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*kinomoto_sakura* → Guardian-Angel

Yeah :D
Jan 01 2016 10:29 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Heeeyy 'Nii-san. Still alive but barely breathing here hahah
    Aug 14 2016 12:00 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    good to know
    Aug 14 2016 09:47 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Ah 'Nii-san. If you wanna reach me the fastest way would be to e-mail me. I'm not deleting my account here if you're wondering hahah. But I've been really busy as of late. So yeah, just send me an e-mail.
    Sep 12 2016 07:24 AM


Happy New Year guys~
Jan 01 2016 05:55 AM

*kinomoto_sakura* → Guardian-Angel

Ehhh... We'll see hahah
Nov 05 2015 08:14 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    It was nice. Quiet, warm, comfy. Yours?
    Jan 01 2016 06:12 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    A lot of fireworks XD And of course, food. Well, the neighbors did the fireworks thingy hahah. We stayed inside while they were lighting fireworks. We didn't want to have injuries right on the start of the new year, whether it be from fireworks or from stray bullets, if there are any people stupid and drunk enough to fire loaded guns to the sky. But we made noise on our own hahah
    Jan 01 2016 06:35 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    I see :)
    Jan 01 2016 10:05 AM
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*kinomoto_sakura* → Guardian-Angel

What? You really think I wouldn't stay single for long?
Oct 13 2015 09:33 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    God, this is terrible XD You don't choose easy ways, eh? ;)
    Nov 03 2015 10:46 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Nope, seems like I don't.
    Nov 03 2015 11:06 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Well, you seem capable of handling it just fine :)
    Nov 03 2015 07:57 PM
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InuyashaShinichi → *kinomoto_sakura*

Happy Belated Birthday, dear~ Hope all your dreams come true :)
Sep 13 2015 07:39 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Hahaha thanks dear~
    Sep 19 2015 10:43 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    no problem..It's a belated tho :)

    Sep 19 2015 10:50 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    No worries~
    Sep 19 2015 10:56 AM

*kinomoto_sakura* → Guardian-Angel

I'm not hysterical 'Nii-san. If I'm really stressed, I eat.
Sep 10 2015 07:08 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    I see :)
    Oct 13 2015 09:17 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Yeah~ So I think I'll stay single until God says otherwise and sends me my match XD
    Oct 13 2015 09:22 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Heh. Ok. If you wish so ;)
    Oct 13 2015 09:23 AM
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Guardian-Angel → *kinomoto_sakura*

Same here XD ^^'
Aug 04 2015 11:31 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    You are laughing a bit too much XD
    Sep 07 2015 09:13 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Yeah, so? XD For the record, I'm not insane.
    Sep 10 2015 07:00 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Maybe the stress is just so much you are having a hysteria or something :p
    Sep 10 2015 07:06 AM
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InuyashaShinichi → *kinomoto_sakura*

Hye Sakura-chan~ *wave*
Jul 09 2015 09:06 PM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    I see sounds fun :D Ofc you shouted a lot for your course right? XD just like we did during our sports day between courses.
    My course is the champion for 4 years straight (I'm not bragging XP) that means my whole degree we nvr lost the fight
    Aug 31 2015 06:47 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    Man..just sports for the whole week so lucky~ We still have classes. Morning is the class session and night is for sports competition
    Aug 31 2015 06:51 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Why of course I rooted for my school. Never mind that as a medic I'm supposed to remain neutral or something hahahah. Not just sports. There are other competitions too.
    Ah, I see. That sucks.
    Sep 06 2015 11:27 AM

*kinomoto_sakura* → Guardian-Angel

'Ey 'Nii-san. It was good. We could always go to Moalboal some other time. We enjoyed the spring even though it was cold. //That why I got sunburned. I stayed out of the water a bit too long.
Jun 13 2015 06:58 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Yeah I guess. Meh, what's done is done.

    Speaking of which, how's 'Nee-san and Jullie?
    Aug 04 2015 11:23 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    So, no regrets?

    Both are fine, no significant changes. Tasha is a bit less spirited and so far haven't dated anyone after the break-up. But still good nevertheless.
    Aug 04 2015 11:26 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    I dunno about that to be honest XD.

    I see. That's good. Say hi to both of them for me. :)
    Aug 04 2015 11:28 AM
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ZCOverload → *kinomoto_sakura*

Whoa whoa whoa you're still around?
May 14 2015 04:00 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Yeah. Not always online though. Why?
    May 18 2015 01:45 AM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    was just curious because i thought you were legit kill
    May 18 2015 06:39 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Ah, I see.
    May 18 2015 10:21 AM

Guardian-Angel → *kinomoto_sakura*

So it's safe to says all in all it brings nothing but benefits so far? ;)
May 11 2015 09:59 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    :) Had a lot of snorkeling, I imagine?
    Jun 05 2015 09:23 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Nope. We didn't go to Moalboal. Went to a spring though. And the water was like, really cold.
    Jun 08 2015 11:32 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    So, was it good? Or not so good? :x
    Jun 08 2015 11:34 AM
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*kinomoto_sakura* → Mimato

'Ey~! Thanks for the friend request~!
Apr 30 2015 08:45 AM
  • Mimato's Photo
    Thank you for accepting! :0
    Apr 30 2015 09:44 AM


I want to go to the beach. :D
Apr 09 2015 10:38 AM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    Apr 09 2015 12:42 PM
  • disastrousmaster's Photo
    Request denied.

    Apr 09 2015 09:08 PM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Whut? XD
    Apr 09 2015 10:44 PM

*kinomoto_sakura* → Guardian-Angel

Konbanwa, 'Nii-san. ^^;
Apr 06 2015 07:57 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Ah, I see.

    Sorry I replied so late 'Nii-san. Things were busy and I just got back from my first week of immersion...
    May 11 2015 03:44 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    It's ok :)

    So, how was it?
    May 11 2015 03:45 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Tiring but fun. Lost a bit of weight (from 60 kgs. to 59.3 kgs.). A small change but a start. Probably from all the water fetching. The community has an artesian well where they get water. It's not a "well" but it's like a water pump. But you pump it manually though. I can't really explain it and that's the best I can come up with XD. And since there's so many pails (each of us has one) and have to fetch water for the two bathrooms and the kitchen, not to mention for personal use too (baths), we borrow at least two tricycles. They're bikes with sidecars. And I quite like driving them. Get tiring though, and I think I've developed some muscle hahah XD. And I now have a tan because it's freakin' hot here.
    May 11 2015 09:55 AM
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Sloan → *kinomoto_sakura*

Apr 05 2015 08:49 PM