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Petite Fleur → Rogue

Sep 08 2015 11:54 AM

Sloan → Rogue

Happy G day
May 13 2015 11:27 PM

Scorpion2k4u → Rogue

Happy Birthday!
May 14 2014 02:04 PM

Wingman → Rogue

Happy Birthday!
May 13 2014 11:45 PM

Rogue → PunkP

Just want to check to see if you are still planning to post for Barbos. Just wanted to give you a headsup because I plan to update in the next couple days.
Aug 05 2013 11:08 AM
  • PunkP's Photo
    I'm sorry to have kept you waiting Rogue, and am even more sorry since I can't participate in the RP like I had expected to. Things have come up so my time on the internet has dropped significantly. I wish your RP the best of luck!
    Aug 06 2013 01:05 AM

RathyOro → Rogue

Yo, Rogue, whats up? How have you been, what is the limit on the number of classes a student can take at St. Barbos, what's new with life?
Aug 03 2013 01:39 PM
  • Rogue's Photo
    You aren't allowed to join as a third year.
    Aug 04 2013 03:40 PM
  • RathyOro's Photo
    oooooh, i saw it on the template so i thought why not, but ok.
    Aug 04 2013 06:38 PM
  • Rogue's Photo
    I put it on there just to show that it was a three year school but I put a strike through it to show that it wasn't available.
    Aug 04 2013 07:29 PM

Ichihimefan!! → Rogue

That avatar is frightening. Who are you...
Jul 11 2013 07:55 PM
  • Rogue's Photo
    A pony apparently. One with quite the grin...
    Jul 11 2013 10:31 PM
  • Ichihimefan!!'s Photo
    His grin... is SCARY
    Jul 22 2013 09:45 AM

Insane Soul → Rogue

I just saw the thread. I am interested. However, I am KIND of new when it comes to RP, so don't know if that would suffice :C
Jun 22 2013 06:13 PM
  • Rogue's Photo
    Don't let that stop you. Just so long as you have fun with it that's all that matters.
    Jun 22 2013 06:20 PM

PunkP → Rogue

A young girl twiddled her thumbs in complete boredom as she laid upon the velvet seat of her carriage. Two knights sat across from her, but neither seemed to have any intentions of entertaining her. The rider of the carriage had complied with some small talk with her earlier, but soon fell silent as he began to focus on the road ahead of them. The distant kingdom of OM would take at least another 2 hours to reach. The young girl named Punk sighed as she leaned her head against the window, dully looking at the rolling country side fly past her. Then all of a sudden, an interesting man caught her eye! She called her ride to stop the carriage and she peeked her head through the windows and waved frantically to catch sight of this perculiar man. " Hello there good sir! Are you by chance on your way to OM? If so, then I would gladly give you a ride there!"
Jun 16 2013 01:11 PM

Ichihimefan!! → Rogue

Where have you been today?!!!!!!!
Jun 11 2013 09:06 PM
  • Ichihimefan!!'s Photo
    You're never on MSN.....
    Jun 19 2013 02:13 PM
  • Rogue's Photo
    Lies. All lies! I have been on and for quite a bit some days!
    Jun 19 2013 02:16 PM
  • Ichihimefan!!'s Photo
    Just not when I am..
    Jun 20 2013 12:31 AM

Riesbife → Rogue

See what I posted for you in the RP Lounge?
Jun 03 2013 06:32 PM
  • Rogue's Photo
    Gasp! I had someone managed not to see it. I have since rectified that and am very happy to see Valen. Most happy indeed. Very cool.
    Jun 03 2013 07:29 PM

Tokoya → Rogue

Happy Birthday!
May 14 2013 07:58 PM

eemo23 → Rogue

Happy Birthday! *Party Rock is in the house tonight...* :)
May 14 2013 01:57 PM

lanindandi → Rogue

Happy Birthday!
May 14 2013 01:13 PM

kikyou_e → Rogue

happy birthday, Rogue!
May 14 2013 12:38 PM