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First log in for years and nothing has changed. If one of the old crew happens upon my page, Hi! and hope life has been treating you kind.
May 05 2021 02:42 AM

Book.girl → Kingkys001

yo king where are you man
Aug 16 2015 11:43 PM

Book.girl → Kingkys001

Happy Belated Birthday King
Jun 12 2015 01:56 PM

retroluffy13 → Kingkys001

happy birthday
May 31 2015 11:27 AM

Wingman → Kingkys001

Happy Birthday
May 30 2015 11:01 PM

retroluffy13 → Kingkys001

guess what? im autisic.
May 06 2015 09:56 PM
  • Kingkys001's Photo
    I have OCD, look at us and our mental problems! [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6rc5uhR3w1rxevt4o1_500.gif[/img] How you dealing with the news?
    May 07 2015 04:49 PM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    well now that I know I can mae some adjustments o my life. I think my biggest problem was simplygoing 21 years undiegnosed
    May 07 2015 07:02 PM

Book.girl → Kingkys001

hello hello
May 02 2015 06:26 PM
  • Kingkys001's Photo
    May 04 2015 05:19 PM
  • Book.girl's Photo
    hey hey hey hey hey hey whats up have not seen you lately then again i have been busy too lol
    May 23 2015 04:05 PM

Book.girl → Kingkys001

yo king gorge is in the library, and i asked him my question its your turn to ask yours now lol.
Apr 05 2015 08:18 PM
  • Kingkys001's Photo
    I forgot what my question was, do you remember it?
    Apr 06 2015 12:25 AM
  • Book.girl's Photo
    I do yes, you were going to ask him about your current power level so he could put your mind at ease cause you felt weak after your battle with Sebastian, and that did not sit well with you because you are from asgard and he should not have been able to do that.
    Apr 06 2015 12:54 AM

Book.girl → Kingkys001

k I innings what are you up tooo
Mar 04 2015 03:45 AM

Book.girl → Kingkys001

hey king what's up its been awhile since we talked.
Feb 19 2015 10:08 PM
  • Kingkys001's Photo
    Ah it had been so long I didn't even know the RP was still running! I'll head there now. How did you like it? Takes some liberties with the mythology but a good game none the less.
    Mar 04 2015 11:55 PM
  • Book.girl's Photo
    It was awesome I am glad I am have finished now I am a quarter way through the second and yes this rp is still running lol
    Mar 11 2015 01:23 AM
  • Book.girl's Photo
    Posted as well
    Mar 11 2015 01:37 AM

retroluffy13 → Kingkys001

so i gave up faith a while ago. how bout you?
Feb 14 2015 08:17 PM
  • Kingkys001's Photo
    It doesn't seem to be thriving that's for sure.
    Feb 14 2015 09:57 PM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    eh. I should have just star5ed over completely new instead of doing all that convoluted crap just to make the story fit. h well. live and learn.
    Feb 14 2015 10:57 PM

Book.girl → Kingkys001

hey king what's up?
Jan 13 2015 01:52 PM
  • Kingkys001's Photo
    Nothin much just been havin fun with the flu
    Jan 13 2015 04:48 PM
  • Book.girl's Photo
    Ooh that sucks I hope you get better soon king it sucks when you get the flu.
    Jan 14 2015 01:50 AM
  • Book.girl's Photo
    Hey also just a heads up in the courtyard on page 10, post 196 sapphire approached Axel and started to talking to him. When you are able to could you post. And GET WELL SOON!!! :D
    Jan 14 2015 03:25 AM

Book.girl → Kingkys001

Yo king what ya up too?
Dec 12 2014 12:38 AM
  • Kingkys001's Photo
    Dang lol couldn't re intro with a a new character?
    Dec 12 2014 03:48 AM
  • Book.girl's Photo
    Nah I in a way lost interest as well I don't think it was my type of rp sadly
    Dec 12 2014 04:08 AM
  • Book.girl's Photo
    Why was their another rp you think I will be interested in?
    Dec 12 2014 06:42 PM

Book.girl → Kingkys001

Yo king what ya up too?
Dec 12 2014 12:38 AM
  • Kingkys001's Photo
    Nothin much
    Dec 12 2014 12:39 AM

Book.girl → Kingkys001

Yo king what ya up too?
Dec 12 2014 12:38 AM
  • Kingkys001's Photo
    watching some science friction lol
    Dec 12 2014 12:39 AM