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Jae102 → Hadz-x

Bleach is back Hadz and so am I. How have you been?
Apr 10 2020 06:50 PM
  • Hadz-x's Photo
    Gosh, I have missed a lot. You mean the anime, right?

    It's been a long, long time. A lot has happened.

    What's new with you?
    Jun 17 2020 07:54 AM

ddboy102 → Jae102

Are you reading anything besides Bleach?
Aug 20 2016 04:55 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    don't really have anything to read consdering Bleach & Naruto ended.
    Toriko is on its last legs
    One Piece is boring to me unless something Zoro related is going on
    Seven Deadly Sins is awesome

    Aug 20 2016 04:56 PM
  • Jae102's Photo
    I'm actually reading Earth 2 it's a DC comic and Injustice. I also read a lot of Gundam Manga's. Karate Minoru good too. For shonen manga I really don't know. I've kinda stopped reading manga like I did a few years ago, I get back into it but nothing like 2011 and 2012. Those were the years lol.
    Aug 20 2016 11:50 PM

Jae102 → Hadz-x

Bleach ended Hadz what do you think?
Aug 19 2016 10:29 PM

Jae102 → ddboy102

Bleach ended. What do you think?
Aug 19 2016 10:28 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    was to terrible in the end, didn't care
    Aug 19 2016 11:51 PM
  • Jae102's Photo
    Yeah, Bleach had potential but I think we all knew where it was going during the Deicide arc along with it's horrible pacing.
    Aug 20 2016 11:52 PM

ddboy102 → Jae102

Dec 06 2015 05:46 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    Well I stopped reading Bleach when Kensei was fodderized the way he was. The perfect chance to see his abilities and we get a onesidded curbstomp back and forth no thanks.

    Then after that I heard he gets killed turns into a zombie and has another one sideded curbstomp battle.

    Ugg!! bleach is so terrible.
    Dec 06 2015 05:47 PM
  • Jae102's Photo
    Yeah, I quit during the full bring was going to possibly read it after it ended because Kubo's pacing is terrible but I see he's just making his awesome characters lame again. :|
    What else happened with Bleach?
    Dec 09 2015 02:09 AM
  • Jae102's Photo
    Bleach is doing Zombies now. Oh my god. There to many characters that are used as fodder. Kubo sucks ass. Anyways there's better series out there. Glad Dragonball came back.
    Dec 09 2015 02:11 AM

Jae102 → VegaKotes

Vega long time no see how are you doing?
Dec 06 2015 04:15 AM
  • VegaKotes's Photo
    Well...I just put my first payment down on school loans so that's....kinda refreshing actually? xD
    How about you? What've you been up to lately?
    Dec 09 2015 03:15 PM
  • Jae102's Photo
    Full time work. I'm PC technician now. Things have been going okay. Trying to reconnect with you. You done with school?
    Dec 12 2015 04:44 AM

Jae102 → Hadz-x

Hey Hadz good to see you here still. How are you doing? Sorry I haven't been coming on here lately just been trying to get my life together.
Dec 06 2015 04:14 AM
  • Jae102's Photo
    Yeah, been working full time as a PC technician been getting better I've got a lot of things going for my future. New car coming, gym membership, I actually got offered a new job for $28.00/hr. I plan to look elsewhere sometime next year 2017 is latest I will be staying at Fry's Electronics.

    Are you still in college?
    Dec 26 2015 12:45 AM
  • Hadz-x's Photo
    Dude that all sounds great! I'm glad things are moving forward for you, that's brilliant. I'm really happy for you

    Yeah, my last year. Considering doing a masters, though.
    Dec 26 2015 07:11 AM
  • Jae102's Photo
    Thanks. I will do things better when I get better I feel like I'm slowly dying been sick since December 8. My doctors can't find what wrong with me. I've passed every test they've throne at me and I've been in normal ranges. My eating habits are terrible I don't eat nearly as much as I used to and I do workout. Been doing a lot of praying and trying to turn my life around because last year I was desperate and taken advantage of.

    Anyways when I recover I plan on doing many things like getting a better job and improving my every day life.

    So what are you going to be majoring in this time Hadz?
    Jan 20 2016 11:38 AM

Jae102 → Hadz-x

Hey, Hadz how have you been doing?
Nov 28 2013 11:05 PM
  • Hadz-x's Photo
    Hey, that's good. I'm glad you're going to a better place!

    Yeah, need to work on it
    Sep 25 2014 11:22 AM
  • Jae102's Photo
    Thanks. Lol.

    So you're all done with college soon right?
    Oct 10 2014 11:35 AM
  • Hadz-x's Photo
    Dude I'm in uni xD
    Oct 31 2014 05:05 AM

Jae102 → Ichihimefan!!

I remember your name but are you the same Ichi-hime from the original OMF?
Jul 30 2013 08:16 PM
  • Jae102's Photo
    Jae102, remember me? Aren't you from Europe.
    Jul 30 2013 11:06 PM
  • Ichihimefan!!'s Photo
    I am not!
    Jul 31 2013 10:27 AM
  • Jae102's Photo
    Darn then you must be another person who happens to have the same name as her. XD
    Jul 31 2013 05:16 PM

Jae102 → kikyou_e

So was this the same user name you used in the old site?
Jul 27 2013 04:19 PM
  • kikyou_e's Photo
    it is...
    Jul 27 2013 04:21 PM

ddboy102 → Jae102

okay Jae ur coming to my wedding right?
Jul 27 2013 03:27 PM
  • Jae102's Photo
    why do you want to marry dude?
    Jul 31 2013 05:16 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    cuz he is rich
    Aug 01 2013 08:43 PM
  • Jae102's Photo
    Um there's plenty of rich women out there like Opera.
    Aug 02 2013 11:23 PM

Jae102 → VegaKotes

I see this Forum bored you so much you left huh?
Jul 09 2013 09:41 PM
  • Jae102's Photo
    Same reason I don't come on much. XD
    Jul 09 2013 09:42 PM

Jae102 → VegaKotes

Vega!! Is it really you?
Jul 06 2013 10:29 PM

Hadz-x → Jae102

I didn't even see your last message, sorry!
Jul 01 2013 10:26 AM
  • Hadz-x's Photo
    Yeah, like an english professor at college or university level
    Jul 28 2013 06:14 PM
  • Jae102's Photo
    Damn, that's a good goal Hadz. Damn, Hadz the English Professor.
    Aug 02 2013 11:23 PM
  • Hadz-x's Photo
    Thanks, man!
    Aug 07 2013 11:55 AM

Hadz-x → Jae102

...Jae, Jae? :aww;
May 23 2013 05:08 PM
  • Jae102's Photo
    Ah crap. That sucks, what are you going to do in the mean time?
    Jun 12 2013 08:16 AM
  • Hadz-x's Photo
    Just chill, I suppose xD
    Jun 12 2013 01:57 PM
  • Jae102's Photo
    Darn Hadz sorry to hear that. What are doing when chilling?
    Jun 18 2013 10:09 PM