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Ganderath → Misty

I activate the book of the dead
Feb 12 2024 12:58 AM

Goddess Nike → Misty

Happy Birthday
Nov 12 2016 08:24 PM

Misty → Ganderath

Happy Birthday, Nerd
Feb 24 2016 01:25 PM
  • Ganderath's Photo
    Thanks, dork.
    Feb 24 2016 01:28 PM

Misty → Tale

Allo: if it isn't a bother, what'd you get an M.A. in and what was your area of study? Also, how are your job prospects looking if that isn't too bold?
Feb 06 2016 05:09 PM
  • Tale's Photo
    My MA was in Literary Theory and Criticism. It was a taught MA, so I didn't have a specific area of study, but I went with SF for my dissertation.

    Job prospects aren't so good, but I can't honestly say you should care about that, since I live on a tiny island where the opportunities are very limited.
    Feb 08 2016 12:00 PM

Misty → Goddess Nike

Perhaps you've answered this elsewhere: what sort of doctor do you want to be?
Feb 06 2016 05:08 PM
  • Goddess Nike's Photo
    Goddess Nike
    Well I initially said OB/Gyn when I first started but Neurology seems more and more compelling, I probably won't really know until I start clinical rotations next year. The two years I took off from school after my undergrad years as well as wasting my first grad school year under my old major means that technically I should be already done with med school by now, every time I think of that I try not to stab myself.

    Do you already know what you want to do? I believe a writer if my memory isn't completely failing me.

    Feb 06 2016 07:53 PM
  • Misty's Photo
    Don't try to stab yourself. You might never have known you didn't want to do those things if you didn't try them. Then you'd be stuck wondering, right? Better to know it and be a bit behind. Besides, I'm sure that time wasn't wasted. You certainly developed as a person.

    Me? Oh gosh, no. I don't know what I want to do. I did used to want to be a writer, but I hate everything I write so that seems out. I'm fresh out of undergrad and taking a year to see what I really want to do. I'm considering getting a masters in literature and philosophy, but all my professors tell me not to because it is a waste of money and I'll never get a job.
    Feb 06 2016 10:04 PM

Misty → Pantsu

We should totally post lots on men vs. women right now!
Jan 31 2016 05:27 PM
  • Pantsu's Photo
    Aww shite.
    I didn't see this.


    AU G H.
    Jan 31 2016 07:53 PM
  • Misty's Photo
    We'll fix it tomorrow. They'll lose interest fast.
    Jan 31 2016 09:20 PM
  • Pantsu's Photo
    D e a d. I've never seen such truer words. xD
    Jan 31 2016 09:21 PM


I never realized what it meant to be American until I was comparing electric, cheese graters on Amazon.
Jan 24 2016 07:28 PM

Misty → Bankaii'd Revolution

Why do you like your own posts? Do you sometimes find the universe speaking through you?
Jan 11 2016 06:17 PM
  • Bankaii'd Revolution's Photo
    Bankaii'd Revolution
    Twas an accident
    Jan 11 2016 06:53 PM
  • Misty's Photo
    :D No, I'm just being funny because I've purposefully liked my own posts before and claimed I spoke for the Universe.
    Jan 11 2016 11:27 PM
  • Bankaii'd Revolution's Photo
    Bankaii'd Revolution
    ah well idk about the Universe, but perhaps liking one's own posts can become a trend.
    Jan 12 2016 05:41 PM

Misty → Chillman

Misty as in the Misty of Chincoteague stories. They predate poketardation by many years. Now go blasting off again.
Dec 31 2015 07:17 PM
  • Chillman's Photo
    Imma blast you off. Also what the crap is that series?
    Dec 31 2015 07:25 PM
  • Misty's Photo
    A children's book series for the youth what adores horses. It's quite lovely.
    Dec 31 2015 10:51 PM


I'm that asshole from the debate thread forum! #we're#1 #finallyImrecognizedformytalents
Dec 29 2015 10:54 PM


Whether I Should Be Playing a Game Giving Me Heart and Anxiety Conditions.
Dec 22 2015 10:46 PM
  • Ganderath's Photo
    Dec 23 2015 01:21 PM

Misty → Ganderath

I have a plan to take over OMF for good. We should nuke it. Thoughts/reactions?
Dec 11 2015 01:14 PM
  • Ganderath's Photo
    I will rise against all odds.
    Dec 22 2015 04:00 PM
  • Misty's Photo
    The crowd applauds.
    Dec 23 2015 09:24 PM
  • Ganderath's Photo
    It was hard to break this habit, but I did, tonight.
    Dec 23 2015 09:26 PM

Phenomiracle → Misty

Happy belated, kitten
Nov 23 2015 07:30 PM
  • Misty's Photo
    Thanks, puppy. And good comment on the terrorism thread that I'm still waiting to somehow become an actual debate. I entertained the possibility of stepping in and pretending I support the terrorist acts in Paris, but I couldn't think of a good argument.
    Nov 23 2015 09:38 PM
  • Phenomiracle's Photo
    Lot of Europeans here, they don't really value freedom of speech as much as we Americans do. Wouldn't go over too well in the debate forum. I'm not a fan of some of the censorship that's happened in that thread.
    Nov 24 2015 10:46 AM
  • Misty's Photo
    Yeah, it's a little strange though, I would have thought after Charlie Hebdo Europe would see the importance of freedom of speech that Americans have been railing about for decades. Instead, it seems like the terrorism worked to make them even more wary of that particular freedom.

    Yeah, I know it wouldn't, just like on the Charlie Thread saying it's ok to tell jokes didn't go over.

    As for the censorship, I completely agree. It isn't racist to say Islam is a religion of violence because surprisingly Muslims aren't a race. It honestly drove me up a wall to see the mods censoring the debate about the relationship between terrorists and Muslims.
    Nov 24 2015 02:09 PM

Hoff → Misty

I was just about to start writing a reply in the hunting thread "1 new reply." The post I was preparing to type was already typed for me <3
Nov 17 2015 01:57 PM
  • Misty's Photo
    Nov 17 2015 06:12 PM

Candles → Misty

Happy Birthday
Nov 12 2015 07:15 PM
  • Misty's Photo
    thanks, professor.
    Nov 15 2015 09:32 PM