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Rogue → PunkP

Just want to check to see if you are still planning to post for Barbos. Just wanted to give you a headsup because I plan to update in the next couple days.
Aug 05 2013 11:08 AM
  • PunkP's Photo
    I'm sorry to have kept you waiting Rogue, and am even more sorry since I can't participate in the RP like I had expected to. Things have come up so my time on the internet has dropped significantly. I wish your RP the best of luck!
    Aug 06 2013 01:05 AM


I've finally watched the entire season of Puella Magi Madoka...and I'm so sad. I try to doodle happy things but I can only make decapitated or torn apart girls. OTL
Aug 04 2013 02:09 AM
  • Vafhudr's Photo
    I am glad you have finally watched it. :3
    Aug 04 2013 02:53 AM
  • PunkP's Photo
    It's such a wonderful show, but at such a cost!
    Between Madoka and Attack on Titan, I don't even think I remember what happiness is anymore. ; A ;
    Aug 06 2013 01:07 AM

PunkP → SliceAndDice

because we're long lost twins, I guess? :3
Aug 03 2013 02:53 AM
  • SliceAndDice's Photo
    Oh no, the last thing we need around here is another rumor that you and another user are related/the same person xP
    Aug 03 2013 03:46 AM

PunkP → kiddeadpool

Hey Kid. How's life treatin' ya? :3
Aug 01 2013 02:34 PM
  • kiddeadpool's Photo
    im all good, waiting for you accept me one skype!! Where is your character for the Mage RP
    Aug 01 2013 03:46 PM
  • PunkP's Photo
    Mage RP? If you mean Vaf's RP, I'm planning to make a nun with the code named: The Cannibal. >:3
    Though the nickname is just a joke because she's a nun who likes to lustfully "devour" flesh. ;D
    Power wise though, she has sensory magic that can alter your 5 senses.
    Aug 03 2013 02:56 AM


It's official. My new favorite mytho creature is the adaro. It's a merman with a swordfish growing out of his head. He comes from the sun and travels to earth via rainbows while shooting people with poisonous fishes. The adaro's a beast!
Aug 01 2013 02:30 PM

PunkP → Vafhudr

Do you need me to do anything for the rp? You seem to have quite a list of "things to do"~
Jul 18 2013 12:55 AM
  • Vafhudr's Photo
    Holy ****. Look at those pimping colours! 0o0
    He's from Dorohedoro. Read it! I think you would enjoy it. :3
    Jul 20 2013 02:37 AM
  • PunkP's Photo
    Hehehe, I'm glad you like it so much! :D

    And sure. If you recommended it, then I shall surely read it asap!
    Though be warned Vaf, if I get obsessed with it, you will have to take responsibility and fangirl and have shipping battles with me all night long! >:3
    Jul 20 2013 02:41 AM
  • Vafhudr's Photo
    I have no problem with that. It has some awesome ships, yo.
    Jul 20 2013 02:43 AM


I've been watching Rivaille beat up Eren for 9 hours straight...I think I have a problem. ; A ;
Jul 15 2013 04:24 AM
  • Vafhudr's Photo
    Well, shall I get the cigarettes, some random people, and start a rehab circle?
    I don't smoke, so we can use those colourful crays.
    Jul 18 2013 11:14 PM
  • PunkP's Photo
    **** yeah, you understand where the good times are at! >:D
    As for the colorful crays, I got you covered from my special collection~
    Jul 19 2013 09:46 AM


Well hello there Mr.Stress, would you like a cup of tea? No, you would rather slowly ruin my life? Okay then, just let me get into fetal position over here...
Jul 09 2013 10:33 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo

    Jul 09 2013 11:21 PM
  • PunkP's Photo
    You..and her?
    Niiiicccceee. BD
    /high fives//

    Then what have I been throwin-
    /sees fat pudgies babies with dog ears and zc's eyes//
    /throws them anyways//
    upsie dasies~
    Jul 09 2013 11:33 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    Well that escalated slowly.
    Jul 09 2013 11:48 PM


Everyone is jumping off the Gruvia ship due to the latest FT updates, but I won't. I'm staying till the end! D:<
Jul 05 2013 07:06 PM


It's been weeks since it was revealed that Dragons are weak to Fairy types, and not one of my friends have made a Fairy Tail joke yet. I'm disowning them. > A >
Jul 05 2013 01:31 AM

PunkP → BringerofPlagues

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Jul 04 2013 01:46 AM


I just watched 13 straight episodes of Shingeki no Kyojin. I-I'm going to go lie down now and cry out all my squeals and feels~
Jun 30 2013 03:38 AM
  • Vafhudr's Photo
    Jun 30 2013 09:18 AM


beep boop bop beep beep bop boop~
Jun 28 2013 03:53 PM
  • BringerofPlagues's Photo
    Called me?
    Jun 28 2013 04:20 PM
  • PunkP's Photo
    *le gasp*
    You're alive! : O
    Who would've guessed it would be robot noises instead of my many satanic rituals that would bring you back to me!!! :D
    Either way, HUZZAAAAAHHHH!

    How have you been my old friend? :D
    Jun 28 2013 04:26 PM


I actually tried to sleep before midnight for once, and now I have the worst migraine. Dx
Jun 27 2013 09:24 AM

PunkP → Morveer

Tap....tap....tap.... The subtle sound of pebbles hitting against windows repeated itself over and over during this humid night. It wasn't long before the tapping became impatient as it slowly picked up in pace. Tap...tap...tap..tap.tap.tap.taptaptaptaptapTAPTAPTAPTPTPTPTTTTTTT!!!! CRAAAAASSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!! A sudden bolder the size of a small human was thrown through the window of certain young man. Despite it's loud crash, not a single person stirred in that house, or neighborhood for that matter. It was as if the room had a magical barrier cast on it. Before long, a figure entered through the newly found hole in the side of the room. She was a young lady dressed in a plain black dress and was accompanied with a giant scythe. " Hey, the name's Punk. So...this is a bit sudden but...um...how do I say this? You're dead and it's my job to take you to Hell? ...Yeah, that sounds about right." The lady said awkwardly as she used her scythe to rip a giant whole through the floor and open up a vortex to Hell. :3
Jun 21 2013 02:02 AM
  • Morveer's Photo
    Jun 21 2013 02:20 AM
  • PunkP's Photo
    "Ah, you must be on those mimes I hear about. We have a lot of your kind in Hell." :D The Grim Reaper girl pushed the young man into the blazing hole in the floor and soon followed after him. "Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!" the young lady squealed as she rode the young man like a surfboard down the fiery chasm of moaning ghosts and crackling skeletons. THUD!!!! Both the young man and the Lady in black reached the very bottom of the hole to the place known as Hell. They were now in a realm that has been theorized by over 4 millenniums of people; many of which who spent their blood and very lives trying to prove themselves right on how the after life was. There isn't a word in Human knowledge that could truly summarize how truly horrible the land known as Hell was, but if they had to...it would be the equivalent to the DMV. Many souls were lined up and waiting their turn for eternal judgement in this cramp and gray office. Punk took a parchment with a number on it before leading the young man to a seat in the corner. She looked down. " Hmm...87653020...not bad. We should get there before the start of the 6th World War" :D
    Jun 21 2013 02:32 AM