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ddboy102 → Sanagami

I know what you did Sana
May 22 2017 10:04 PM
  • Sanagami's Photo
    Damn, I normally don't pick my nose in public but that one time it was just too itchy.
    May 22 2017 11:36 PM

Sanagami → loop

happy belated birthday loop
Nov 16 2016 10:31 PM

Sloan → Sanagami

Feeding your profile feed like a fly bird feeder
Oct 09 2015 08:57 PM

June → Sanagami

Just wanted to say hello, since I dropped by ;)
Sep 18 2015 08:23 AM

ddboy102 → Sanagami

I miss U
May 17 2015 12:47 PM

Sloan → Sanagami

wagwan bitch
Apr 05 2015 09:03 PM

Sloan → Sanagami

Oct 12 2014 09:52 PM

YoWid → Sanagami

Do you play Wisp? Xd
Sep 22 2014 07:28 PM
  • Sanagami's Photo
    I liked playing wisp. But I hardly play dota at all now......

    I watch it though at least.
    Sep 22 2014 10:42 PM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Tell me about it, dis wooden laptop kept shutting down til I had enough DX

    I did watch a match or two (or three) of IT3 together with @Velvetbrush in my last day playing, I think the most memorable part is that naga siren (navi? alliance?) gotten this fat and just fuck around da poor enemies with 5 or so blue clones (thanks to illusion rune) AND with a HoT at that. Shiiieeet. Also, pre IT3 I watched this Fnatic duo playing Io + Tiny. They lost, but I learned a lot from the experience on watching it Xd

    Also, I lerned the hard way not to mess with fucking full-fed Magina when I'm using Lich (and all other heroes with gigantic mana pool, that is) XDD
    Sep 23 2014 08:44 AM

Sanagami → evilcheeser

Wow what are these group stage results. First day made me so depressed but second day put me in good spirits!
Jul 10 2014 09:40 PM
  • Sanagami's Photo
    So what has the metagame still been? Still in China haven't watched a single game since ;w;
    Jul 20 2014 09:32 PM
  • evilcheeser's Photo
    Tons of shadow shaman razor, etc. Lots of push strats, even like, not dedicated push strats (razor, shaman, then 2 random unrelated heroes and a hardcarry)

    still have (only~) watched like 12-15 games sofar, but it's seemed pretty cool for the most part. A lot of like, not very close games, but then the next time the same teams play the other one wins.
    and some close games too. idk o.o

    DK 3rd-picked tusk in the last game I watched. That was pretty weird.
    Jul 21 2014 01:33 PM
  • Sanagami's Photo
    I've kept up will the results, and the comeback stories look really nice.
    Since I was only watching the first day, I was sad my LGD and Newbee were doing Eh....

    So Im glad about this. And since I'm a huge Chinese fanboy, of course I'm crazy glad that all (except CIS) did super well <3
    Bad totes for Liquid,

    Don't really understand the deathball push strat though, I Really want to see it. I don't understand how EG and C9 failed against it, since they usually play so well against push strats with their greed from other tourneys I've seen.
    Jul 21 2014 07:06 PM

Sanagami → evilcheeser

Have you been watching starladder? I really want to go to a LAN one day ;w;
Apr 18 2014 02:23 PM
  • Sanagami's Photo
    I mean, Im sure I like watching it at home, if by just watching games per say
    but yeah, I meant the experience looks really cool.
    Cuz you'd meet like hot geeky guys just fOR YOU D8

    but other then that, about Starladder, yeah
    DK looks dominant, and damn, Meepo support is really fun to watch
    I laughed at the Pudge ban in the finals
    They did that cuz like just one week, like one of the only games they played before Starladder, they lost to Black's Pudge
    Apr 22 2014 10:43 AM
  • evilcheeser's Photo
    l0l, not exactly my go-to reason, but if it worked out that way, I certainly wouldn't complain xD

    DK the gods ~<~ once it got past the group stage I watched all the games so I got to see rtz be as garbage as he deserves to be c: but yeah, meepo, kotl, wisp, dat's somethin a little special in support land :D

    yeah I remember that game ;o where for no reason they 4th picked TA into a mirana and then didn't ban pudge :D:D:D:D:D
    maybe wasn't 100% pudge that made them lose xP idk.
    Apr 23 2014 09:35 AM
  • Sanagami's Photo
    Well, I wouldnt bash RTZ too hard. I mean, frankly, I dislike him for a lot of things
    but I do think he is a good player, thoughts he's a pretty boring player ;c
    And if NA dota has any hope of ever being top notch, it will probably be on the back of him

    Well, that was the first time I saw black's pudge in China so dunno .-.

    Apr 24 2014 03:08 AM

lecaros → Sanagami

Seems like you're playing Kamidori. I heard it's good. Would you recommend me to play it? =o
Apr 07 2014 07:15 AM
  • Sanagami's Photo
    I actually played till chp 7, and quit.

    Refreshed and just got back to chp 7. Its fun, great gameplay, but Im kinda really really really meh with the characters
    Apr 07 2014 02:00 PM
  • lecaros's Photo
    I'll check it out then.
    Does it require lots lots lots of grinding at any certain point? Cuz hardcore grinding ain't my thing welp.
    May 22 2014 12:22 PM
  • Sanagami's Photo
    Not really, they also allow for a deadbeat thing which makes everything A LOT easier cause it gives a lot of EXP and Gold.
    May 23 2014 03:24 AM

Sanagami → ArSoNiSt JoE

I know I Put in on the SOT already, but I'm gonna ask here anyways again. Sorry if I look like I'm spammign D:
Apr 05 2014 03:13 AM
  • Sanagami's Photo
    Wait, did you make an account?
    I'm wondering if maybe ppl aren't confused by the idea, but are confused on what exactly should be done when they enter the site.

    My friend designed it. Yeah, I don't know where he stole it from, I will ask though.
    Apr 05 2014 10:02 AM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    No I haven't ^_^'''' I thought the site was still under construction

    I think it's the latter xD Maybe if you can explain the purpose of the site in a bit more detail on the homepage, that might help ^_^
    Apr 05 2014 10:12 AM
  • Sanagami's Photo
    Yeah it is, but we don't mind users messing around with it.
    I do realize, that since it looks so bad and the functions are so average, its kind of hard to get into the idea
    but I also kind of want to know if the idea is attractive enough,
    that despite how bad the site is, can there be "any" user who just get addicted to the idea.

    I mean, you don't have to make an account, and honestly, lots of people who have made an account are exactly what "I want them to do" since they just look at it for a few minutes and tell us which part of the style is bad/which functions are bad etc

    But I would be really grateful if you did Dx
    Apr 06 2014 02:41 PM

Sanagami → Masked Rider

OMG/////// some of my friends and I created a website, it would be ncie for u to use it then bash it, ty
Apr 03 2014 05:55 PM
  • Masked Rider's Photo
    Masked Rider
    I do not I am tired I feel unusually drained out
    Apr 03 2014 09:02 PM
  • Sanagami's Photo

    Maybe eat something. Sleep tends to fix that too....
    Apr 04 2014 02:53 AM
  • Sanagami's Photo
    Or maybe do a clap!
    Apr 04 2014 02:53 AM

Sanagami → Satoshi

Made a site with a few friends, mb you could use it and tell us we suck? Ty
Apr 03 2014 05:39 PM
  • Sanagami's Photo
    Apr 03 2014 05:39 PM

Sanagami → kikyou_e

<3 Made a website with friends. Play around with it mb? And tell us what sucks? ty
Apr 03 2014 05:38 PM
  • Sanagami's Photo
    Social Network site. .... well without users it really isnt now .-.

    woops, mixed it up with this.
    cool song though, and video <3 haha
    Apr 03 2014 06:06 PM
  • kikyou_e's Photo
    it wouldn't open... the site.
    Apr 05 2014 09:31 PM
  • Sanagami's Photo
    mmm, the server was down... >_>
    we'll try to get a better system for that.
    Apr 06 2014 12:05 AM