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kikyou_e → Satoshi

Hello hello ^^
Apr 08 2020 05:53 AM
  • Satoshi's Photo
    Hi! Wow, it sure has been awhile. I definitely need to come back here more often! :)
    Oct 11 2020 08:53 AM

Satoshi → Otaku-N.

Happy Birthday!
Feb 20 2017 09:50 PM
  • Otaku-N.'s Photo
    Feb 21 2017 04:12 AM

Oben → Satoshi

You won the Poetry Contest! What would you like as the next theme?
Jan 24 2017 04:15 PM
  • Satoshi's Photo
    Oh cool! That's a pretty nice early birthday present. Haha.

    Well, I just read a poem today titled "Dreams", and I think that would be a pretty interesting theme, so I will say "Dreams" for the next theme.
    Jan 24 2017 09:27 PM

Satoshi → ishxallxgood

Happy birthday!!
Dec 30 2016 03:42 PM

Wingman → Satoshi

happy Birthday
Jan 27 2016 07:38 PM
  • Satoshi's Photo
    Thanks! I apologize for the late reply. I kinda forgot about this place. Haha.
    Apr 03 2016 12:27 AM
  • Wingman's Photo
    Haha, no worries! You're Welcome!
    Apr 03 2016 09:32 PM

Sloan → Satoshi

Happy G Day
Jan 27 2016 07:08 PM
  • Satoshi's Photo
    Thanks! I apologize for the late reply. I kinda forgot about this place. Haha.
    Apr 03 2016 12:27 AM

Satoshi → azer_moli

Congrats on becoming a mod! (--is always late to notice such things--)
Aug 13 2015 02:19 PM
  • azer_moli's Photo
    Thank you~ 
    Aug 13 2015 02:25 PM

Sloan → Satoshi

Apr 05 2015 09:19 PM

kikyou_e → Satoshi

Oh, we've reached the limit again. o.o.
Feb 20 2015 01:35 AM
  • Satoshi's Photo
    I kinda put Vampire Knight on hold because I started watching Sailor Moon. It's funny that, when I watch the series, I recognize some of the episodes (especially from Season 1 and a few from Season 2) from when I watched it on TV. I really miss those days. Haha, I tried watching the new Sailor Moon, but I didn't even make it through episode 1. It's just...I'm used to the old series and all they did was redub it with the Japanese opening and Japanese names. I just want to see one that follows the manga. Maybe that new Sailor Moon Crystal? I'll have to check. I'm going to hold on watching Angel Beats!...it's too sad. I'm on a nostalgia fix right now. I also downloaded Pokemon...although, the download has the newest episodes on it too...which I don't want and will probably never watch because I hated when they changed voice actors.

    I finished reading all the volumes of Blue Exorcist that my library has...but there's still, like, four or five more volumes out in print right now, so I'm going to have to catch up the rest of the way online like I did with Yu Yu Hakusho.

    Thanks! I got it and I got in. I start my grad classes on Monday. Yeah...they didn't give me any slack. No third rec letter, no admission. I'm just glad I got it and that I could get in for fall. I really thought I wasnt' going to be able to start until spring. Hey, no problem, kik. I'll always believe in you. :)
    Aug 22 2017 11:00 PM
  • kikyou_e's Photo
    Ah, I put everything on hold lol, while in school. Set for occasional stuff I have already watched before. Because I watched some anime for a week without studying, and that was not good, and decided to put the manga and anime away for awhile lol. I have one final, final exam tomorrow and then I am done for the year... well I got an extension on a paper that I am going to finish up after my exam. Psychology was my favourite class this term, and I am going to join the next part in January with the same prof.

    There was a lot of reading for my english class, and I enjoyed that. I wish the class was longer lol. So, that I could enjoy it more. I think Sailor Moon Crystal was what I had watched I am not sure. It was different. I am not sure if i will be watching any anime this winter, probably though.

    I believe I will catch up in One Piece, the anime, and the manga.

    Oh, that's great! Glad you got in. Are you finished your Fall term too?

    I was reading an article about bitcoins, and they kept talking about satoshi coins, and that satoshi person who made it... and i was like i should go say hey to 4th person, other wise known as satoshi ^^
    Dec 13 2017 11:23 PM
  • Satoshi's Photo
    Yeah, I kinda did too for awhile. I was subbing for a middle school class (same students every day) for a month, so I had a lot of work to do, plus finishing up my grad class. I also started a new writing challenge (writing 85,000 words in 90 days). Seems overwhelming, but I feel pretty good about it so far.

    It probably was Sailor Moon Crystal. That one was different (I watched the first ep). I may try to watch more of it if I ever get back to watching the end of the original anime. They changed VAs in season 3 and that put me out of the mood to watch the final season of the dub. Why do anime do this to me? :/

    I'm also watching Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga and I'm kinda rewatching InuYasha at random too.

    Yep! Fall semester finished, for me, on December 11. Spring semester begins on January 22, so I still have a couple weeks until then. I'm only taking one class again this semester, so we'll see how it goes. I had an adjunct professor last semester, so I'm expecting that next semester might be a little harder.

    Haha. Nice. I don't even know why I stopped back in. I guess I just missed the place. It's crazy. I used to be on this forum all day every day (back on the old forum; I liked that setup a lot better). Now I only stop back once every so many months.
    Jan 11 2018 12:43 AM

Sloan → Satoshi

Jan 27 2015 11:56 PM
  • Satoshi's Photo
    Jan 28 2015 11:35 PM

YoWid → Satoshi

Happy birthday, man! Xd
Jan 27 2015 04:39 PM
  • Satoshi's Photo
    Jan 28 2015 11:34 PM

Wingman → Satoshi

Happy Birthday!
Jan 27 2015 02:25 PM
  • Satoshi's Photo
    Jan 28 2015 11:34 PM
  • Wingman's Photo
    You're Welcome!
    Jan 29 2015 12:05 AM


"I'm not like you. You know exactly who you are. You always have, but I'm still looking."
Jan 27 2015 12:50 AM

ZCOverload → Satoshi

Hey man, you considered coming around the WSAC again? I'd like to see you back.
Dec 02 2014 06:26 PM
  • Satoshi's Photo
    I do plan to enter the WSAC again sometime. Probably won't be until closer to summer though because of the having two jobs thing. Also, I tend to wait until a theme that I'm interested in is chosen. XD
    Dec 03 2014 01:44 PM

Sloan → Satoshi

Nov 03 2014 12:24 AM