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sena-kun21 → drewbeard

Dropping by to say hello. How are you? :)
Aug 28 2015 12:45 AM

ArSoNiSt JoE → sena-kun21

You're back? Welcome back!
Aug 23 2015 09:27 AM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    Hehehe...you're now laid back? I thought island people were always laid back 24/7. ;) lol Interesting, yes. *nods*

    Yup, pretty much. Trolling people is like bullying...and I hate bullies. So I wouldn't want to troll and hurt people. So, on your island, is the national language English?

    Hahaha...I'll neither confirm nor deny your guess. *evil smile* lol

    Then I was lucky to have come across your better postings, huh? :D

    Tell me about it. *sigh* Like you, my TRL is pretty sizable as well. You have to tell me what genre you like and I'll list some for you to check out when you have the time. As for me, mine is more eclectic. I don't just stick to any one type of genre (though, it depends on my mood on what I feel like reading at the time). I like all kinds...that's within good taste. Romance is usually on the top of my list because I'm a bit of a romantic. But then it would have a mix of fantasy, adventure, martial arts, sports, comedy, drama, action, slice of life, a bit of tragedy and supernatural. These are mostly the main ones. Anyway, most of the Shounen mangas I've read were mostly MCs as seen as underdogs at the beginning striving to better themselves. I love these type of stories because I find them very inspirational. Ha! Wouldn't you like to know? Not confirming nor denying it. :P lol
    Aug 25 2015 12:24 AM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Hahaha well for the most part we are pretty laid back xD But we can be a bit aggressive too, if need be ;)

    Yup, English is our national language! Though for the most part we speak a form of Trini-English, which is basically a lot of broken English, mixed with a few French and Spanish words. BUt yeah you can say that English is our first language, with Spanish being a distant second. One day I'll tell you about some of the common phrases in Trini English, they're hilarious xD

    What about you? What is your native tongue? And can you speak several languages? ^ ^ I can only speak English haha. My spanish is rusty, I would probably end up offending someone by accident xD

    Yup, yup lol. I try to keep a balance between good posting and the occasional mischeivous antics xD

    Awww you like romance? That's pretty cool xD I won't lie and say that I scour the internet for romance mangas (Even though I am a romantic myself, even a hopless romantic at times...), but I do like reading one or two romance mangas now and then. The JoE's softer, more sensitive side needs nurturing too xD What kind of romance stories do you usually favor? The traditional "Two people randomly meet and fall in love" or "I'm alrady married, but there is this one guy/girl that I can't get my mind off of" or "Our families do not approve of our union, but we don't care! We'll find a way..." I know these aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, I'm just curious about your preferences ^ ^

    As for me, well I really like samurai or martial arts themed mangas. Mangas like Lone Wolf and Cub, and Vagabond are amongst my favs. So if you know of any mangas like those, you can reccommend them ^ ^

    I also like a lot of shonen, because like you, stories about the main character overcoming the odds appeal to me. Hahah I've always sorta considered myself a bit of a shonen character in some ways xD I can relate to being born/starting out at a disadvantage, and having to dig deep down in order to overcome my obstacles through hard work. Rock Lee is my fav character in Naruto because we are similar in a sense xD So you relate to shonen MCs in that way as well?

    I would read anythihg really, but you can start out with samurai themed mangas and other kinds of shonen, throw in a few romance mangas here and there and I'll be happy ^ ^

    Ohohohoho shying away from the question about ecchi mangas huh? =P I'll take that as a "I...uh...read them sometimes...^///^ Don't judge me JoE!" **punches Joe in the shoulder**

    Aug 26 2015 06:29 PM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    Hehehe...I can believe that. :P

    What an interesting combination. I can imagine how colorful it could be. Sure, I look forward to learning a few words. Thanks. :)

    Same like you, English. :)

    Oh, yes I do. Well, if you like, read Kanata Kara (From Far Away). It's a beautiful well crafted story with the romance building up. Artwork maybe a bit dated at the beginning but it's gorgeous. It's a bit of fantasy, action, comedy, drama and adventure all roll up in one. It's one of my favorite manga. It's five chapters in all but it's a 14 volume spread. Chapter 5 was the longest chapter, though. I think it took up about 5 volumes. Anyway, it's worth the read. Heh, Joe's a softie, huh? :D Hmm, what type of romance? It depends on the premise but I like the traditional and "Our families do not approve... We'll find a way..." kinds. But then again, it has to have a good solid plot. It's kind of difficult to find the right ones so I have a lot of hit and miss.

    I haven't read those but I have Vagabond on my TRL, though. I do, I just have to sift through my list.

    In a sense, I do. I like that "can do" attitude. Watching their gradual growth from nothing to being something. Not so much as gaining fame but personal accomplishment. Finding their inner strength to overcome all obstacles. Like I said, I find them all very inspiring.

    Ok. I'll do that.

    Hehehe...whatever you say. ;)lol
    Aug 27 2015 11:01 PM

Sloan → sena-kun21

Happy G day
Jul 26 2015 01:48 AM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    Thank you, Sloan. :D
    Aug 23 2015 12:21 AM

TheFireSage → sena-kun21

Hey senakun. It's been a while! How have you been treated by life so far? :)
Feb 22 2015 01:32 AM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    Yea, I know. I guess you can say that it's been treating me fairly. Miss you guys here, you know.
    Aug 23 2015 12:21 AM

retroluffy13 → sena-kun21

hi sena. youve always beeen really nice to me. would you mnd answering a few questions about your omf mod experiance for a profile essay im writing in english? its all about omf.
Feb 10 2014 11:58 AM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    Sorry for not answering then but I'm back now. I hope you got an A++.
    Aug 23 2015 12:19 AM

disastrousmaster → sena-kun21

Nov 19 2013 01:04 PM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    Hey,there. :)
    Dec 02 2013 05:40 PM
  • disastrousmaster's Photo
    Dec 04 2013 01:45 AM
  • Kuchiki Shiba's Photo
    Kuchiki Shiba
    Dec 05 2013 05:06 PM

Raiden → sena-kun21

hey sen. IT seems you are bakc in action, so when will you put up the judge results for the OP toruney? :3
Sep 15 2013 07:35 AM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    I got a few that I will posting up but I'm waiting for it to be reviewed. Btw, what pic do you want me to use for Garrus?
    Sep 18 2013 06:58 AM

sena-kun21 → Hadz-x

Happy Birthday, Hadz. :)
Sep 15 2013 12:00 AM
  • Hadz-x's Photo
    Thank you!
    Sep 22 2013 02:13 PM

sena-kun21 → Acidrain

Hey, Acidrain. Happy happy birthday! :D
Aug 11 2013 01:30 AM

disastrousmaster → sena-kun21

D: why is everything locked
Aug 05 2013 04:46 AM
  • disastrousmaster's Photo
    sorry for the disturbance >_>
    Aug 05 2013 05:47 AM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    Huh...? You're not disturbing me. So no need to be sorry. :)
    Aug 05 2013 06:29 AM
  • disastrousmaster's Photo
    oh alright then

    Aug 05 2013 07:17 AM

sena-kun21 → Jman

Just stopping by to say...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jman!!! :)
Aug 04 2013 02:40 AM
  • Jman's Photo
    thank you, sena!
    Aug 04 2013 11:30 AM

Sloan → sena-kun21

Sup O_o
Jul 29 2013 03:10 AM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    Hi, Sloan. :)
    Jul 29 2013 04:56 AM
  • Sloan's Photo
    I feel star-struck, like you got the jackpot cause' it's 21.

    What's poppin' with you? Wait wait let me guess, awesomeness.
    Jul 29 2013 02:08 PM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    Hehehe...I wish I won the powerball. :P

    Aug 02 2013 07:07 AM

Relinquisher → sena-kun21

Happy Birthday!!!!!!
Jul 26 2013 10:41 PM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    Oh, I'm not insulting you, Linq. Just curious about Petite answering for you. Sorry if it sounded like that. :(
    Aug 02 2013 09:25 PM
  • Relinquisher's Photo
    No no sena you are nice, quite the kind person.

    Petite on the other hand D:
    Aug 02 2013 09:28 PM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    :aww: :)
    Aug 04 2013 08:25 PM

Damanos → sena-kun21

Happy Birthday!
Jul 26 2013 09:45 PM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    Thank you, Damanos. :)
    Jul 27 2013 01:56 AM

thejabber → sena-kun21

Sena, it's been ages. Happy Birthday.
Jul 26 2013 08:58 PM
  • sena-kun21's Photo
    Thank you, Jabber. :D Yes, it has been. :nod:
    Jul 27 2013 01:55 AM