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azer_moli → Candles

Happy Birthday! We're so many to turn 30 this year haha. Enjoy~ 
Aug 07 2018 12:47 PM

Candles → ArSoNiSt JoE

Happy Birthday
Feb 26 2018 08:20 AM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Thanks my man. How are you by the way? Hope all is well with you and yours king :D
    Feb 26 2018 03:24 PM

Kid Frost → Candles

Happy Father's Day
Jun 18 2017 12:28 PM

Candles → Goddess Nike

Happy Mother's Day Nike
May 14 2017 06:39 AM
  • Goddess Nike's Photo
    Goddess Nike
    Thank you
    May 16 2017 09:09 PM

Candles → Kid Frost

Happy Mother's Day Tracy
May 14 2017 06:30 AM
  • Kid Frost's Photo
    Kid Frost
    May 15 2017 09:54 AM

Candles → ArSoNiSt JoE

Happy Birthday Triple OG, it's the last year of the roaring 20's for you so make it a good one.
Feb 26 2017 08:03 AM
  • Candles's Photo
    BTW what do you think about all of the hype for the AMD Ryzen?
    Feb 26 2017 08:09 AM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Thanks my man, hahah I do plan to do a few cool things this year (Including traveling) so hopefully I'll enjoy the last of my 20s :P

    As for the AMD Ryzen, well from what I know it's triggering price cuts from Intel so from a consumer persepective, I'm happy lol. But on a more geeky note it's supposed to be the fastest 8-core processor, but I'll be the judge of that when/if I get it :P

    Anyways, how are you? I hope that all is well on your end!
    Feb 26 2017 04:33 PM
  • Candles's Photo
    That's mint, where are you heading to this year? I have a few trips planned this summer but I'm going to stay put for the most part.

    Yeah I have an acquaintance here that works for Intel and she told me the guys on the inside were in a major panic. I'm not exceptionally excited about it but I will use it for next laptop I build (for music production I'm not much of a gamer) if the early reviews turn out to be true.

    Life is good though I had it a bit rough last week since my wife and my daughters were all sick with the flu so I had to play doctor (somewhat ironic since my wife is actually a doctor lol) as well as take care of all of the domestic tasks by myself.

    Everybody is in good health now so it's back to business as usual. My oldest wants me to teach her to read music and play musical instruments and as someone who's been into music my whole life I'm honestly thrilled about that (hopefully this interest isn't ephemeral because she can be as fickle as she is perspicacious sometimes).

    As of now we're trying to see which ones she's most interested in starting with the piano, snare drums, and bass guitar since those are already in the house. I also want her to eventually attempt a woodwind like the clarinet or flute but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it I guess.

    Other than that I'm just waiting for the weather to warm up so I can finish my extensions to the treehouse / clubhouse I built for the girls last year. It ended up being much bigger and more elaborate than I initially planned, it's like a second house in the backyard but it's really my fault for letting them get carried away with some of the stuff they saw on Treehouse Masters.

    How are things in the world of computer science?
    Feb 27 2017 07:52 PM

ArSoNiSt JoE → Candles

Just passing by to wish you Happy Birthday my man. Hope all is well with you and your family :)
Aug 07 2016 02:05 PM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Also 2 questions:

    1) How does it feel to finally be 40 years old now? Don't stress it man, we all will get there. You're as young as you feel!

    2) If we ever cross paths IRL, before we even say hello I'll rap battle you on the spot (Got a few bars in my head) How badly do you think I'll wash you? **trollface**
    Aug 07 2016 02:08 PM

Kid Frost → Candles

Happy Birthday!!!
Aug 06 2016 09:24 PM
  • Candles's Photo
    Thanks Tracy
    Aug 07 2016 04:12 PM

Candles → Goddess Nike

Happy Mother's Day Nike
May 08 2016 08:05 AM
  • Goddess Nike's Photo
    Goddess Nike
    May 13 2016 07:02 PM

Candles → Kid Frost

Happy Mother's Day Tracy
May 08 2016 08:01 AM

ArSoNiSt JoE → Candles

Happy New Year! All the best to you and your family :D
Jan 05 2016 06:10 PM
  • Candles's Photo
    Thanks... the same to you and yours.

    I actually recently came back from your region of the world...My family talked me into going on a cruise with them, I really didn't want to go at first since I don't like cruises but it ended up being fun I guess.

    Anyway how was your holiday season?
    Jan 06 2016 04:29 PM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Thank you!

    Oh really? That's pretty awesome. Did you visit any of the islands during the cruise? What did you do? And hahaha why do you hate cruises? I've always wanted to go on one but never got the chance, they seem pretty fun :D

    My holiday season was alright. Went to an office party and had a lot of fun (Even though I was pretty late xD) Even played a co worker in some fighting games...

    For the most part I just chilled with family, and ate a lot xD I didn't get any gifts...but to be fair I didn't really give any either. Gift giving isn't exactly a big deal in my household. Did you get/give anything?
    Jan 07 2016 08:49 PM

Candles → Misty

Happy Birthday
Nov 12 2015 07:15 PM
  • Misty's Photo
    thanks, professor.
    Nov 15 2015 09:32 PM

Candles → Kid Frost

There's seriously something wrong with you
Sep 12 2015 05:27 PM
  • Kid Frost's Photo
    Kid Frost
    Ha you still love me though...besides that wasn't so bad.
    Sep 12 2015 05:29 PM

ArSoNiSt JoE → Candles

Happy Birthday Candles! All the best to you and your family ^ ^
Aug 07 2015 10:36 AM
  • Candles's Photo
    Thanks son, it was a cool weekend I just got back in town today.
    Also good job on the QT, I just read through the whole thing.
    Aug 10 2015 06:06 PM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    That's great man, glad it all went well.

    And thanks! My only regret is that I wasn't more consistent, answering during the week turned out to be harder than I thought. only really had time during the weekend xD
    Aug 10 2015 06:45 PM

Sloan → Candles

Happy G day
Aug 07 2015 01:52 AM
  • Candles's Photo
    Good looking out son
    Aug 10 2015 05:51 PM