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I wrote a poem this week*
Apr 14 2021 09:59 AM
  • evilcheeser's Photo
    *May not be accurate for current values of "this"
    Apr 14 2021 09:59 AM
  • YoWid's Photo
    We all have to start somewhere.
    Apr 28 2021 04:30 PM

Aurora → evilcheeser

Sep 22 2020 12:03 PM

evilcheeser → AYAME

Jan 02 2019 09:40 AM

Wingman → evilcheeser

Happy Birthday
Jul 24 2017 10:58 PM
  • evilcheeser's Photo
    Tanks, luv ~<3
    Jul 26 2017 06:07 AM

YoWid → evilcheeser

Happy birthday, cheesy, somehow I just recall your 2014's 666th-post-bleeding-eyes- ava with that German-sounding location.
Jul 24 2017 04:16 PM
  • evilcheeser's Photo
    Heheheh. That was a good one ^^ my masterful (-ly bad) photoshop skillz. no clue about the location, though. I do speak German moderately well, so there's a looot of things it could be. Omg though 2014 is somehow so long ago. Years need to start being like 3-5 times longer so I can stop feeling ancient.
    Jul 26 2017 06:07 AM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Yeah, time flies and all that.
    Aug 06 2017 09:48 AM

evilcheeser → Shin

28, fuck you're old. I'm old. the world is dying.
May 26 2017 12:39 AM
  • evilcheeser's Photo
    i mean... 'eff'...
    May 26 2017 12:50 AM
  • Shin's Photo
    You thought I was younger than you?
    May 26 2017 02:10 PM
  • evilcheeser's Photo
    No, I just thought 28 seems ancient. Then I realized my own age seems ancient too, so we're all dying.
    May 27 2017 03:14 PM

AYAME → evilcheeser

You beautiful chunk of cheese you! Love you!
Apr 23 2017 05:27 PM
  • evilcheeser's Photo
    love you more! D:<

    also it took me like 12 clicks to get this to pop up on my notifications q.q hardlyfe/
    Apr 25 2017 10:31 PM
  • evilcheeser's Photo
    <3 i see u/
    Jul 31 2017 06:25 PM
  • AYAME's Photo
    I see you too! Love you!
    Aug 02 2017 01:52 PM

YoWid → evilcheeser

Happy one-month+ belated birthday, EC
Aug 31 2016 12:29 AM
  • evilcheeser's Photo
    lol oty <3 sounds like my sorta schedule tbh <_<;;
    Sep 11 2016 01:51 AM

Shin → evilcheeser

Happy Birthday, EC!!!
Jul 24 2016 10:53 PM

Wingman → evilcheeser

Happy Birthday Evil!
Jul 24 2016 07:19 PM

evilcheeser → RhyssaFireheart

wemember to close yous banner thingy /~ (i is a [sleepy] help thing.)
Jan 18 2016 04:06 AM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    Jan 18 2016 10:54 PM
  • evilcheeser's Photo
    heh -hugs- i sees. but hey, unlike the sane world, I am on at 3 in the mornin, so i noticed it's after the deadline (but can safely assume no one but me will be on til morning) and for ME it was like ermagerd is it that time already? who knew??? then I was like wait does rhyss even know?, then I was like well I should say smth jus in case.

    much like today when i was like man I should do some homeworrrrrfkkkkkaaaaahhhhhh I had something due last night didn't i... ///;-; brain y u remember this NOW?
    Jan 19 2016 04:20 AM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    Less coffee, more sleep, youngling. :D
    Jan 19 2016 10:51 AM

evilcheeser → retroluffy13

think i fixed your spoiler. lemme know if I messed something up or if it breaks again so i can look into it.
Jan 13 2016 03:25 AM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    lol it was really funny to me personally but yeah ill keep a look out for glitches.
    Jan 13 2016 07:59 AM

evilcheeser → FrostyMouse

why ppl so dum :tableflip: /rant
Dec 30 2015 07:05 PM
  • FrostyMouse's Photo
    What happened, EC? I'd message you on Steam, but Steam is being problematic and won't load for me.
    Dec 30 2015 07:07 PM

evilcheeser → Greg

I tried really hard to be positive this year, and I failed again <.< remind me next year to turn off my heart during december k? possibly my brain too... this whole thinking thing hasn't been going too well Dx
Dec 25 2015 11:26 PM
  • Greg's Photo
    Hey eceh... obviously I have zero context into what's going on, but it sounds like you're letting external things get to you. Just remember that thinking positively is about feeling good, and your health, and it's the relationship that you have with yourself.
    Dec 26 2015 12:07 AM
  • evilcheeser's Photo
    well yeah, where would I be without my vague mistique? (prolly somewhere that made a lot more sense...)
    I just kinda.. howdoIwordthingsum for just a moment, I believed I was going to die, and i was (for far longer than that moment) very scared and terribly alone. I'm feeling nearly mostly normal now, so that part is good.

    and ty <3 because surrounding myself with positivity is like almost counteracting how absolutely negative I tend to be this time of year..
    Dec 27 2015 02:50 AM

evilcheeser → AYAME

<3 you is always da best
Dec 09 2015 12:24 AM
  • AYAME's Photo
    Aww, love you!
    May 02 2016 03:52 PM