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Fulmine → DrugzRule

23 years and finally Eighth shows his face.
Mar 01 2024 01:10 PM

ddboy102 → Fulmine

Fulmine at this point I think I'll make it to One Piece before Luffy. Also do you think Fake Robin will become queen? We haven't had any updates about her. I'm slowly catching up on One Piece. I'm at the part where Luffy is in Jail and wants to learn some new technique.
Jan 29 2024 09:45 AM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    Well, at least you have the luxury of reading Wano in one go LMAO
    Jan 30 2024 03:19 AM

Fulmine → DrugzRule

That twist is awesome. Didn't think Water Mirror would go out like that. Eighth might be fighting against Zhuge Liang based on that childhood picture.
Jan 24 2022 06:55 AM

Fulmine → DrugzRule

That twist is awesome. Didn't think Water Mirror would go out like that. Eighth might be fighting against Zhuge Liang based on that childhood picture.
Jan 24 2022 06:55 AM

Fulmine → Oben

Did you know Araki wrote a book on how to make manga? Viz translated it and I just bought it. I can't wait to finish work and read it. Finally a detailed look into the writing process of our favorite mangaka. If only Kubo, Oda and others do this, too =))
Dec 03 2021 02:52 PM
  • Oben's Photo
    Cool, tell me if he has any amazing insights ^^ I think Togashi would be the most interesting for me.

    Oda has the SBS as a regular part of his volumes at least, I think we know more about his thought process than most other mangaka.
    Dec 04 2021 05:56 AM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    Oda's SBS is only for perverted thoughts =))

    Togashi can just write a book about how to categorize Nen and I'd be sold
    Dec 04 2021 10:28 PM

Episteme → Fulmine

Hey Fulmine! Hope you're well~ I seem to recall reading a post you made on some thread that I cannot recall, or for the life of me find, where you mention an interview with Kubo in which he alludes to a secret about Rukia? Is this ringing any bells or did I imagine the whole thing? xD If you know anything about it could you send me a link? Would greatly appreciate it!
Nov 30 2021 03:05 AM
  • Episteme's Photo
    Wow, so quick and efficient. I love it.

    Thank you for letting me know as well as providing details on the source! Kind of sad he got so much hate but that's what happens when you put something out into the aether; you must prepare yourself for all kinds of reactions and feedback. Orihime though... lol. She's Kubo's fantasy waifu and literal waifu to his Marty Stu so I can see why he'd take that personally haha xD.

    Surprised he's being secretive about Rukia's name unless he has/had something substantive planned for Rukia--which seemed like a strong possibility given:

    - The Hougyoku was placed inside her; why would Kisuke wait so long to hide it away when he was so desperate to destroy it? Unless, of course, he hadn't been able to until he found success with Rukia.

    - Hisana asked Byakuya to find her and protect her. How could she have known she had survived after all that time? And more importantly, to protect her from what? How were the two of them even together in the Rukon when families were always separated? Very odd.

    - Urahara apologised to both Ichigo and Rukia after his fight with Askin (ch.666) for leaving everything in their hands. The ending was clearly rushed, and nothing ever came of that as far as Rukia is concerned--not even an appearance alongside Ichigo for the final fight against Yhwach... but Renji of all people was there smh--so why bring her up at all? Why make it seem she has an important role to play and not follow through with it, in any way, at all? Maybe we'll see something in the new arc if it becomes an actuality but I highly doubt it cause Kubo will always Kubo.

    - And then we come to the meaning of her name. 'Rukia' is a gairaigo (loanword) of Lucia, and so is written in katakana. Lucia is derived from the Latin lux, meaning light; fitting then that Hakka no Togame, the current foremost expression of Rukia's self and power, is a blast of bright, chilling white light.

    Interestingly there is a Saint Lucia, the patron saint for the blind (both physically and spiritually), who is beseeched upon to help heal/mend any associated ill and or lack (allusions to the Hougyoku manifesting a desire and in turn mending what someone lacks). She is most often depicted in paintings holding a pair of eyes, being as she is a protector of sight and from likely having been tortured by having her eyes gouged out. No surprise then that Rukia's most meaningful adversaries revolve around light and eyes: Aaroniero imitating Kaien in the shadows, the truth of his form exposed only in the light; Zommari and Äs Nödt, who in their higher forms possessed multiple eyes of some sort. Even Aizen in his transcendent forms had a third eye and eyes on his wings, though all too fitting given his associated symbolism.

    Things become all the more curious when taking into account The Almighty, which is a power that mimics the divine attributes of omniscience and omnipotence and is represented, none other, than many eyes in the one who wields it.

    This is quite curious as Saint Lucia is also utilised in Dante’s The Divine Comedy as an intermediary messenger between the Divine and the human Dante so as to help him discover the 'right path' (reference to enlightenment). She is a symbol of illuminative grace, acting as a means for which one can see and realise the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God.

    Rukia's character isn't all that different. For most of the story she is the one that compels and helps drive others forward, whether it be Ichigo (time and time again), Orihime (when she was doubting herself), Renji (who promised to get stronger for her sake), Byakuya (overcoming the loss of Hisana and cementing her as his pride), Kon (who found a place of acceptance and belonging thanks to his nee-san) and so on. She is a light that guides others, that helps them face their fears so that they may overcome adversity and grow for the better (and so we begin to see why it could only have been Rukia who could carry the Hougyoku).

    All signs point to something important and meaningful about her, but alas, nothing ever came of it and it’s unlikely it ever will. Sad.

    Nope, haven’t read the novels yet but I did read the new chapter. Mostly focused on writing Bleach fic instead these days, addressing all the above matters with the goal of reworking the ending (as well as giving love to my own OTP, Aizen x Rukia, because best boy and best girl belong together lol).

    Dec 15 2021 03:05 AM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    I didn't think I got to read another piece of literature from you after all this time the forum's activity has been dwindling. Goddess's work! <3

    Did you have any idea/thought about Kubo's revealing Yachiru is only the manifestation of ONE FORM of Zaraki's bankai and not the whole bankai? And that inheriting Zanpakutou (like Tousen did from his friend) can either overwrite it or fuse 2 Zanpakutou spirits?

    I also am surprised when he said Hitsugaya got bankai before he even entered Gotei13. Holy cow...
    Dec 15 2021 04:46 AM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    Btw, on that same thread, I think page 8 or 9, there are other questions translated. Afraid you would miss them. 2 most interesting

    -Q. I want to know what Renji Abarai, who came to the world in the Arrancar arc, wanted to hear from Urahara when he even was doing chores!
    -A. "Why did you choose Rukia as a place to hide the Hogyoku?" Kisuke told him half a lie and half a truth, but Renji was convinced by that.

    -Q. Renji is my favorite character, but I was more surprised than happy to see that Ichigo's counterpart on the cover of the illustration book JET was Renji. I would like to know if there is any reason why you decided to choose him as the pairing character.
    -A. On the contrary, I've never thought of anyone other than Renji as Ichigo's counterpart.

    Dec 15 2021 04:50 AM

Fulmine → azer_moli

Happy Birthday, azer <3
Nov 16 2020 06:00 AM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    Oh thank you :D
    Been a while! I hope all's well :)
    Nov 16 2020 03:45 PM

Oben → Fulmine

Yo, how are you doing? I haven't seen you around in a while.
Jun 05 2020 11:50 AM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    Been without my laptop for nearly a year due to situations and I'm too lazy/unskilled to type fast enough on smartphone so...but it's much better now, although work takes a good chunk of the day so I can't post as frequently but I'm still around. Might never leave, in fact. This place too special, haha.

    I'm catching up with Jojolion (chapter 44) btw. The weirdness is as great as ever. And Stand battles are ever confusing LOL

    Jun 05 2020 12:03 PM
  • Oben's Photo
    Yeah, I've also had much less time since I finished Uni. Nice to hear that you're still regularly around.

    Tbh, I'm not up to date with Jojolion either at the moment, I've found that it's better in bulk. Time to catch up now, I guess ^^
    Jun 05 2020 01:25 PM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    The abilities are original as ever but sometimes it feels like he's dragging the fights too long. Jojolion is already 23 volumes, just one more and it will be as long as Steel Ball Run yet takes nearly a decade to reach this point. I think he should wrap it up fast and just do part 9 and end this series on high note. Number 9 is special and I want another female Jojo plus there needs to be some sort of story that can connect the two timelines or something that screams grand ending. Jojolion does not look like one for now.
    Jun 06 2020 08:25 AM

ddboy102 → Fulmine

dont @ me unless its to talk about Aizen.
Oct 28 2018 09:48 PM

ddboy102 → Fulmine

dont @ me unless its to talk about Aizen.
Oct 28 2018 09:48 PM

Fulmine → Tale

Happy Birthday, Tale!
Oct 17 2018 11:24 PM

Fulmine → DaEvilWithin

Time travel has made its way to One Piece...Next Enel-sama trained in hyperbolic chamber on the Moon and comes back to fodderize everyone except for rubberman...
Sep 28 2018 01:26 AM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    I think it can be plot-induced. Otherwise he could have just made it so that Oden really died when he was old few months ago. This time travel means Oda wanted this power to exist for whatever reason and to justify certain things with the long reign of Orochi.

    Or he just wanted to try writing time travel trope, I guess.

    Seriously among the Big3 I always thought Bleach would be the only one to do time travel LOL
    Sep 30 2018 12:17 AM
  • DaEvilWithin's Photo
    Okay so I'm clearly forgetting Bleach but when was there time travel?
    Oct 03 2018 05:42 PM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    No, I mean I thought it would, given the long lifespan and Dangai, but turned out it didn't and Oda, whose manga is not that complicated and quite cartoonish in terms of power, ended up doing it...

    Oct 04 2018 12:30 AM

Fulmine → Episteme

Happy Birthday, Episteme!!! The novels show Aizen did nothing wrong as expected!
Aug 27 2018 10:29 AM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    I have posted both the content/link for the novel and the new artbook's interview with Kubo in Bleach subforums. There's a fair amount of new info and insight into Kubo's mindset that I think it's worth it. If I have to hazard a guess, health issue and WSJ problem aside, Kubo probably ended it that way so that the series runs for exactly 15 years xD then just expands on ''side'' materials in novels and side chapters (which he said in the interview he might do one day. Burn The Witch one-shot also had West Branch of Soul Society for ex).

    Jan 01 2019 05:33 AM
  • Episteme's Photo
    Guess I'll check it out at some point. I had no idea Kubo was planning more content and one-shots have me a tad curious.

    Doubtful they will make up for all the wasted potential, but still, could be mildly interesting.
    Jan 01 2019 09:41 AM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    A tease for you to be motivated to read: the world Yhwach tried to create is actually the original state: no death whatsoever. The 5 Noble families were the instigators behind Soul King and the way the world is divided into 3 parts as they are currently (and if the spoiler is true for the last volume which is not fully translated yet, shinigami the ''profession'' is the idea of Shiba family)and Aizen told Tousen the true history of SS and so Tousen decided to fully support Aizen from that point on. Plus, besides Ichigo, Ginjo is the other candidate to be Soul King in Ichibei and Shunsui's plan :D
    Jan 01 2019 11:43 AM

Fulmine → DaEvilWithin

Horikoshi said in interview he read all of Spiderman and Deadpool comics. Guess he's much more reliable in terms of science than Oda thanks to that LOL
Aug 06 2018 08:28 AM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    OMGOD, One Piece new databook's cover has Enel on it. It's a special edition even cause it's not a book but a folder with a bunch of cards in it. Maybe Oda will do some Yugi-oh battle cards with Enel-sama's power level listed as SSS-rank =))))
    Aug 10 2018 08:13 AM
  • DaEvilWithin's Photo
    Wait REALLY? I want it.
    Aug 22 2018 06:20 PM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    Yep, it will be released in September/October. I did link it in One Piece forum. Though I don't remembe rif it was News and Merch thread or Official Volume thread.

    Enel-sama looks mighty fine there <3 <3 <3
    Aug 22 2018 10:54 PM

Fulmine → DaEvilWithin

Happy Birthday, High Priest!
Jul 02 2018 09:55 PM
  • DaEvilWithin's Photo
    Thanks! Hopefully Enel returns before I turn 50.
    Jul 05 2018 12:54 PM
  • Fulmine's Photo
    Unless Oda kills Luffy off and makes him reincarnate 800 years later to write One Piece 2, I think we're good.

    Jul 05 2018 11:33 PM