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So many years. How many old friends are still around ?
Mar 22 2021 03:21 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    Reporting in my man. How's life treating you?
    Mar 22 2021 11:37 PM
  • Kazekage's Photo
    I am still around. Sort of.
    Apr 02 2021 05:48 AM

ZCOverload → Iron

Hey mate, it's been some time. How goes it?
Apr 01 2015 01:36 AM

ZCOverload → Iron

Kicked out an update for Fairy Tail to get it going again. Sorry for taking control of the fight for a moment, but I have to abuse Co-GM rights for the sake of activity. :/
Feb 26 2014 06:26 PM

ZCOverload → Iron

http://i.imgur.com/QqJMJEQ.png i dont know what im doing here
Feb 11 2014 01:43 AM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    Could pull it off. WSAC contest entry is next on my list though. I'll get to it.
    Feb 11 2014 03:47 PM
  • Iron's Photo
    No problem. Take your time. Thanks for the sig too. I'll use it
    Feb 11 2014 04:32 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    Yeah, it's pretty tough when you're not acquainted with the source material.
    Feb 11 2014 04:46 PM

ZCOverload → Iron

Sorry I missed your message. If you're still up for it, I'd be glad to make you a set.
Jan 29 2014 06:58 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    I'm a little busy right now so linking stocks would be helpful, actually. If not, I can do it tonight.
    Feb 04 2014 05:10 PM
  • Iron's Photo
    Take your time. It's not hasting. Actually, just use what you can find. There's no particular stock I'd want. Make it a surprise. Always turns good when I leave it all to the creator.
    Feb 04 2014 05:31 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    Alrighty. I'll see what I can do.
    Feb 04 2014 05:42 PM

Iron → Liar

Liar, old buddy. How you been :D Still as obsessed with Harry Potter fanfics ? Haha
Dec 06 2013 01:36 PM

ZCOverload → Iron

Oh, hey, have you checked out my writing thread yet?
Nov 06 2013 10:58 AM

Rob → Iron

Just in case you were interested, a Toriko RP is starting up.
Oct 05 2013 10:32 PM
  • Iron's Photo
    Damn late reply :(. When and where ? I'm definitely in.
    Nov 06 2013 11:05 AM

Iron → taichi

Happy Birthday, my turkish friend.
Sep 03 2013 08:59 PM
  • taichi's Photo
    Thanks :) And sorry for the delayed response, I'm rather busy nowadays >_>
    Sep 09 2013 06:48 AM

Iron → skyguy

Damn. You really called the homoeroticism in Toriko all those years ago, haha. Too bad we didn't listen :D
Jul 25 2013 01:04 AM
  • skyguy's Photo
    There are plenty of sexual suggestive panels in that manga. Not to mention the author went from drawing a manga about little girls to going to jail to coming out making a manga about sexy men with buldging muscles hanging around with other men with buldging muscles. Also the first toriko movie featured a gay character.
    Jul 25 2013 06:38 AM


Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination
Jun 26 2013 09:43 AM

Iron → ArSoNiSt JoE

The JoE ! It's been a long while, buddy :D How's it going
Jun 18 2013 06:50 AM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    Hey! Dragon! Long time no see indeed my man. I've been good...just working and so on..you know how it is ^_^.

    How are things with you?
    Jun 18 2013 08:02 AM
  • Iron's Photo
    I'm living the life as they say. Just training as usual and working. My pro debut is slated for September unfortunately. **** got postponed two months :(
    Jun 18 2013 10:29 AM

Iron → vooder

Oi ! I joined the RP. Get your ass in there :D
May 31 2013 12:34 PM
  • vooder's Photo
    alrighty alrighty bro :D let me catch up on the reading i need to do for the RP and i'll try to rev it back up! glad you joined though, will be more fun with ya there dude!
    May 31 2013 12:44 PM
  • vooder's Photo
    i was going to wait for other people to respond to your post in FT... buuuuuuuuut seems like nobody else is so i'll just move it along myself.
    Jun 06 2013 04:43 PM
  • Iron's Photo
    I completely forgot about it, lol
    Jun 07 2013 03:34 PM

ZCOverload → Iron

You got my approval.
May 29 2013 07:58 PM
  • vooder's Photo
    as well as mine

    Jun 02 2013 01:51 PM

ZCOverload → Iron

Hey Iron. Not sure if you're still much into RPing but Vood brought back FT. http://onemangaforums.com/index.php?/forum/122-fairy-tail-the-gilded-years/
May 16 2013 02:08 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    Nah now I'm an annoyed cynical jerk. :D Yeah though my school's still online. My University's probably gonna have online classes but I'll probably have to actually attend some of them in person though.
    Yeah I saw from your convo from Vood. Congratulations man!
    May 16 2013 03:54 PM
  • Iron's Photo
    Hahah :D I'm glad that you are doing fine in the city of sins. You better clear university too. Don't be a drop out like me
    May 16 2013 04:03 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    Nah. Judging from the college work my mom does it looks like easier stuff than I have now.
    May 16 2013 04:04 PM