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DeSoulWolf → Insane Soul

Man, this place is dead Jim.
Apr 13 2018 05:13 PM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo
    Done! Mine is:

    Apr 14 2018 06:31 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Apr 14 2018 06:40 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Apr 17 2018 03:30 PM

RathyOro → DeSoulWolf

Don't know if you're still around but how you doing Soul.
Apr 30 2017 01:54 PM

RathyOro → DeSoulWolf

Sorry I haven't posted. Been out of comission the last few days. I will post very soon.
Nov 22 2016 12:55 PM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo
    Don't know if you still around but yeah get a post in if you can/are still interested.
    Nov 30 2016 07:46 PM

DeSoulWolf → LoneWolfStark

Long time, no see. How have you been. =)
Nov 04 2016 08:35 PM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo
    Aww. It's always great to find myself back here to see how the place has changed.

    Sometimes that's all you need, a fresh start. I'm thinking about making some changes in my life as well. I just feel I'm wasting my time in the spot I'm in right now. It just feels like all this work isn't paying off. I'm somewhat the cause since I should have made some decisions that might have put me in a better place in life by now. I do still have time however and I'm not wasting it anymore. It's still going to take some time but it's the best course of action I feel.

    Nov 06 2016 02:19 AM
  • LoneWolfStark's Photo
    Or how much it's died.

    I can relate to that. Job I had before was a dead-end and I'm pretty sure I would have quit eventually even if I wasn't moving (or if it wasn't looking like they were going to lay me off lol) because it was taking me nowhere. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. We're both going to need it, it seems.

    Oh, and an question about the RP. I know people can't change their appearances in the ICSM, but is it possible to equip unique clothing while logged in? I ask because Cyril would definitely wear a suit of armor at all times when he's online.
    Nov 06 2016 08:31 PM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo
    Well with how dead it is that only makes your limited interactions are the more personal. =D

    Yeah, where I work now is not bad at all. Main issue is that this is also kind of a dead-end job too. I work part time and get no benefits because of that. The main payoff to the job is that I get experience and I'm generally learning new things about my field everyday. I can use it a a reference for a career job that I might have a chance at. My other job is working at Target and I've honestly grown tired of the work. Same crap, different day. It's beyond dull, and the only chance of moving up would be when I finish my program to get a higher level degree. Then I can be a manager, but I don't really want to do that. I would have honestly quit because the other job pays me just fine but the Target money comes in handy. So I send that luck right back at you in whatever you pursue.

    Oh yes, changing clothing and the like is part of the system to "try it on first" for shopping with most stores. So you can have any type of armor you want. =P

    Nov 09 2016 03:51 AM

DeSoulWolf → Joey

The hell's your avatar?
Oct 31 2016 06:14 PM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo
    It really depends on how the managaka feels that day when it comes to the art.

    Togashi: Oh, I forgot to fill out those sketches for this week's chapter...Meh, I'll fix them in the volume later. After that it's time to take a year off! Dragon Quest here I come!
    Nov 04 2016 07:46 PM
  • Joey's Photo
    Hmm all this time I thought it was health reason. I might not make it before I see the ending of it, hell atleast I saw Naruto end
    Nov 06 2016 03:34 PM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo
    Oh he has health issues alright but honestly Togashi's just taken a different stance without saying so on how manga are traditionally done. Taking these long winded breaks are basically telling SJ and other magazines that I don't do 14 hour work days, almost everyday for 5-40 years.
    Nov 09 2016 03:31 AM

Nyx → DeSoulWolf

Oct 31 2016 11:16 AM
  • Nyx's Photo
    *Then tackles you to the ground*
    Oct 31 2016 11:16 AM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo
    STOP! NOW!

    Oct 31 2016 05:54 PM

DeSoulWolf → Insane Soul

Oct 23 2016 09:38 AM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Just have to get my degree, then I move with my brother who currently lives there.

    You should watch it despite that, if you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally liked the SDR2 kids, it was kind of good. Not to mention, Komaeda is getting a spin off anime with the Pre order version of Danganronpa V3.
    Oct 23 2016 11:01 PM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo
    Ahh, cool. Moving on up in the world.

    I have to make time to sit down and watch anime nowadays but it should be a fun afternoon of dumb crap. A OVA special for Komaeda, now that WILL be super fun.
    Oct 24 2016 08:33 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    By the way...

    Oct 24 2016 08:43 PM

DeSoulWolf → Joey

Long time no see Joey! =)
Oct 23 2016 09:38 AM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo
    Nope. That's all Sotto and Mouse, I'm just throwing in my three cents every once in a while.
    Oct 25 2016 06:19 PM
  • Joey's Photo
    I gotta stop pass to check it out then.
    Oct 26 2016 09:52 PM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo
    Yeah, you should. They are really re-tooling the concepts of Air Gear which will make it feel very different from the manga.
    Oct 26 2016 10:06 PM

DeSoulWolf → RathyOro

Sup Rathy? Just wanted to let you know I might not be joining Naruto after all. Don't want to put to much on the plate and I really want the Supers and Air gear RP's off the ground before I try anything else.
Oct 18 2016 05:59 PM
  • RathyOro's Photo
    Nah that's cool, thanks for letting me know. Now I can up date with no worries.
    Oct 18 2016 06:30 PM

Nyx → DeSoulWolf

Finally got to join. So what's the first step?
Oct 18 2016 09:24 AM

DeSoulWolf → RathyOro

So just out of curiosity Rathy. Is Fire Emblem (one of) your favorite game series?
Oct 16 2016 09:06 PM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo
    How do you feel about FE Fates? (If you've played it)

    Naruto brings people together I guess. =P Still not a fan of how the series ended up Post-Pain arc, but I could argue the series had issues even before that. I might come up with something if I can get this old un-creative sack of meat working up here.
    Oct 16 2016 10:03 PM
  • RathyOro's Photo
    I liked it, at times I felt like they were doing a little to much with the way stats were constantly being effected. However, the branching story lines were pretty good, wasn't a fan of the nerfed pairup system but I understand the necessity of the nerf, and I wish it was a little longer, but it is still fun to play.

    I definitely agree, and it was issues I thought were very fixable but they just didn't care to adjust. That would be wonderful, especially because I think that would give us enough ninjas for three full teams at this point.
    Oct 16 2016 10:49 PM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo
    I like the game as well. Gameplay wise I kind of like how they streamlined what you could and what you could not do with you units. However with 3DS games being easy to hack and all it's kind of ruined by the online element. Awakening allowed you to do to much to out right max out stats if you put the time in. Plus pair up was so broken that my units never really faced a threat once they were maxed. When it comes to the story, I think my main issues really come from the fact that one plot element out right makes one campaign look so stupid in the long run and make Corrin come off as a massive tool/or unbearably stoic in the other. Also the fact that the campaigns are split up the way they are is just a massive cash grab. Otherwise I enjoyed my time with it.

    I would say that Naruto would have been a good series overall even including Post-Pain stuff until the 4th ninja war happened and...I've just never seen an author not care about plotholes, plot dumps, breaking of old themes, ect. as much as Kishi before. I mean wow. Okay, I'll see if I can get it done in a day or so.
    Oct 16 2016 11:36 PM

Sotto Voce → DeSoulWolf

This is me, on your profile, saying anything. ✌
Oct 15 2016 11:02 PM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo

    But in all seriousness sorry if I made it come off as if starting the RP here was a lost cause. If anything your Air Gear Concept actually recharged the RP section a bit with other people trying to start up new ideas. I honestly was just saying that you might not get two teams with the amount of interest AG can gather at this point in time. I say if you can get five people at least you should be able to start the RP just fine.
    Oct 16 2016 01:04 PM
  • Sotto Voce's Photo
    Sotto Voce
    No no no no no no you didn't make it sound like a lost cause at all! I'm beyond grateful for that message. :') But in the end, I think this RP is too canon-divergent to really advertise as an Air Gear RP and too canon-heavy to advertise as an independent story, so hosting it on a loosely manga-based RP forum seems like the best idea. Anyway, the more I think about it, the more I prefer small groups! More than 4-10 RPers would require more structure and less character-focused story arcs. We can bring in NPCs from character backstories to be main antagonists or supporting characters to the whole team, and the community could be more tight-knit. I'm super excited for this. :')

    Also, really glad to see that mentioning your RP summoned you back to the forum. I had NO IDEA you were still around. We were lowkey setting this up to be the spiritual successor of your RP, so everything you contribute is super appreciated. :j
    Oct 18 2016 01:43 PM

DeSoulWolf → RathyOro

Oct 14 2016 07:17 PM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo
    Yep. Trying to get my bachelor's degree, which was also annoying since I basically had to take a few other class to get on the on program and ended up with another associates degree. I've also honestly felt like my life hasn't been going the course I would have liked with all this full time work and not getting much out of it. So I've been thinking about joining the military for a time. Get some more experience, see new places, serve the country and that jazz.
    Oct 14 2016 08:55 PM
  • RathyOro's Photo
    I can truly say I understand the feeling. I'm in a school/work program so I get hands on training and go to class. I can then take the credits from my classes and transfer it to an accredited school. But ooooof course I didn't check if the first school I applied to took those credits. So I had to switch schools but I haven't had time because I'm always working, freaking ridiculous.
    Oct 14 2016 09:22 PM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo
    They just make education so difficult in this country sometimes and don't even get me started on after you get the degree. You don't know how many interviews I've been on where the hiring manger say they really love everything about you but can't bring you on because you "lack experience". I'm just like "The Fuc-". So I have to start out on this low paying jobs so I can "get experience" (which I understand to some degree, but I still put time and money into school and getting my certifications -_-) until some company or organization decides "Okay, I think you've gained (suffered through) enough experiences to start making at least 50,000 a year." It's just feels like you could be doing more with your time.
    Oct 16 2016 01:18 PM

DeSoulWolf → Sotto Voce

Looking at my profile and not saying anything huh? Yeah, well it's not like you had to or anything so i guess it's fine...*sniff*
Oct 14 2016 07:08 PM
  • Sotto Voce's Photo
    Sotto Voce
    AHHHH LISTEN i've tried writing up my big long response to the AG concept thread twice now (TWICE!!!) and my computer keeps shutting down and honest to god i'm still too salty to try again. PLUS that thing you said in your DM completely blew my mind and now I'm still kind of stumped on where to take this. So thanks, dude, for all this internal conflict I never asked for.

    Your profile's looking killer though! ٩(⁎❛ᴗ❛⁎)۶
    Oct 15 2016 11:01 PM

DeSoulWolf → Insane Soul

Oct 14 2016 06:59 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Been busy/Sick
    Will respond in a minute!
    Oct 14 2016 09:12 PM