I think it is something similar from Soul Catcher(S).
    Dec 02 2015 05:07 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Dec 02 2015 09:01 AM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Dec 02 2015 09:07 AM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Dec 02 2015 09:08 AM

Zaev → too romantic

Happy B-day where ever you may be these days.
Dec 02 2015 05:34 AM
  • too romantic's Photo
    too romantic
    Thank you, zazu. I know I'm late answering this but as you know I'm not here very often anymore. It's very sweet that you still wished me a happy birthday though! How are you doing?
    Mar 29 2016 12:54 PM


"Shut up! This isn't about logic!"
Dec 01 2015 06:55 PM

Tale → ryuzaki07

Why do you think Bloodborne is better than Dark Souls? (Just curious.)
Dec 01 2015 02:51 PM
  • ryuzaki07's Photo
    What about you? What about Dark Souls makes it such a great game?
    Dec 01 2015 07:15 PM
  • Tale's Photo
    It's a bit hard for me to say because I'm terrible at describing why I like things, but I'll give it a shot. I agree with your points about level design and combat, though I think the latter can be attributed to the combat always being improved (can't wait to see what DS3 offers in this regard), so I don't hold that against DS. I liked the variety in DS level design more than I liked Bloodborne's gothic landscapes and the nightmare realms, which felt a bit 'over-designed' to me (though they are still fantastic). Also, I like the way DS handles the lore over Bloodborne. There's more of it and Bloodborne relying on random notes felt too artificial a way to convey important things.
    Dec 04 2015 03:46 PM
  • ryuzaki07's Photo
    Dark Souls definitely offers more variety than bloodborne, I must agree. But, at least to me, much of the variety was already quite familiar to me. You got the forest, the swamp, the caves/catacombs, the castle, the fire city, the sewers and whatnot. These are all very familiar fantasy environments, and as such the variety in DS didn't do much for me, especially since most of the levels are heavily reminiscent of those in Demon's.

    Of course, just because the themes in the levels are familiar doesn't mean that theyre generic. They're very creatively designed that it still feels new.

    And I don't really get what you're trying to say about the lore. I always felt that the lore/plot presentation for these games were pretty similar and organic.
    Dec 06 2015 03:28 PM

alekos23 → Gnag

Hallo Gnag.
Dec 01 2015 01:24 PM
  • Gnag's Photo
    Hey Elkos
    Dec 01 2015 02:18 PM

Zaev → Shin

So I was watching Luther on Netflix because Stringer is in it.... and it's quite good also one of the girls from Rome is his wife in the show. The wife of the main character who was the soldier. The only down side is it only has like 12 episodes over 3 seasons. D: but they apparently have a 4th season coming. Anyhow still pretty good
Dec 01 2015 06:12 AM
  • Zaev's Photo
    Also Idris Elba is a busy dude he normally does at least 5 things a year. which seems like a crazy amount of stuff to do when you throw in all the press and other stuff you have to do for everything.
    Dec 01 2015 07:48 AM
  • Shin's Photo
    Yeah, I was actually thinking of trying out Luthor. I haven't seen many BBC shows to be honest and I like a good detective show. Though I have never seen Rome before. I can watch it anytime On Demand, but I heard it was cancelled after 2 seasons and I never bothered with trying it out. Is it worth it?
    Dec 01 2015 07:28 PM
  • Zaev's Photo
    Yes yes it is it's pretty damn good imo the characters are all really good and well acted.
    Dec 01 2015 08:02 PM


Yay, Legend of Koizumi is getting updates again.
Dec 01 2015 04:29 AM

ddboy102 → Miss Coquine

Miss C. if your reading this then I'm most likely gone. I've went to fight the corrupt Marvel Exe. I most likely am not making it back alive. Sorry :(
Nov 30 2015 11:00 PM
  • Miss Coquine's Photo
    Miss Coquine
    What about Drake.
    Dec 01 2015 01:26 AM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    Fak Drake, he was nothing but disapointment.

    at my funeral I want him to be lover me into my grave, so he can let me down one last time.

    But you do know I'm talking about the people in charge of the Marvel movies, I'm going to war with them.
    Dec 01 2015 09:37 PM
  • Miss Coquine's Photo
    Miss Coquine
    "Lover me into My grave" Nice typo

    Eh I don't know much about Marvel buy Good luck I guess.
    Dec 02 2015 01:28 AM

ArSoNiSt JoE → Godpachi

Welcome back! ^ ^
Nov 30 2015 07:22 PM
  • Godpachi's Photo
    HI JOE!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!
    Dec 06 2015 09:08 PM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Hahahah you are welcome xD How have you been my dear ^ ^
    Dec 06 2015 09:16 PM
  • Godpachi's Photo
    Pretty good~ You?
    Dec 06 2015 09:18 PM


Sorry for being gone
Nov 30 2015 05:25 PM
  • Godpachi's Photo
    Is it gay?
    Dec 06 2015 09:35 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    SHAFT made fun of Kaiki and Episode when Araragi went to buy a BL book for Kanbaru.
    Dec 06 2015 09:35 PM
  • Godpachi's Photo
    .....I will consider watching it then..........
    Dec 06 2015 09:43 PM


Off. The. Fucking. Boat.
Nov 30 2015 05:21 PM

gamria → Insane Soul

Um, did my remarks still spoil you?
Nov 30 2015 04:40 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    I am really curious about how Kaneki will take from now, considering that Washu is heading towards there, It is most likely they will consider Kaneki another Ghoul to be exterminated.
    Dec 01 2015 01:56 PM
  • gamria's Photo
    Well Matsuri has always seen Sasaki as disposable, and Koori is constantly cautious of him after seeing him go berserk during several 24th Ward missions with Arima
    Dec 01 2015 04:10 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Which is precisely why I think this will go all wrong. Also, Now I understand Kaneki's actions, he injured Tsukiyama so the doves would think he was dead.
    Dec 01 2015 04:18 PM

Insane Soul

[05:07:19 p.m.] Arjun Pathmarajan: LOL [05:07:28 p.m.] Arjun Pathmarajan: Makoto is the only cute one in Dangan
Nov 30 2015 04:37 PM