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TheFireSage → RhyssaFireheart

I looked at the banner section... Didn't realize we lost that many artist! Nothing since like '16 :,( How are you though?
Mar 14 2018 09:32 PM
  • TheFireSage's Photo
    Yeah it is sad considering I didn't pick up a lot of friends contact info. Right. Life goes on. I assume you're doing well then. :P
    Mar 17 2018 11:10 PM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    Yeah, doing all right. I'd be much better if I could win the lottery and then didn't have to work for a living, but whatchagonnado? ;)
    Mar 19 2018 08:42 AM
  • TheFireSage's Photo
    Haha I'm 1000% with you on that. If I won the lottery I would be working far more but so would my happiness. :D
    Apr 04 2018 07:06 PM

YoWid → RhyssaFireheart

Love your artworks so much, made an IG account just to follow you. :)
Mar 03 2018 06:55 AM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Got any tips for a beginning visual artist? (My close friend adores your works and Jasper so much.)
    Mar 03 2018 06:56 AM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    I wondered if that was you when I saw the name and all those likes! :D

    Advice? Just keep practicing and trying. Doing tutorials if you are interested in a specific type of visual art isn't bad, because you can see how others do it and then adapt to your own abilities. Do anatomy studies if you want to draw the human form. Learn how to draw it properly before changing it to your own style.

    And keep practicing and making art. It won't all be good. In fact, a lot won't be good, but you'll get better. And never try to guess what other people like. Some of my pieces that seem to be the most popular with others are pieces that I can't stand. Go figure.
    Mar 05 2018 10:01 AM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Very well noted. Thanks!
    Mar 06 2018 09:33 AM

YoWid → RhyssaFireheart

Love your artworks so much, made an IG account just to follow you. :)
Mar 03 2018 06:55 AM

retroluffy13 → RhyssaFireheart

hi. have i done something to offend you? i'm pprobably just making things up in my head, but i get the feeling you dont like me very much.
Dec 13 2016 10:20 AM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    well I guess that's the kind of attitude you have to have when your "job" is to sift through so much shit talking. ill keep it in mind.
    Dec 13 2016 03:20 PM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    I don't want to make it seem like I don't care or anything. I do but in a very disassociated way. I've known most folks names around here for years now so yeah, I can have some set notions about how they are but I usually don't let that influence me when having to make a decision. Not unless that history is relevant to what's going on (like someone being a persistent troublemaker without any redeeming traits).
    Dec 14 2016 09:42 AM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    no no I don't mean to impky anything like that. I'm just saying how id make a terribe m of because I get mad and make bad choices based on my mod swings and take things further then they should. its good that we have someone so objective and not letting their feelings get in the way of things as admin because it ensures everyone gets the same fair chance. I like that mods ban me even though I help out the forum when I do something that's clearly disruptive and helpful to no one. its not fair to grant anyne leniency over others just because they got "pull" with the people who run the place ya know? and at the end f the day, it IS just a website. I probably care way more then any rational person should.
    Dec 14 2016 09:51 AM

ZCOverload → RhyssaFireheart

Hey quick question, should I put butter in the pan after draining the noodles for the mac and cheese mix or should I just make it with milk?
Aug 16 2016 11:30 AM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    Well, using a bit less can't hurt, and as long as you're not eating tons of butter in general, you'll likely be fine.
    Aug 17 2016 02:07 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    Thanks Rhyssa!
    Aug 17 2016 05:46 PM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    No problem!
    Aug 17 2016 08:38 PM

Oben → RhyssaFireheart

Hi, would it be possible to update the "Monthly Contests!" box on the front page or maybe just change the links to the respective Discussion threads to still have it there, but without constant (... occassional) need to update it?
Aug 13 2016 03:59 AM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    Sure, I could do that. Linking to the discussion threads would make sense.
    Aug 13 2016 08:37 PM
  • Oben's Photo
    Aug 14 2016 03:41 AM

Oben → RhyssaFireheart

Hey, would it be ok if I open the US election discussion again in an all new thread? That way, the previous squabble wouldn't be warmed up.
Mar 29 2016 11:14 AM

Sloan → RhyssaFireheart

Mar 06 2016 12:50 AM

evilcheeser → RhyssaFireheart

wemember to close yous banner thingy /~ (i is a [sleepy] help thing.)
Jan 18 2016 04:06 AM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    Jan 18 2016 10:54 PM
  • evilcheeser's Photo
    heh -hugs- i sees. but hey, unlike the sane world, I am on at 3 in the mornin, so i noticed it's after the deadline (but can safely assume no one but me will be on til morning) and for ME it was like ermagerd is it that time already? who knew??? then I was like wait does rhyss even know?, then I was like well I should say smth jus in case.

    much like today when i was like man I should do some homeworrrrrfkkkkkaaaaahhhhhh I had something due last night didn't i... ///;-; brain y u remember this NOW?
    Jan 19 2016 04:20 AM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    Less coffee, more sleep, youngling. :D
    Jan 19 2016 10:51 AM


Hmmm, do I work today or do I update fanfics?
Oct 19 2015 10:40 AM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Dat cliff save cemented OkiKagu in the story, indeed.

    GoriTae ended in bittersweet note, but the glimmer of future hope is there--I especially love that umbrella-handing scene on Gori's final stalk. Damn onion-chopping ninjas.
    Oct 20 2015 03:12 AM
  • YoWid's Photo
    This stupid ISP got me furious, they blocked my access FF.net based on the regulation of the information ministry, wtf indonesia?!? I can't even sign up for an account via proxy. This is why we can't have nice things
    Oct 20 2015 03:46 AM
  • YoWid's Photo
    I still can view your FF.net profile page, but can't make a review there. Seriously, ISP???
    Oct 20 2015 03:47 AM

RhyssaFireheart → Zaev

Happy birthday!
Oct 19 2015 10:40 AM
  • Zaev's Photo
    Oct 19 2015 12:29 PM

Sloan → RhyssaFireheart

"F/C Impressions for what though?" For me as a poster/person. You don't have to answer the question if you don't want, not sure if it was general confusion or whut.
Oct 14 2015 01:07 PM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    Oh, gotcha! I didn't know what you were asking for impressions on, since it came after one about a manga fight. I might go back to answer when I revisit the thread again.
    Oct 14 2015 02:17 PM
  • Sloan's Photo
    Aiii np.
    Oct 14 2015 02:40 PM


That moment when you realized you changed your OC's name from the first story to the second. Good thing I hadn't published anything yet.
Oct 13 2015 04:25 PM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    LOL! I know, but for the life of me, I thought I had her name right. I was typing "Inari" but I'd actually named her "Imari" in the first story (my Naruto fanfic), so it wasn't a huge change. Still, there's a reason I write these things down so I can double check and yet....

    Reminds me, I need to keep working on that second story again.
    Oct 15 2015 01:38 PM
  • YoWid's Photo
    So it's a typo indeed O:

    wait, the ambassador's aide is her sister now??? :OO
    Oct 16 2015 02:57 AM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    LOL! Yeah, and (shhh) the Ambassador is actually their uncle. It's a family thing for them. Some of that is detail that I haven't put anywhere in a story (yet) and some of it is just background history that I have to flesh out the characters which may never get published anywhere.
    Oct 16 2015 09:05 AM

diezdragon → RhyssaFireheart

Hey, yo. I don't know if you're the right person to ask this, but I guess I'll try. I recently won my fifth contest on this forum unless I'm mistaken. It was the poetry contest, and I have not received the award thingie yet xP I also think since this was my fifth win, that I should now be entitled to a CT, or am I mistaken? ^^
Oct 11 2015 04:34 PM
  • diezdragon's Photo
    #13, #16, #25 and #28 would be my wins in the poetry contest link I just posted btw
    Oct 12 2015 02:55 AM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    Gotcha. Thanks for the links. I've updated your usergroup to "Blessed by Uglypuff" which means you should be able to change your CT now yourself. Let me know if it's not working for some reason though. And congrats on the five wins. :D
    Oct 12 2015 12:59 PM
  • diezdragon's Photo
    Thank you so much! xP
    Oct 12 2015 04:38 PM

ishxallxgood → RhyssaFireheart

Sep 29 2015 11:38 PM
  • ishxallxgood's Photo
    UGH TENSES! It's supposed to be in past tense. It's been driving me nuts trying to keep up with it. Seriously... *sigh* I'll go check it again.

    And the ages... okay, the whole thing takes place two years before the start of the manga. So Kanda and Renge are 16, Lenalee's 14, she mentioned 12 once because that was two years ago since it had been a year and half since she was last there. Timeline is super confusing, but in a few chapters it should catch up to current timeline since there will be lots of time skips.

    Is Kanda OOC? So hard keeping him in character or finding reasons why he's always angry. He'll probably be OOC in the next chapter.

    Oh and dunno who that character is, it's not Kanda, Kanda's hair is different... and so is Mugen, especially since new Mugen never got animated. :D
    Oct 03 2015 08:14 PM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    Yeah, I have trouble making sure I'm in the same tense all the time and not using passive voice too much. Passive voice is my nemesis because I seem to use it a lot and that gets boring sounding after a while.

    Okay, ages make sense then. I didn't realize this was 2 years before the current time, so that also explains the presence of Cross there.

    You sure that's not Kanda? http://i.imgur.com/QG5gwGE.png

    (It's not. The first pic is Hijikata Toshiro from Gintama. I just thought he looked so much like Kanda in the ED that I had to try to fool you)
    Oct 04 2015 12:18 AM
  • ishxallxgood's Photo
    Haha you can't fool me. Kanda's bangs are longer, or more accurately the hair that frames his face, it doesn't seem that way in the panel you posted because he's wearing a scarf. I know my kanda... Haha. Besides like I said earlier, mugen doesn't look like that, and where the DGM anime ended I don't think we ever saw the reforged mugen. We definitely never saw the crystallized form of mugen. I have problems. Haha.
    Oct 04 2015 02:13 AM