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LiveFree_DieHard → Rob

I see you've taken back your old identity.
Jul 14 2013 12:44 AM
  • Rob's Photo
    Actually, I wasn't aware that I could. Good thing Greg was a kind man.
    Jul 14 2013 12:52 AM

Useypoo → LiveFree_DieHard

You should like help me come up with a crew name. o3o
Jun 16 2013 06:32 PM
  • Useypoo's Photo
    Finding our crew name can be a character arc or something.
    Jun 16 2013 08:21 PM
  • LiveFree_DieHard's Photo
    Yeah, let's go with that. It'll stal things until we come up with something.
    Jun 16 2013 09:28 PM
  • Useypoo's Photo
    Alrighty. I'll mention you in my completed character sheet briefly just as someone I met along the way and who I'll be traveling with.
    Jun 16 2013 10:05 PM