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Is there a discord of this forum?
Mar 02 2021 09:29 PM
  • Metal Heart's Photo
    Metal Heart
    Not an official one to my knowledge? I know some friend groups have private discord servers, not that I am in any of them anymore.
    Mar 03 2021 01:00 AM


When did this site comeback?
Jan 14 2021 10:13 AM
  • Metal Heart's Photo
    Metal Heart
    Ive apparently been a member (on OMF 3.0) since december 2012. The way I remember it 2.0 died (because the admin just stopped paying the server bills) and this got online a couple weeks after.
    Jan 15 2021 03:46 AM
  • Saya-Portgas's Photo
    Ah okay thanks for telling me
    Jan 15 2021 01:15 PM
  • Metal Heart's Photo
    Metal Heart
    You're welcome... you know, 6 days later because I rarely check OMF anymore.
    Jan 21 2021 05:56 PM

InuyashaShinichi → Saya-Portgas

Saya~~ remember me?? You're the girl that RLY liked Portgas D Ace, right..?
Aug 10 2015 01:47 AM

eemo23 → Saya-Portgas

Happy Birthday!
Apr 16 2015 03:09 PM
  • Saya-Portgas's Photo
    Jun 03 2015 11:43 AM

ZCOverload → Saya-Portgas

saya r u hacked
May 15 2014 12:47 PM
  • Saya-Portgas's Photo
    No why?
    Dec 25 2014 12:15 AM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    I thought you were because a few months back you posted some spammy stuff.
    Dec 25 2014 01:24 AM

Saya-Portgas → Hooded Crow

Hey shin-chan~~~
Jul 19 2013 02:44 PM
  • Hooded Crow's Photo
    Hooded Crow
    I'm guessing the verb missing is "like"
    And yes I guess I do
    Jul 26 2013 07:35 AM
  • Saya-Portgas's Photo
    Lol sorry about that
    Anyway, that's pretty good
    Jul 27 2013 04:50 PM
  • Hooded Crow's Photo
    Hooded Crow
    It's ok
    Mhm I think so,
    Also sorry for the late reply, I'm on vacation and I have no internet
    I ll be back in...9 days or so
    Aug 12 2013 04:04 AM

RhyssaFireheart → Saya-Portgas

Hello, Saya. Welcome back. Here's your notice that this is your one account allowed. If you make another, you will be banned outright, understand?
Jun 17 2013 02:35 PM
  • Saya-Portgas's Photo
    Thanks, not really so yeah.
    Jun 18 2013 03:58 AM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    Meaning you don't understand why I posted what I did or you were being "funny"?
    Jun 19 2013 03:52 PM
  • Saya-Portgas's Photo
    Neither, cause I don't care about your petty little threats or cares about this site enough to make another account, though I'll stay on this site for my friends
    Jun 21 2013 04:54 AM