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ddboy102 → Deathkingdome

Happy B.day
Dec 26 2020 10:57 PM
  • Deathkingdome's Photo
    Thank you
    Dec 30 2020 10:26 AM

ddboy102 → Deathkingdome

where are you?
Dec 27 2017 02:27 AM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    Happy B.day

    Dec 27 2017 02:27 AM
  • Deathkingdome's Photo
    Thank you very much. Sorry for the late reply. I have stopped coming to this site because i lost interest in discussion on this forum, but i pop in once in a while to see what is up.
    How are you?
    Feb 06 2018 10:35 AM

Deathkingdome → Acnologia

Skå?l bro are you Danish/Skandinavian?
Mar 16 2016 07:10 PM
  • Deathkingdome's Photo
    Mar 16 2016 07:11 PM
  • Acnologia's Photo
    Hej there Bleach bro. Nah, just your typical Italian with some northern blood mixed in XD
    Mar 22 2016 04:48 AM

Sloan → Deathkingdome

Happy G day
Dec 27 2015 11:48 PM
  • Deathkingdome's Photo
    Dec 28 2015 01:04 AM

Deathkingdome → Greg

Hey Greg :) The mobile site is not working for me. I can´t log in and i can´t use full site. Everytime i try to log in it won´t accept my log in. And everytime i press on full site it still gives me the mobile site. Is it a problem for others as well? I just want to report the issue in case you were unfamiliar with it. Have a nice day :)
Oct 03 2015 07:33 AM
  • Greg's Photo
    Would you mind posting a Suggestions, Feedback, and Help thread about this with as much detail as possible? Like what phone OS, version, browser, etc.
    Oct 06 2015 07:51 AM
  • Deathkingdome's Photo
    I fixed the problem. When I updated my iPhone and it shut down cookies so I could not sign in anywhere. I turned on cookies and it's working again.
    Oct 06 2015 10:27 AM

Deathkingdome → Greg

Hi Greg, i have a question
Jun 09 2015 06:15 AM
  • Deathkingdome's Photo
    For instance if i changed my address from hotmail.com into Gmail.com would the forum still remembers my hotmail.com email address?
    Jun 09 2015 06:17 AM
  • Greg's Photo
    I don't believe that it will.
    Jun 09 2015 01:15 PM
  • Deathkingdome's Photo
    Thank you. Would you be able to find out about that in the database? I am just curious because someone tried to hack my email but was luckily unsuccessful.
    Jun 09 2015 01:27 PM

Oben → Deathkingdome

Er du dansker?
May 25 2015 01:51 PM
  • Deathkingdome's Photo
    No, that was correct :D
    May 25 2015 02:22 PM
  • Deathkingdome's Photo
    It´s ok to ask :D

    Where are you from?
    May 25 2015 02:23 PM
  • Oben's Photo
    Germany, I went to Copenhagen in the last autumn-semester for an Erasmus-exchange.
    May 25 2015 02:26 PM

Deathkingdome → Sir Donovan

Can you please embed the Bleach spoiler pics into OMF? The site won´t work for me
May 04 2015 12:06 PM
  • Sir Donovan's Photo
    Sir Donovan
    I'll do it once I get out from work.. Hopefully have it there by this afternoon.
    May 04 2015 12:16 PM
  • Deathkingdome's Photo
    Thanks. Have fun at work :)
    May 04 2015 12:20 PM

Deathkingdome → tenchu

Hi i read your post about haki retcon, can you elaborate on this? Just curious and i have forgotten the introduction of haki.
May 03 2015 07:09 AM


Carpe diem
Apr 02 2015 07:20 AM

Deathkingdome → RhyssaFireheart

Hi i pressed report button by mistake. I am on iPad and i clicked mistakingly on the report button. Sorry
Apr 01 2015 03:49 PM
  • RhyssaFireheart's Photo
    No worries. It happens sometimes.
    Apr 01 2015 08:49 PM

Deathkingdome → Hadz-x

Hey how have you been?
Apr 21 2014 03:32 PM
  • Deathkingdome's Photo
    Operated my elbow and doing well. I have read that you won´t be around much. I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors and keep visiting from time to time. Don´t make me miss you too much you hear :D I hope everything works out for you.
    Apr 23 2014 03:44 PM
  • Hadz-x's Photo
    Yeesh, was that from the accident? I hope it's doing better now. Thank so much for the well wishes, they mean a lot. I also wish you well, good luck with everything! I know I'm not around a lot anymore, but you're a great friend, I hope everything works out the way you want it
    Jun 05 2014 02:16 PM
  • Deathkingdome's Photo
    Operated an old injury in my elbow and it´s going well according to the doctors and physio therapist. I am an intern at a nursery atm, and it´s amazing. Thank you for your well wishes.

    What are you doing nowadays? How´s work? Family? College? I hope everything works out for you, and remember to take it easy once in a while, because life is too damn short. You are also a great a friend of mine, so keep informed of how you are doing, and if you needed advice or talk about anything you can count on me. If i can help you or give you advice i won´t hesitate to do it.
    Jun 06 2014 07:27 AM

Episteme → Deathkingdome

Alas, I just saw your post but it was deleted before I could respond. I promise my lack of posting isn't intentional. There merely hasn’t been much of particular symbolic/philosophical note appearing in the latest chapters (and the little that has come up is just that; too little). I’ve been piecing together some ideas concerning the Quincy, but I would like to see things play out a bit as well as getting some more substantive info before formulating anything specific. Um… I guess I could post some other analyses that I've been sitting on for a while, even if the opportunity hasn't really presented itself -- I usually prefer to contribute to a current discussion rather than randomly posting something on a thread. I can change my ways though, supposing nobody minds random meta that has little to do with what's being discussed hehe.
Oct 15 2013 08:40 AM
  • Deathkingdome's Photo
    I enjoy your posts because it´s well thought out. You post when you are comfortable, i just wish that you post more comment on chapters/character regardless of philosophy/symbolism hehe. We all have fun in Bleach sub forum, and i want you to join the fun hehe.
    Oct 15 2013 01:20 PM
  • Episteme's Photo
    Aww, all right then. I'll try and pop in whenever I'm feeling particularly inspired or intrigued by something. :)
    Oct 17 2013 04:26 AM

Deathkingdome → Hadz-x

Hey girlie! How have you been? I just finished my first semester and internship and i passed. What are you doing
Jun 26 2013 02:18 PM
  • Hadz-x's Photo
    Brilliant :)

    I start at the end of the week. I won't ^^ English! Yeah, hopefully.
    Sep 09 2013 01:39 PM
  • Deathkingdome's Photo
    Hey girlie! How are you doing? How is college?

    I have a fall vacation so i am relaxing the whole week.
    Oct 16 2013 03:26 PM
  • Hadz-x's Photo
    It's so busy X_X

    How are you?
    Oct 24 2013 07:56 AM

Deathkingdome → TheoryNoJutsu

The Heart is in chapter 350.
May 08 2013 02:58 PM