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InuyashaShinichi → Guardian-Angel

Aniki why you ignore meh~ TT^TT you hate meh cuz you hate meh~~
Mar 14 2017 05:18 AM

InuyashaShinichi → Sloan

Happy Birthday Sloan~ :)
Dec 15 2015 11:43 AM

Sloan → InuyashaShinichi

Sep 30 2015 10:09 PM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    Now is 1037. I'm guessing you're behind me by 12 hours so your place is 2037

    Yeap I did found some fancy stuff~ :3 A movie..sequel to Maze Runner
    Oct 03 2015 09:38 PM
  • Sloan's Photo
    Was tripping for a second since it was 10:37 here also but it all made sense when you said I'm 12 hours behind yup.

    Nice! LOL oh, seems to be a decently popular franchise but I've never seen it.
    Oct 03 2015 11:26 PM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    yeah I was using the 24 hour system :P haha..I messed up it should be 2237 not 2037

    heh..no forcing ya but I love this over Hunger Games :D

    Oct 03 2015 11:34 PM

InuyashaShinichi → Guardian-Angel

but you made the mess first NyaNiki.. *glares*
Sep 21 2015 02:00 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    It's ok :)
    Nov 02 2015 08:14 PM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    ok..I'm gonna miss NyaNiki, Wolfie, my master and that shtupid familiar TT^TT
    Nov 03 2015 12:07 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Nov 03 2015 12:17 AM


Happy~~ ^^
Sep 19 2015 12:43 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    I'm not happy..:(
    Sep 23 2015 07:55 AM

InuyashaShinichi → Guardian-Angel

*yawns* I'm sleepy NyaNiki..pwease forgib me.(no I'm not..>__>)
Sep 17 2015 09:35 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Meow! "You know what"

    *finishes* Ok, now to the laboratory. *goes downstairs*
    Sep 20 2015 11:31 PM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo

    *helps the bird find its family back*
    Sep 21 2015 01:09 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Meow! "Singing!"

    *starts mixing potions*
    Sep 21 2015 01:11 AM
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Guardian-Angel → InuyashaShinichi

Meow "No idea"
Sep 15 2015 11:07 PM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *still is mad* (in your heart, but you always hide it and now you let it slip :p)

    No, we walk this time.
    Sep 17 2015 09:15 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    *massages his injured tail* sowwy, ok..? (>___>)

    but it's easier to fly~~
    Sep 17 2015 09:24 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *seems like forgiving her slightly* (no use hiding it anymore :p)

    Walk. You need to exercise. Or you will get lazy. And I don't need lazy assistant.
    Sep 17 2015 09:30 AM
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InuyashaShinichi → *kinomoto_sakura*

Happy Belated Birthday, dear~ Hope all your dreams come true :)
Sep 13 2015 07:39 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Hahaha thanks dear~
    Sep 19 2015 10:43 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    no problem..It's a belated tho :)

    Sep 19 2015 10:50 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    No worries~
    Sep 19 2015 10:56 AM

Guardian-Angel → InuyashaShinichi

*quickly return not wanting to worry her*
Sep 12 2015 04:46 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    it's a good thing it's not raining today :) we can lay around much longer

    What? you want his service too?

    but but...I need the foods~~
    Sep 15 2015 08:59 PM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Meow! Whoof!

    Neah, I am good :p

    I know *sighs* I should have made you better... My mistake.
    Sep 15 2015 09:01 PM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    *gets up suddenly* where's the ball??

    Well, he's now not available for today anyways =___=

    made me better..?
    Sep 15 2015 10:51 PM
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InuyashaShinichi → Guardian-Angel

*shocked* wow you're so clever~
Sep 10 2015 07:41 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    *stretches* just a little bit more~

    Hihi you're suprised I can get a friend that's a boy, huh? Yup I slept with him. He slept on my bed and I slept on the mattress there cuz he's the guest :)

    *the little dragon starts flying a little wildly*
    Sep 12 2015 04:21 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *get beyond the yard*

    Er... So, he is just a friend? Not the boy that... you hug and kiss?

    Easy now, little one!
    Sep 12 2015 04:28 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    mkay..done!! yeah~~ *starts stretching again*

    H-huh?? I just slept with him! NohugsandkisseswhatareyoutalkingaboutNeechan??? @.@ *blushes hard*

    That's cuz she didn't like you calling me like that *laughs*
    Sep 12 2015 04:40 AM
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InuyashaShinichi → Guardian-Angel

*serious face* good luck my kawaii NyaNiki!! (wait is he talking now..?)
Sep 08 2015 09:47 PM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Whoof... "alright"

    Why do you end up losing everything? *giggles* (not in the slightest :p)

    *starts quickly mixing potions* I need to change us back asap!
    Sep 10 2015 07:05 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    Ok! Nice to meet you Wolfie~ *holds out hand*

    *grabs the extra bed sheet that just happens to be in that room* ...I guess this will do (EHHHHHH...................what more do you want?)

    *still crying* *saw something on the table that looks like her blanket* *approaches it*
    Sep 10 2015 07:28 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *gives her its paw* Whoof!

    *giggles* Are you cosplaying as a ghost? (Himitsu :p)

    *too focused on making a potion*
    Sep 10 2015 07:33 AM
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Guardian-Angel → InuyashaShinichi

Sep 07 2015 09:30 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *stops* Meow "hi"

    *giggles* It's ok, sweetie, I don't mind *winks*

    *done with the bathroom too*
    Sep 08 2015 09:19 PM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    pffft..you're trying to say hye to it..?

    *turns her back to Neechan again* sorry..

    Master, what's for lunch..?
    Sep 08 2015 09:29 PM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *looks down at her hurt* "don't laugh at me* >_<

    So shy *giggles and lies in the bath relaxing* Well, you can sulk all the way you want. I will just enjoy my time here :p

    Finish with the basement first, then we will talk about that.
    Sep 08 2015 09:32 PM
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InuyashaShinichi → Guardian-Angel

*rolls under the bed* *hits something and grabs it*
Sep 06 2015 10:55 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    ≧◡≦ kawaii~~ *takes a few pics*

    Oneechan ish good at massaging too it seems~ :3

    *someone knocks violently at the door*
    Sep 07 2015 08:59 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *makes various poses*

    I thought you got that when I performed my special massage on you *giggles*

    Oh, we have a guest, it seems. Calm down and look who it is, will you?
    Sep 07 2015 09:02 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    wow NyaNiki you're so good at this *takes more photos*

    That massage b-before..? *blush*

    *talks to the guest for a bit* It seems she wants to talk to Master. *whispers* it seems she's not happy by the looks of it
    Sep 07 2015 09:29 AM
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Guardian-Angel → InuyashaShinichi

It a massage that helps you relax and feel good. Do you want me to continue?
Sep 05 2015 04:51 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *doesn't move, doesn't make a sound*

    *tickles more violently*

    And now I want to see all of it :3
    Sep 06 2015 10:44 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    *falls on the floor* ouch!! NyaNiki where are you..?

    *breath heavily* ok ok me stop me stop too tired to even laugh

    eh..no it's too embarrassing baka Neechan!!
    Sep 06 2015 10:49 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *becomes one with the shadow ninja-style*

    *doesn't stop*

    But there are not boys here. No need to be shy :3
    Sep 06 2015 10:51 AM
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InuyashaShinichi → Guardian-Angel

Roll over Oneechan!! :3
Sep 04 2015 12:47 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    It just feels weird..what is this feeling that I feel Neechan..?

    Ok so you're an M too

    (That's it! Your name is MeowNiki!!)
    Sep 05 2015 04:42 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Can you describe it?

    No, I am an S *snicker*

    (No way :p)
    Sep 05 2015 04:44 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    It feels relaxing and good but also uncomfortable..neechan TT^TT what is this weird massage

    Figures..with the way you always tease ppl..>____>

    (you dun like that name? NyaNiki then!!)
    Sep 05 2015 04:48 AM
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