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Hoff → Ultrafragor

Ay do you happen to remember that parody rap someone made about bleach that ended with hado 96 something or other?
Jan 09 2017 03:02 PM
  • Ultrafragor's Photo
    No, sounds lame
    Jan 09 2017 03:24 PM
  • Hoff's Photo
    Nah roleplay isn't my thing. Sowwy :v
    Feb 26 2016 01:29 PM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Awww gotcha.
    Feb 26 2016 01:32 PM

Hoff → too romantic

Happpy Barfday toro :3
Dec 02 2015 09:53 PM
  • too romantic's Photo
    too romantic
    Thank you, hoff
    Mar 29 2016 12:54 PM

Hoff → Misty

I was just about to start writing a reply in the hunting thread "1 new reply." The post I was preparing to type was already typed for me <3
Nov 17 2015 01:57 PM
  • Misty's Photo
    Nov 17 2015 06:12 PM

Hoff → Misty

Oh man reading that last post in the sexism thread. I could see your mood slowly change as the post continued. I love it <3
Nov 01 2015 10:01 PM
  • Misty's Photo
    I'm just getting fucking sick of this shit being called a debate. And it's truly ironic and sad that on a sexism thread I have to be told my opinion is a classically female opinion from a female perspective. If this guy could even do his homework he'd find there is plenty to suggest that most of the popularity divide between men and women can be connected to the fifteen percent more male watchers on you tube. He'd also find that popularity on youtube is a really fickle thing and that very few of any group manages to retain their day in the sun. And finally, he'd find that the breakdown of content creation, while heavily gendered in some areas, isn't significant enough to suggest that men are absolutely dominating youtube in any area that is gender neutral and that worse, the people breaking out from youtube to other areas are usually women, not men. Of all the youtube comedians, only one has had Jerry Seinfeld on her channel and been on his show to hang out...Only one is currently running her own MTV show. Male youtubers are largely failing to gain success off of the internet. I'm getting so fucking tired of people like him giving feminists things to shout about.
    Nov 02 2015 12:55 AM
  • Misty's Photo
    Still, thanks for the nice message :3 It did make my night nicer.
    Nov 02 2015 12:55 AM
  • Hoff's Photo
    Wouldn't it be nice to just be able to cram the information into his head so he can't just outright reject facts? x)

    Aww I'm glad I could make your night a bit nicer :3

    Nov 02 2015 07:45 AM

Petite Fleur → Hoff

Sep 08 2015 11:50 AM
  • Petite Fleur's Photo
    Petite Fleur
    What are you up to today?
    Sep 08 2015 02:19 PM
  • Hoff's Photo
    Had some work earlier now I plan to sit down and organize my life somewhat. Found out recently keeping things organized is what keeps me happy.

    Sep 08 2015 02:38 PM
  • Petite Fleur's Photo
    Petite Fleur
    Good! Do what makes you happy, always~
    Sep 08 2015 02:39 PM

Hoff → Trowa Barton

So I've been trying to figure out where I know the art in L DK from(http://static2.mangainn.me/mangas/718/27052/011_10_27_2011_19_51_58.jpg). Any ideas of manga with similar art specifically around the eyes?
Sep 05 2015 10:46 AM
  • Trowa Barton's Photo
    Trowa Barton
    Nothings coming to mind honestly. A small part of me is reminded of Sailor Moon. Sorry for not being much help.
    Sep 05 2015 01:06 PM
  • Hoff's Photo
    Nah it's okay the closest thing I've found is suki tte ii na yo but I still feel like I remember an entirely different manga with the style.

    Sep 05 2015 01:12 PM

Hoff → RamenRenegade

So I've been trying to figure out where I know the art in L DK from(http://static2.mangainn.me/mangas/718/27052/011_10_27_2011_19_51_58.jpg). Any ideas of manga with similar art specifically around the eyes?
Sep 05 2015 09:42 AM
  • RamenRenegade's Photo
    Wish I could help but I'm not a fan of shoujo. I've read very few of them and that art style is mostly prevalent in that genre. Wish I could be of more help.
    Sep 05 2015 11:58 AM
  • Hoff's Photo
    Ah I see. Thanks anyway :)
    Sep 05 2015 01:12 PM

Hoff → DaEvilWithin

Super duper random but can you think of any manga that use this art style specifically with the eyes? http://static2.mangainn.me/mangas/718/27044/017_10_27_2011_19_51_58.jpg
Sep 04 2015 04:11 PM
  • Hoff's Photo
    Suki tte ii na yo
    Sep 04 2015 05:43 PM
  • DaEvilWithin's Photo
    Looks like it might be that!
    Sep 04 2015 06:30 PM
  • Hoff's Photo
    Yeah it's definitely super similar even if slightly more exaggerated and clean.

    Sep 04 2015 07:06 PM
  • Hoff's Photo
    Also your post sounded way caveman in my head.
    May 29 2015 06:01 PM
  • DaEvilWithin's Photo
    Eww. Cooties.

    Probably because of the typo and lack of tense... No glasses = no proofreading.
    May 29 2015 06:02 PM
  • Hoff's Photo
    Cooties are the tastiest part. Especially when you mix them with other cooties c:

    Haha that's okay it made it funny.
    May 29 2015 06:24 PM

YoWid → Hoff

Happy birthday, man,
Apr 21 2015 10:07 AM
  • Hoff's Photo
    Man... I still wanna be a kid ;-; Thanks xD
    Apr 21 2015 08:19 PM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Gid off my lawn, then, kiddo.
    Apr 23 2015 12:41 AM

Wingman → Hoff

Happy Birthday
Apr 21 2015 09:20 AM
  • Hoff's Photo
    Much obliged, Scar :p
    Apr 21 2015 08:19 PM
  • Wingman's Photo
    Haha, no problem! Hope you had a good one!
    Apr 21 2015 09:41 PM

Sloan → Hoff

Happy G Day
Apr 21 2015 02:07 AM
  • Hoff's Photo
    Thanks and you don't have steam do you? A friend of mine had a friend on steam named Sloan and I'm wondering just how small the world really is.

    Apr 21 2015 08:18 PM
  • Sloan's Photo
    Nah I don't, used to don't remember if it was Sloan or not but havent logged in a minute that's for sure. I've been using this Alias since 8 years I've seen a Sloan here and their over the time on the net/irl what not.

    Np, do nything?
    Apr 21 2015 08:33 PM

PlasmaWolf → Hoff

Happy birthday!
Apr 21 2015 12:12 AM
  • Hoff's Photo
    Thanks :)
    Apr 21 2015 08:18 PM

burningmonkey → Hoff

xDD yeah we're brother then. xD any recommendation? some manga that as good as KNIM?
Mar 23 2015 07:23 PM
  • burningmonkey's Photo
    yeah please tell me xD

    I've read suzuka, good ending, and ichigo100% they're good too. the others looks interesting. I'll try to read that after finished KNIM. :)
    from the synopsis it looks like Hetakoi have extreme ecchi in it. lol xD
    Mar 23 2015 08:06 PM
  • Hoff's Photo
    It's not really that extreme. It's about as bad as KNIM just much shorter so it's packed in sooner lol.
    Mar 23 2015 08:08 PM
  • burningmonkey's Photo
    hahahaha. . I see I see.
    anyway thankyou for the recommendation. now I have some manga to read for a week.lol
    Mar 23 2015 08:11 PM