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hollowhowl7 → Maika

100 more messages down bebe B:
Apr 22 2019 07:14 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    nope, but that will change in the future I'm sure @w@ the burnt side? :3 hehe yus O;
    okies bebu oCo true, hopefully he'll get his internet to the weekend after then owo /kisshugholdtight
    I dunno aboot that *hugglecuddle* ;B
    then I will await my chance for revenge! C; ♥
    which is good ofc X3 <33 /kisshug
    I knows, do want me to change it to most people snore? >3 I guess, or any other memory-losing disease *hugglenom* XB
    May 28 2019 11:50 PM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    we can take some actual vacations together now @w@ yea, though now they just unplugged the radio altogether :3 only a couple more days left O;
    lol yea, been too long without some proper D&Ding omo /kisshugholdtight
    what's so unbelieveable aboot it? *hugglecuddle* ;B
    once I've let my guard down, eh? C; ♥
    mhm, probs wouldn't be working so well if that weren't true X3 <33 /kisshug
    nuo, is fine, I'm not bothered by snoring >D yeap, but we will make new ones with each other *hugglenom* XB
    May 29 2019 07:17 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    mhm, that will be great @w@ ahwells, it's all going to be gone :3 tomorrow I will see you~ O;
    it has indeed owo /kisshugholdtight
    well I just don't think their range is that far, to talk to dead fish on shore *hugglecuddle* ;B
    heheehe C; ♥
    maybe so, we've both changed some over the years tho by being together X3 <33 /kisshug
    even I have snored before, but I don't think I do it often >3 for as long as we can bebu *hugglenom* XB
    May 31 2019 12:05 AM


┐(´~` )┌
Mar 24 2019 05:05 PM

hollowhowl7 → Maika

another 100 bite the dust, and another 100 gone, and another 100 gone
Dec 09 2018 05:55 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    what do you mean? @w@ could you tho? :3 maybe you should get a helmet O;
    we'll see, for now I'm content with what I have oCo I'm not gonna this time owo /kisshugholdtight
    well it's definitely easier to practice when you're near water *hugglecuddle* ;B mhm we'll just have to see @u@
    hmmm C; ♥
    ofc not X3 <33 /kisshug
    you are like that too when you're too tired >3 nope, face to face~ \>w<\ okies, but I guess they will be moved somewhere when your dad and brother moves out *hugglenom* XB
    yup, that is enough for me ;b it always happens when you're rushed to finish something @~@ /hughugtight
    Apr 17 2019 12:16 AM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    their personalities clash a bit, for some peeps y'know @w@ mhm, I just choose not to for the sake of the world :3 then they'll aim for meh face O;
    hehe jo, it's just a potential possibility oCo dunno what else I'll get for Odd yet either omo /kisshugholdtight
    water suitable for swimming at least *hugglecuddle* ;B now if your family wants to visit over here... @u@
    you're not ready for the proof I have bebu C; ♥
    though I suppose that's true for a lot of peeps, whether it's a good or bad thing X3 <33 /kisshug
    only when you bring it out of me >D after all this time />w</ yeap, Joe will have to take care of them himself *hugglenom* XB
    I'm just impatient sometimes d; yep, happens every time @~@ /hughgutight
    Apr 17 2019 09:46 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    I dunno which peeps you're refering to but okay @w@ for the sake of the world eh? :3 hide your face O;
    yup oCo I don't think too much about it, since I'll take your game more seriously anyways owo /kisshugholdtight
    preferably a pool to start with I would say *hugglecuddle* ;B not my whole family, but maybe mom would @u@
    you mean the non proof? C; ♥
    indeeds, the world is mostly unfair after all X3 <33 /kisshug
    which means it's a part of you >3 it's been a long time \>w<\ and not sell them for money *hugglenom* XB
    not much to do aboot it bebe ;b yeap, pretty ridiculous @~@ /hughugtight
    Apr 22 2019 12:49 AM
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hollowhowl7 → Maika

already reached the 100 mark again :B
Aug 12 2018 06:01 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    yea I knows @w@ I wasn't talking about then, she couldn't work after she had her first strokes either right? :3 well, we'd need photos and whatnot too I think but jo O;
    and not the worse parts about you? hm? oCo excuses bebu owo and prob dead, for if they are gigantic snowballs they prob weigh a lot too G; /kisshugholdtight
    so you forget all about what food/drinks you bought when you leave the kitchen? *hugglecuddle* ;B I suppose, unless you have someone else pay the taxes for you @u@
    nuo, could just be saying that to hide your own silliness! C; ♥
    indeeds, or they could be blocked from our regions X3 then why are you keeping that from others? ouo <3 /kisshug
    hehe okies >3 noo I say, nothing to do with "Bob" \>w<\ nuo, I don't like shouting/screaming *hugglenom* XB
    well not right now, since I ended up oversleeping ;3 even tho there's already an established meaning ;b just take a globe and put it in the fire @~@ /hughugtight
    Dec 05 2018 01:16 AM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    with hopefully more money too @w@ she was getting vacation or paid-leave at that time, though :3 can always print something, or I can bring the ones I have already O;
    well those too, but y'know, one outweighs the other, right? oCo valid excuses for something I don't need to do omo dead from being crushed and suffocated G; /kisshugholdtight
    I mean, pretty much, yes, if I'm honest *hugglecuddle* ;B well, that would be illegal to do, but okie @u@
    or I'm trying to bring your silliness out into the open! C; ♥
    which is pretty damned stupid X3 they don't deserve to see it most of the time ouo <3 /kisshug
    will just start again at night! >D not even as a middle name? />w</ doing it or hearing it? *hugglenom* XB
    hehe sounds like an excuse to me bebe ;3 yeap, but people like to change things around apparently d; lol is that how it works? @~@ /hughugtight
    Dec 05 2018 06:59 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    mhm, gotta find a place that can afford your talent @w@ okays, I see :3 mhm, we should be fine O;
    because you have more good than bad parts about you oCo you don't need to do it no, but wouldn't you want to? owo yeps, which happens in an actual avalanche too G; /kisshugholdtight
    are you honest? lol *hugglecuddle* ;B it's not illegal over here, the employers usually pay taxes on your behalf for work related stuff @u@
    so you admit to making me silly then? C; ♥
    I knows bebe, it is X3 okies then, so you decide when they've earned to see it? ouo <3 /kisshug
    nuo, we're sleeping then >3 nope, not even that \>w<\ both of course *hugglenom* XB
    it was a valid excuse y'know, and I went to check it out now, apparently we had reached over 6000 messages in our first convo ;3 cuz they be stoopid ;b mhm, then you can watch the world burn @~@ /hughugtight
    Dec 06 2018 11:58 PM
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hollowhowl7 → Maika

100 down, 100 to go omo/
Apr 30 2018 05:39 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    mhm, she does both @w@ there aren't as many opportunities to die here in comparison :3 yea, another one is on it's way but it should only last a few days here O;
    prob not, but who knows oCo is that how it works? owo still not as loud as the city G; /kisshugholdtight
    yus, exactly *hugglecuddle* ;B maybe, they would've had it easier if they did it before we started monitoring space @u@
    I think you got your numbers wrong C; ♥
    ofc you gotta have a hobby or so, many retired people over here find something fun they like to do X3 nope, and they don't know us as well as we do ouo <3 /kisshug
    or that, but they'd prob have a reason to believe so then >3 how rude, was it cuz he thought the opposite? \>w<\ there are job openings every now and again ofc *hugglenom* XB
    yep that's for sure ;3 mhm, I hope it last for a bit longer ;b okays, well it's up to you @~@ /hughugtight
    Aug 06 2018 11:48 PM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    hehe goodie, I'll boop you with mah snoot too @w@ I mean, there are more things here than in outerspace, right? :3 ours is still going strong O;
    I'm not big into leading stuff so oCo ofc, always gotta have some support omo lol I dunno, those damned cicadas can get pretty loud G; /kisshugholdtight
    but I don't drink to get drunk at least *hugglecuddle* ;B assuming their technology isn't much more advanced than ours? @u@
    nah, I did all the calculations twice~! C; ♥
    what if my hobby is working though? X3 nope, despite thinking they do for some reason ouo <3 /kisshug
    animal instinct/craziness >D no, it was more him just making crude remarks about it being "sexier" with her and you or something />w</ for my field of work? *hugglenom* XB
    the world has advanced past what was previously established ;3 jo, just depends on everyone else d; if I get around to it, only need more space really @~@ /hughugtight
    Aug 08 2018 05:19 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    then I boop you with mai snoot back @w@ if humans go out there, they are most likely after a planet which I'm sure will have plenty of ways :3 jo, do you think it will last all month still? O;
    neither am I really, at least not right now oCo what aboot All Might? owo we don't have any cicadas over here bebe G; /kisshugholdtight
    nope, I wouldn't drink for that reason either *hugglecuddle* ;B I dunno bebe, it could be but who knows @u@
    well I think you are using the wrong formula, since I got the opposite result! C; ♥
    that's fine too, maybe you'll start your own little business X3 they think they know everything but they are so wrong ouo <3 /kisshug
    if someone did something that seemed threatning, then sure >3 hmm in comparison to what now? \>w<\ yes, even your field of work bebe *hugglenom* XB
    it has, and people should stop being lazy about changing things up ;3 and whether or not you have to work weekends ;b is it space for things you would need? @~@ /hughugtight
    Aug 08 2018 11:49 PM
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hollowhowl7 → Maika

once again, we've done 100 messages
Feb 16 2018 10:21 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    hehe and neither am I @w@ unless one of us moves closer to the other :3 depends on how well thought out those plans are, but jo O;
    why are you hiding bebe? oCo I mean I guess lol, as long as you agree to be the king owo we shall get rid of them all G; /kisshugholdtight
    yus, which is good *hugglecuddle* ;B haha I need picture proof then @u@
    nuo, you're just so silly that you can't see it bebu C; ♥
    good, that would be quite weird and uncomfortable X3 indeeds, and you won't know what kind of stalker they are until it's too late! ouo <3 /kisshug
    is that an expression? >3 well, at least nicer lol \>w<\ hehe same here, I decided early on that I didn't wanna be a farmer *hugglenom* XB
    we can still say just goldfish, just makes it easier to remember thinking aboot keyleth lol ;3 yus! in an adult relationship ;b yeap, there are all kinds of problems @~@ /hughugtight
    Apr 27 2018 03:14 AM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    maybe I'll just have to stop wearing pants @w@ I mean, you never know what'll happen :3 a detailed one is generally well thought out O;
    so I can peak in without being disturbed oCo I'll always be your king omo deeeetriot smaaaash-a! G; /kisshugholdtight
    gotta find what's best in the end *hugglecuddle* ;B I'll have my people fax your people @u@
    I dunno, still seems pretty odd to me C; ♥
    lol jo, even for me X3 but an ex-stalker is still not the same thing ouo <3 /kisshug
    more or less, yus >D same thing in some cases />W</ maybe if I had grown up with it, but still prefer building things *hugglenom* XB
    haha okie dokies then ;3 yohohoho well we both know that for a fact d; just need someone to be there to help with 'em @~@ /hughugtight
    Apr 28 2018 09:07 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    hm what are you going to wear instead? @w@ nope, anything could happen really :3 not always tho O;
    aw who is disturbing you? oCo hehe yus owo lol that's one way to do it G; /kisshugholdtight
    mhm, eventually you'll find something if you look *hugglecuddle* ;B who are those people? @u@
    you're so used to your own silliness C; ♥
    yeap, so that won't happen X3 they could get back into it tho ouo <3 /kisshug
    what does it mean then? >3 possibly yus, I also just like to have it a little bit shorter \>W<\ jo I can see why that is more fun *hugglenom* XB
    up to you too tho ;3 mhm, cuz we are not fooling around ;b sometimes easier than other times @~@ /hughugtight
    Apr 30 2018 01:49 AM
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hollowhowl7 → Maika

jo, it must've been something in my settings being weird bebe XB
Nov 16 2017 05:23 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    maybe, but that's because of different reasons @w@ okies, then you're getting closer :3 that's silly, not much of a fantasy world either O;
    yea it is oCo and usually to your brother's place owo hm which movie is that? G; /kisshugholdtight
    hoping so, kinda just waiting for answers right now *hugglecuddle* ;B sure, if someone makes a discovery or something @u@
    mhm, wouldn't wanna be involved at all C; ♥
    depends on the question too X3 yeap I knows, hope it all goes well in the end ouo <3 /kisshug
    apparently so >3 it does, we gotta become better \>w<\ I'm not blehing you *hugglenom* XB
    supposedly yes ;3 mhm it helped me as well ;b lol okay @~@ /hughugtight
    Feb 15 2018 02:45 AM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    yeap, most unavoidable too @w@ haha well I got past the academy... :3 all "heroes" want an archenemy O;
    can't earn it by doing nothing either oCo haha yeap, cuz it's not too far away omo Zombieland G; /kisshugholdtight
    jo, I believe at you bebe *hugglecuddle* ;B so maybe one day it'll be possibru @u@
    just let us relax and enjoy life together C; ♥
    true, true, and who's asking it X3 I do too, but we'll see what happens ouo <3 /kisshug
    or have the connection crap out and unhearable >D one step at a time />w</ well you're blehing at me *hugglenom* XB
    unless you're dumb and just playing the same numbers ;3 anyways, what were we talking aboot? d; I see the good in you, I see the bad in you, I see the all of you @~@ /hughugtight
    Feb 15 2018 09:54 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    yep and nothing I'd blame you for @w@ hehe okies, did you do the arena as well? :3 not very herotic to go around and make enemies O;
    nope, if you can then I would like to know what job that is lol oCo I knows, which is pretty nice owo okay, doesn't ring a bell G; /kisshugholdtight
    mhm tack bebe, we'll also see how that one meeting is gonna go *hugglecuddle* ;B I'm no scientist so I can't help it either way @u@
    yus, that is what we want C; ♥
    why does that matter? X3 it shouldn't be too impossible ouo <3 /kisshug
    which usually happens in combination with lags >3 we should've started way earlier even \>w<\ I'm obviously blehing the olives *hugglenom* XB
    playing the same numbers? ;3 well the convo went here and there again but we were talking aboot life lessons being learned now ;b are you an elf? @~@ /hughugtight
    Feb 16 2018 01:45 AM
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hollowhowl7 → Maika

and another batch of these done once again :B
Sep 05 2017 04:26 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    yea, exactly @w@ would it count as a trunk if someone put a roof over it? :3 looks like it yep, but ahwell wasn't gonna wear it forever anyways O;
    and I love you bebe oCo nupe, anyways owo yus, can't expect more than that at least G; /kisshugholdtight
    jo I knows, almost done now and I just made it past the deck of cards thing.. lol *hugglecuddle* ;B aw okay, have you washed it? @u@
    ohnoes, it's the rage of the chazy C; ♥
    awn, on which side? X3 mhm, the bed is one of the important parts tho pretty sure it won't come with the home \>w<\ nuu, that's the opposite *hugglenom* XB
    yeap, it's just something you gotta be able to do ;3 of course, but we usually have fun playing any game really ;b depends I guess, maybe more modern homes have accounted for it @~@ /hughugtight
    Nov 14 2017 11:55 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    sorry, was too tired again I guess xb missed out on some stuff..
    okays, do we still count as young adults? ouo <3 /kisshug
    I'll just have to mess with you back then >3
    Nov 14 2017 11:58 PM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    unless you're just leave it blank like a weirdo @w@ hmn maybe, they do have those for trucks after all :3 haha no, it's pretty useless for me right now O;
    jo goodie, I love you too oCo I think we were talking about useless peeps in the beginning omo just wanna hang out and spend time together y'know G; /kisshugholdtight
    haha yea, ofc that would happen as a finale *hugglecuddle* ;B jo, it's been washed since then lol @u@
    indeeds, and you don't wanna make a chazy angry C; ♥
    probs both sides, though I know it does on dad's X3 I'm an old man bebe, but you can count as one, sure ouo <3 /kisshug
    and the cycle continues~ >D I mean, would want a new one in that case />w</ but it gives you so much energy and stamina! *hugglenom* XB
    otherwise life will beat you down ;3 hehe as long as it's a decent game, yus d; nuo, people have gotten shorter over the years @~@ /hughugtight
    Nov 15 2017 07:20 PM
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hollowhowl7 → Maika

welp, there goes another 100 messages again XD
Jun 26 2017 08:33 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    sure, that means you're first and third @w@ well some people still plan to do a lot of stuff during holidays, but jo :3 are you trying to be someone else? O;
    hm but I'm not a doctor nor a reindeer oCo of course, things can always change owo I'm pretty sure he was just thinking about the concept G; /kisshugholdtight
    yeap, and I'm mainly thinking about jumping off buildings kinda stupid *hugglecuddle* ;B are you saying onions are bad? @u@
    why not? if it's something as simple as boredom then you can fight it C; ♥
    or just staying in the same spot X3 nuo I think they would agree with me ouo <3 /kisshug
    well, they're more likely to end up with some conditions you don't want them to have if you have them late >3 I can learn! \>w<\ I guess so *hugglenom* XB
    bleh, not to me ;3 I don't need to be carried homee ;b doesn't sound good either way @~@ /hughugtight
    Sep 03 2017 11:13 PM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    I'll take it for now @w@ I guess so but only if it's a "gathering" type of holiday :3 only when I'm playing RPGs O;
    I'm not a swordsman or a rubberman oCo things will always change, somehow, someway omo which implies we're disgusting G; /kisshugholdtight
    haha well I mean, if you have something soft to land on *hugglecuddle* ;B raw and by themselves, yea @u@
    depends on the level of boredom and how you feel in the day C; ♥
    always depends on the situations X3 what are you willing to bet? ouo <3 /kisshug
    I suppose, but I was thinking more of the energy required >D hehe okies, I guess we;ll see />w</ unless they have some severe tendencies of it showing *hugglenom* XB
    almost as good as olives bebe ;3 hehe are you sure aboot that bebe? d; it's usually not, no @~@ /hughugtight
    Sep 04 2017 07:03 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    hehe okays, what were we talking aboot again? lol @w@ some would see all holidays as a "gathering" type, but jo :3 and I think that's the point with RPGs O;
    are you more like Brook then? oCo true, either in a minor or a major way owo I guess G; /kisshugholdtight
    but if there's a risk of missing it? not a good idea *hugglecuddle* ;B I mean yea, but why would they only have layers like onions when they're bad? @u@
    if you're too tired to fight it then it's just to go rest C; ♥
    yeap, #contextmatters X3 I don't really wanna bet on it, but what would be reasonable? ouo <3 /kisshug
    well maybe that's true as well >3 don't be meannn \>w<\ so what do you do then? report it to someone? *hugglenom* XB
    nuo, olives are worse ;3 yesh, I wouldn't tire myself out that much ;b is it ever good? @~@ /hughugtight
    Sep 05 2017 01:03 AM
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hollowhowl7 → Maika

welp, there goes another 100 messages here bx
Apr 17 2017 08:00 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    not always, we don't always want the hours to go by @w@ so that you can get your proof? lol :3 haha yea, there's no need for all of them O;
    must be someone really crazy in that case oCo but one can always try owo hehe tack, you're perfect for me too bebe G; /kisshugholdtight
    hehe jo okies, some books are just good enough to be read again *hugglecuddle* ;B it does, doesn't it? @u@
    yep, and sometimes I feel like a part of them must know that C; ♥
    haha I guess, even tho I'm bad at that game X3 if I'm silly then you are even sillier! ouo <3 /kisshug
    lol we'll see I suppose >3 nuo, chazy be so silly \>w<\ why would it do that? *hugglenom* XB
    okie dokies, then we'll have a plan B, or a plan A if it's better than skype ;3 it could be eh? ;b maybe cuz they don't like people in general? @~@ /hughugtight
    Jun 23 2017 02:01 AM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    haha true, but time flies when you have fun as they say @w@ ohnoes, you realized my plan! :3 at least not until we've played like 1000 games O;
    there are a few of those around jo oCo one day even succeeding omo hehe goodie G; /kisshugholdtight
    mhm if you have the time for 'em *hugglecuddle* ;B but you gotta give me the booty first @u@
    yet they still fight so hard to be right C; ♥
    I am too, plus it can get boring after a bit X3 but you're the silliest person I know ouo <3 /kisshug
    after she's all grown up and whatnot >D you mean mai be so silly />w</ because a lonely thing made it so *hugglenom* XB
    jo, as long as they actually do it ;3 well, y'know, I'm rarely ever silly d; or they;re very selfish peeps @~@ /hughugtight
    Jun 23 2017 06:38 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    yeap, that's how it goes @w@ hehe it was a pretty obvious plan! :3 lol I guess so, we'll see if we get to that many times O;
    hiding in the shadows.. oCo mhm that would be pretty cool owo and you should know that~ G; /kisshugholdtight
    jo, I used to have more time then what I have now *hugglecuddle* ;B why is that? @u@
    yea, argumenting hard about their own agenda C; ♥
    depends on who you're playing with I suppose, plus no fun to keep losing either X3 but you are the silliest person that I know ouo <3 /kisshug
    I dunno, maybe she'll have a 'fart-stage' before she has grown up completely >3 that's not what I mean, I mean what I say \>w<\ a lonely thing? *hugglenom* XB
    as always, just gotta wait and see ;3 you're silly when you're with me! ;b well, the whole world isn't about them so they better understand that @~@ /hughugtight
    Jun 26 2017 02:03 AM
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hollowhowl7 → Maika

Another 100 bite the dust!
Feb 03 2017 08:39 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    nope, tho drawing games can be pretty fun @w@ yus goodie, you definitely deserve it :3 I'm usually not busy, but jo O;
    maybe we started it together oCo yeap, it got pretty crazy *lick* owo how's it realisitic? G; /kisshugholdtight
    jo hopefully it is, but don't wanna hog all the action y'know *hugglecuddle* ;B hm okays @u@
    nupe, but they chose that life C; ♥
    yea, whatever movie comes to mind when we want to watch smth, we'll watch it I guess X3 well it's not always easy to think aboot smth completely random ouo <3 /kisshug
    so maybe you are succeeding in not standing out? >3 lol is that a reference? \>w<\ no, but it's still a little awkward lol *hugglenom* XB
    nuo I said don't ;3 haha of course not ;b lol indeed @~@ /hughugtight
    Apr 14 2017 01:54 AM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    when they don't glitch out, yea @w@ it was a veeery long week :3 sometimes you have things to do too O;
    I dunno, it seems more like a Ray thing to do oCo not the good, chazy-crazy though *lick* omo because it "could" happen G; /kisshugholdtight
    I knows, neither do I though *hugglecuddle* ;B cuz you won't know if it's dead or alive till the box is open @u@
    they did, and most never escape it before it's too late C; ♥
    haha yeap, like the new Star Wars, and Jungle Book, and Beauty and the Beast X3 no, just has to come to us then ouo <3 /kisshug
    or am I failing at fitting in? >D hmn, no, I was just rhyming with muster />w</ even when I'm dancing? *hugglenom* XB
    but they're so glorious ;3 we just know the facts! d; with some dungeons thrown in @~@ /hughugtight
    Apr 14 2017 07:15 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    of course, as long as it's not a funny glitch @w@ it was indeed, too long of a week :3 I knows, it happens O;
    I don't remember at this point lol oCo haha nope, not that good kind *lick* owo okays, well I'm pretty sure they're not using that kind of things right now G; /kisshugholdtight
    we'll share it together bebe *hugglecuddle* ;B wouldn't it be meowing if it's alive? @u@
    well we don't know if most people don't escape it C; ♥
    mhm, whenever we get a chance to as well X3 yeap, that's why it's random I guess ouo <3 /kisshug
    which means standing out..? >3 lol okays \>w<\ haha yea, that makes it more weird silly *hugglenom* XB
    they're pretty average, really ;3 mhm, the facts that we created ;b possible, tho I don't think there'll be many dungeons in space lol @~@ /hughugtight
    Apr 17 2017 01:03 AM
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  • Zeando's Photo
    definitely bob, thanks
    Dec 14 2016 11:39 AM

hollowhowl7 → Maika

welp, already done another hundred, even with skipping the weekend XD
Nov 24 2016 11:07 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    from the neighborhood? lol @w@ hmm okays ;3 yuppers, but at least life is more fun with some challenges O;
    yea, but judging from the people who seem to be going to play, it should be fine oCo is there even an answer? *lick* owo hehe do that, while I nom on chazpie some moar G; /kisshugholdtight
    mhm, gotta try anyways *hugglecuddle* ;B who let the dogs out? @u@
    yus, they gotta be able to handle those kinds of situations by themselves C; ♥
    indeeds, soo good X3 yea, but in the end I hope it will all be worthwhile ouo <3 /kisshug
    nuo, you're silly cuz you are silly >3 so they encounter bosses more often? \>w<\ then I'll choot *nom* XB
    to infinity and beyond ;3 exactly right bebe ;b yeap, things may get even more stressful later on anyways @~@ /hughugtight
    Feb 02 2017 03:09 AM
  • hollowhowl7's Photo
    or willing to come over and play I guess @w@ as long as they don't bother you :3 jo, kinda would get boring without 'em O;
    hehe hopefully jo, once the game gets started oCo maybe not "one" answer *lick* omo ohnoes, you gonna eat me all up G; /kisshugholdtight
    and have fun while doing it *hugglecuddle* ;B well, it was a different song, but sure @u@
    in a way that doesn't get them in more trouble? C; ♥
    lots of things we still have to experience X3 I'm sure it will be bebe ouo <3 /kisshug
    hmn, that's not good enough >D yeap, and level up faster />w</ you gonna choot at me, quack? *nom* XB
    does that make me Woody? ;3 but you're still perfect for me d; yup, life tends to do that @~@ /hughugtight
    Feb 02 2017 08:53 PM
  • Maika's Photo
    okies, well the more the merrier, as long as no one tries to ruin the game @w@ I would have to lay on my back, otherwise they'd prob annoy me pretty quickly :3 yea, just the same old everyday O;
    mhm, whenever that will be oCo where are the answers hiding? *lick* owo nuo don't worry, I always leave a little G; /kisshugholdtight
    as much fun as can be had *hugglecuddle* ;B hehe well I didn't know what other song to reference @u@
    jo, they gotta be responsible C; ♥
    yea, just hope we have time for it all X3 I do hope so ouo <3 /kisshug
    it is good enough for me >3 okays lol \>w<\ choot choot *nom* XB
    haha sure, if you want to be Woody ;3 you already said that our imperfections make us perfect for each other ;b but a lot of fun times too, I'm sure @~@ /hughugtight
    Feb 03 2017 03:09 AM
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hollowhowl7 → azer_moli

Probably a bit late now, but happy birthday Azer-sensei ♥
Nov 16 2016 07:39 PM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    Thank you very much Hollow! :D
    Nov 19 2016 04:07 AM


┻━┻︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Nov 01 2016 07:10 PM
  • Metal Heart's Photo
    Metal Heart
    Hollow stop flipping tables.
    Nov 02 2016 06:55 PM