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Zaev → Greg

Chapter 10 of Bands of Morning.
Dec 15 2022 12:01 PM

Aurora → Greg

Greg<3 How are you doing?(:
Sep 22 2020 11:51 AM

Wingman → Greg

Hey Greg, whats happenin?
Sep 12 2018 07:28 PM

Zaev → Greg

Have you ever read this https://coppermind.net/wiki/Stick I found it quite funny if nothing else.
Aug 31 2017 11:49 PM

Zaev → Greg

Greg since you read fast and love books, read this and tell me if it's worth it. Sufficiently Advanced Magic (Arcane Ascension Book 1)
Aug 16 2017 01:02 PM
  • Greg's Photo
    It's really fun. It's a little bit magic-system heavy, and there are some things that are rough around the edges, but all in all, I think it's a worthwhile read. Rowe also has his War of Broken Mirrors series, of which the first is enjoyable but flawed, and the second displays significant improvements.
    Aug 17 2017 09:11 AM
  • beakedbard's Photo
    That just made my day. XD
    Jun 15 2017 01:13 PM

ddboy102 → Greg

are we not having contests for the banners, just curious nothing serious. I noticed that the banner is still the spring one.
Feb 12 2017 07:06 PM

Shin → Greg

Happy Birthday, Greg!
Jan 03 2017 05:15 PM
  • Greg's Photo
    Thanks Shin!
    Jan 04 2017 03:28 PM

Zeando → Greg

did you guys open also this subreddit? https://www.reddit.com/r/onemanga or it's an other name impersonator?
Dec 23 2016 08:18 AM

Wingman → Greg

Happy Birthday Greg!
Jan 03 2016 08:02 PM

Furinji Saiga → Greg

Happy Birthday :)
Jan 03 2016 04:21 AM

Narubi → Greg

Happy Birthday!
Jan 03 2016 03:16 AM

Sloan → Greg

Happy G day
Jan 03 2016 02:05 AM

evilcheeser → Greg

I tried really hard to be positive this year, and I failed again <.< remind me next year to turn off my heart during december k? possibly my brain too... this whole thinking thing hasn't been going too well Dx
Dec 25 2015 11:26 PM
  • Greg's Photo
    Hey eceh... obviously I have zero context into what's going on, but it sounds like you're letting external things get to you. Just remember that thinking positively is about feeling good, and your health, and it's the relationship that you have with yourself.
    Dec 26 2015 12:07 AM
  • evilcheeser's Photo
    well yeah, where would I be without my vague mistique? (prolly somewhere that made a lot more sense...)
    I just kinda.. howdoIwordthingsum for just a moment, I believed I was going to die, and i was (for far longer than that moment) very scared and terribly alone. I'm feeling nearly mostly normal now, so that part is good.

    and ty <3 because surrounding myself with positivity is like almost counteracting how absolutely negative I tend to be this time of year..
    Dec 27 2015 02:50 AM

ddboy102 → Greg

Greg, this will most likely be the last time we see each other. I going to war with the people in charge of the avengers movies. Sorry Greg :(
Nov 26 2015 12:29 PM