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King Tai

Can't believe I forgot about this place for so many years. Well, I'm back and looking for the old friends and associates.
Aug 25 2022 05:41 PM

King Tai

Man, I barely get on here anymore. Mostly just show up on here without logging in to check for spoilers but I should get back to active duty here again. Sorry to my fam for being missing all this time. Want to catch me easier, I have FB. HMU there.
Apr 07 2017 09:14 AM
  • YoWid's Photo
    May you and your Queen always be well, King.
    Apr 09 2017 12:42 AM
  • King Tai's Photo
    King Tai
    Thanks my brotha! Same to you as well :D
    Apr 12 2017 02:37 PM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Amen! X))
    Apr 15 2017 10:21 AM

ZCOverload → King Tai

Damn dude, where you been?
Jan 07 2017 03:29 PM
  • King Tai's Photo
    King Tai
    Shit, life had me, bro.
    Jan 18 2017 09:40 AM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    It's all good man. I understand. Just glad you're back.
    Jan 18 2017 02:54 PM

YoWid → King Tai

Happy belated birthday, man
Aug 02 2016 01:52 PM

Wingman → King Tai

Happy Birthday!
Jul 27 2016 04:21 PM
  • King Tai's Photo
    King Tai
    Thanks my friend
    Jul 27 2016 05:28 PM
  • Wingman's Photo
    You're Welcome!
    Jul 27 2016 10:50 PM

King Tai

It's so hot now, everytime I go outside, all I see is as........tiny shorts and.......ass
Jun 25 2016 08:24 PM

ramz91 → King Tai

I hope you don't mind me asking man but what inspired you to create the 'Men vs Women Race to 1000' thread? I'm curious
Jan 28 2016 04:42 AM
  • King Tai's Photo
    King Tai
    It was from an old site that's dead now lol and I figured that it would liven things up here more than what I've seen on the debate thread lol
    Jan 28 2016 01:03 PM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Damn, missed that one cos work.
    Feb 10 2016 03:30 AM
  • ramz91's Photo
    It's a good idea of a thread indeed
    Feb 11 2016 06:35 PM

ZCOverload → King Tai

King, I'm rebooting Fairy Tail in the corner if you're interested.
Jan 10 2016 03:11 AM
  • King Tai's Photo
    King Tai
    Nah, go ahead my brotha. Don't think I would have the time right now to jump in on the action. Thanks for the invite though :D
    Jan 19 2016 05:14 PM

King Tai

Be yourself. If people don't like you if you're being yourself..... FUCK 'EM!
Dec 10 2015 09:44 PM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Dec 14 2015 02:47 AM

ZCOverload → King Tai

Yo man, you gonna post in RP anytime soon?
Dec 03 2015 02:20 AM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    Alright. I'll hold up 'til then.
    Dec 03 2015 06:10 PM
  • King Tai's Photo
    King Tai
    Alright. Sorry for the hold up.
    Dec 03 2015 10:51 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    NP fam
    Dec 03 2015 10:53 PM

King Tai

My Queen and I need to go on an adventure....
Oct 16 2015 02:22 PM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Visit Raja Ampat, @Maiaku and I would like to visit there one day as well! :D

    Oct 16 2015 02:29 PM
  • King Tai's Photo
    King Tai
    I think the Queen and I just may have to check that out......maybe double up with you guys? :D
    Oct 16 2015 03:22 PM

DaEvilWithin → King Tai

If you still have time to RP you should join this: http://onemangaforums.com/index.php?/topic/8654-concept-is-it-wrong-to-want-an-rp-that-moves-faster-than-a-snail/ . It will move faster than the Kekkai Sensen RP, I promise.
Oct 15 2015 01:13 AM

Nyu → King Tai

hello old friend, i was looking thru and old post of you randomly saying hello like 2 years ago so im returning the post
Sep 20 2015 07:06 AM
  • King Tai's Photo
    King Tai
    lol Law was cool and I also thought Kuma was pretty awesome as well. Were you ever into Street fighter or Mortal combat or Marvel vs. Capcom?
    Sep 22 2015 09:10 PM
  • Nyu's Photo
    i played them but wasnt good. i am a resident evil fan so i would be lying if i said i didnt put time into Marlvel vs Capcom. MvC3 was probably my fav out of the pick because of my fantasy team (Jill, Dante and Deadpool)

    streetfighter i never got into because i ALWAYS got my vitual ass handed to me, same goes for Mortal Kombat. though i actively play MK 1 2 and 3 on PS3 i still prefer Soul Calibur. character customization won it for me.
    Sep 22 2015 09:17 PM
  • King Tai's Photo
    King Tai
    Honestly, this may sound crazy but I've never played resident evil. just never appealed to me. I agree with you that MvC3 is the best. my team was always (Ryu, Dante or Zero, and Wolverine)

    Street fighter is not that difficult. start with the easiest characters to use and to me that's Ryu, Ken, E. Honda, and Blanka. Mortal Kombat is a little harder but I think people just play because of the blood and fatalities. Never really was a fan of their fight mechanics but I'll play every now and then. I do like Soul Calibur's customization.
    Sep 23 2015 09:39 AM
  • Furinji Saiga's Photo
    Furinji Saiga
    Aug 25 2015 02:27 AM
  • Ganderath's Photo
    Aug 25 2015 02:26 AM
  • Damanos's Photo
    Aug 25 2015 02:27 AM
  • Furinji Saiga's Photo
    Furinji Saiga
    Aug 25 2015 02:27 AM