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SootKatt → All_Overboard

I grant thee merry wishes of birthday happiness ~
Sep 25 2018 05:09 PM

All_Overboard → kikyou_e

It's been a while hasn't it? I kind have been lost in a daze for a very very long time. I went into heavy times with writing and deciding to work through other medias for a while and I've been working two jobs lately as well which has been stressing me out but I got to pay for my degree somehow right? I guess that has made me a bit lax on what I do. I've been gone so long and I suddenly felt this calling to come back here. I know I usually don't come on very often and that's more because everyone started to drift away from this site for a while till it was only you and me. And let's face it. I'm a heavy introvert who takes so long making friends that I doubt that I would have the ability to actually keep them here. I've been looking back through everything I've ever done and realized that sometimes I act jerkish and other times I just don't speak at all because I don't really have much to say at all. Sorry for taking so long to come back and saying hi.
May 04 2017 01:34 AM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    Makes sense. I only manage to talk with you here Kik. And it is stressful. Right now I've been really pissed off after all these problems they have been causing with each other. I'm getting a shorter fused every single time I speak with them over the course of the days here. It's one of the reasons I don't like having networking problems.

    What cha making? And I can tell you are gonna get busy and it makes sense that you would have to get a new one. Things are going faster and faster aren't they?
    Aug 03 2017 02:31 AM
  • kikyou_e's Photo
    oh huh, you must be very busy then. ah yeah that sucks, well i hope it's all worth it in the end. or at least a good learning experience.

    i was making a smashbook, and a poetry one (for my birth mom), and my usual journal lol. yeah i just gotta figure out the best one for my budget lol, may end up saving some for a better one in the end of september. all depends i guess. And yeah things really are going faster and faster. My adopted/foster mom says that comes with age lol, like 3 months used to take forever as a kid now it flashes by.
    Aug 05 2017 02:04 AM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    It is and it isn't. Right now I'm just keeping myself busy while I work on other things. Also I think the group is fading away dynamic wise. They've been through a lot of self doubt and hate with each other.

    It has been going faster. I've noticed that one day just zooms by like nothing now. So what have you decided on making then?
    Aug 10 2017 02:56 PM

ZCOverload → All_Overboard

You're a face I haven't seen in a while.
Sep 10 2015 02:05 AM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    I barely use photoshop, yet I did like my idea and I used illustrator to edit a font to one that I viewed as good. Still I decided to learn to draw better. Too bad I'm really harsh on my own work lol. I feel like I should get rid of the sprites in the background and maybe work on silouhuettes of the characters but then I would need a lighter background.
    Which WSAC did you win? I admit I don't look at the contests much. I did join the writing ones from time to time.
    Sep 12 2015 06:41 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    I want to teach myself to draw but every time I put a pencil on a paper I cringe into the nth dimension.

    I've won about 5 or 6 of them. Maybe more. (Mods don't give out the awards sometimes.) Since then I run the contest so I've entered less frequently. I'm taking a break from GFX as a whole. I am running the writing contest now though if you wanna jump back in.
    Sep 12 2015 06:58 PM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    I went through one of those binge drawing phases where I looked at one particular character and drew their face with different expressions until I felt ok with my drawing. Still wasn't my best work but I was happy I drew regardless of anything else.

    I'll take a look. I do feel like I'm back in my writing phase.
    Sep 12 2015 07:05 PM

All_Overboard → casscat

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! / :glomp:
Aug 27 2015 03:50 AM
  • casscat's Photo
    Hi!! Thank you!! How are you doing?
    Aug 29 2015 09:16 PM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    I'm entirely insane but I'm getting a bachelor degree and working hard for it XD
    Sep 10 2015 04:08 AM
  • casscat's Photo
    That's awesome! Good for you :]
    Nov 05 2015 09:21 AM

kikyou_e → All_Overboard

Nov 11 2013 08:38 PM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    Hey quit it XD
    /pokes back twice as fast
    Sep 10 2015 04:08 AM
  • kikyou_e's Photo
    Yo, you've been gone over a year now... /pokes continuously...
    did you finish your game?
    Feb 09 2017 01:04 AM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    Sorry it's been hectic. I have finished my schooling. Finally have a bachelor degree and now I'm paying for it.
    May 04 2017 01:27 AM

kujawsc → All_Overboard

*jumps on you and gives you a big hug* I MISS YOU SO MUCH BRO!!!
Jun 10 2013 10:51 AM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    Sis needs to show up more often. Remember to text me too D:

    I'm going to E3 tomorrow I'm leaving tonight XD
    Jun 10 2013 01:09 PM

kikyou_e → All_Overboard

Mar 15 2013 01:52 AM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    Yup its all good o.o

    /chains you securely o.o

    Or was it O.o
    Aug 07 2013 01:20 AM
  • kikyou_e's Photo
    k.. o.o whatever it was..

    can i go all.. um.. king kong? and break the chains? /RAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    definitely not... whatever it was o.O

    How've you been Overboard? o.o
    Aug 07 2013 02:44 AM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    Yup o.o

    I made them titanium so no o.o /watches you struggle o.o

    I forgot O.o

    I've been so exhausted lately and I'm in the process of making a game now with some friends as a school project :O
    Nov 10 2013 03:50 PM

eyesopen → All_Overboard

I am just never going to be here a lot anymore :'< oh well Heya Over. Didn't you have a different ava before? Now ummmm get back to your job. And your school work. How are the job and school? :)
Mar 07 2013 02:22 AM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    Its tiring and try to be here more often DX I command you to @.@/hypno eyes
    Mar 08 2013 11:55 PM

kujawsc → All_Overboard

*glomps you then sits on you* Mmm where is big bro!
Jan 17 2013 08:09 AM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    No we use the milk signal /reveals the giant spotlight with the cow silhouette on its lens.
    Feb 23 2013 04:08 AM
  • kujawsc's Photo
    *tries not to laugh* Sorry that is kinda funny.
    But it is a good idea.
    Feb 23 2013 11:33 PM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    Yes its not batman its the milkman defender of those who are lactose intolerant o.o
    Feb 25 2013 01:39 AM

All_Overboard → casscat

Dec 16 2012 08:55 PM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    I am freaking out slightly from work at school :omg:
    Jan 25 2013 12:50 AM
  • casscat's Photo
    ohh boo >__<
    Jan 25 2013 05:04 PM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    don't worry Cassie can save me ;)
    Jan 25 2013 09:25 PM


Need to work on my youtube page more often
Dec 16 2012 02:42 AM

All_Overboard → Bethhy

Oh my god your a pot head :omg: Thats hilarious. I know some friends who know a guy XD
Dec 16 2012 01:13 AM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    Doki chan needs to find me then so we can share and get high together :D
    Dec 16 2012 02:43 AM
  • Bethhy's Photo
    Haha sound as a pound, mate. Would be pretty fun to kiss the sky with ya, honey.
    Dec 16 2012 10:34 AM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    There is no limit. We'll be past the stars
    Dec 16 2012 08:53 PM

Satoshi → All_Overboard

Way to not add me...I knew we weren't friends. D:
Dec 15 2012 05:56 PM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    I have DX
    May 26 2013 03:03 AM
  • Satoshi's Photo
    That is still past tense. So, not keeping the promise.
    May 29 2013 06:19 PM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    I have done it don't like it o.o
    Jun 03 2013 03:39 AM
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All_Overboard → sena-kun21

/glompifies you into luffy brand rubber XD
Dec 14 2012 11:59 PM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    They were a random person I didnt know o.o or maybe I did but don't recognize from their username o.o

    if no eye crust they eat the eyes o.o

    Oh teh noes O:

    Apr 04 2013 02:38 AM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    Hehehe...silly. :P lol

    Yuck!!! o.O

    Oh, no...not the noes. o.o
    Apr 05 2013 03:39 AM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    It was random :P

    Yup O.o

    Yes the noes :O
    Apr 06 2013 05:26 PM

sena-kun21 → All_Overboard

Thought I should be the first one to deface your PF page, Brev. :P LOL
Dec 14 2012 11:38 PM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    Yuh huh!! :ninja: :zawarudo: Its the truthz :P lol
    Apr 04 2013 02:38 AM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    Na-uh!!! :ninja: :pirate_stomp: You keep saying that. You're beginning to believe it too. :P lol
    Apr 05 2013 03:40 AM
  • All_Overboard's Photo
    Yuh huh!! :ninja: :zawarudo: It ish the truthz :P lol
    Apr 06 2013 05:26 PM