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RathyOro → Sotto Voce

Why are you beefing with Kishimoto?
Oct 24 2016 07:56 AM
  • Sotto Voce's Photo
    Sotto Voce
    If alien invaders came to Earth and demanded a human test subject for probing I would rush over to Kishimoto's doorstep with a net
    Oct 24 2016 11:57 AM
  • RathyOro's Photo
    Bullet point format please.
    Oct 24 2016 12:08 PM
  • RathyOro's Photo
    I'm still waitin :D
    Nov 01 2016 09:43 AM

Mouse → Sotto Voce

Oct 16 2016 10:25 PM
  • Sotto Voce's Photo
    Sotto Voce
    Oct 18 2016 10:24 AM

Sotto Voce → DeSoulWolf

This is me, on your profile, saying anything. ✌
Oct 15 2016 11:02 PM
  • DeSoulWolf's Photo

    But in all seriousness sorry if I made it come off as if starting the RP here was a lost cause. If anything your Air Gear Concept actually recharged the RP section a bit with other people trying to start up new ideas. I honestly was just saying that you might not get two teams with the amount of interest AG can gather at this point in time. I say if you can get five people at least you should be able to start the RP just fine.
    Oct 16 2016 01:04 PM
  • Sotto Voce's Photo
    Sotto Voce
    No no no no no no you didn't make it sound like a lost cause at all! I'm beyond grateful for that message. :') But in the end, I think this RP is too canon-divergent to really advertise as an Air Gear RP and too canon-heavy to advertise as an independent story, so hosting it on a loosely manga-based RP forum seems like the best idea. Anyway, the more I think about it, the more I prefer small groups! More than 4-10 RPers would require more structure and less character-focused story arcs. We can bring in NPCs from character backstories to be main antagonists or supporting characters to the whole team, and the community could be more tight-knit. I'm super excited for this. :')

    Also, really glad to see that mentioning your RP summoned you back to the forum. I had NO IDEA you were still around. We were lowkey setting this up to be the spiritual successor of your RP, so everything you contribute is super appreciated. :j
    Oct 18 2016 01:43 PM

DeSoulWolf → Sotto Voce

Looking at my profile and not saying anything huh? Yeah, well it's not like you had to or anything so i guess it's fine...*sniff*
Oct 14 2016 07:08 PM
  • Sotto Voce's Photo
    Sotto Voce
    AHHHH LISTEN i've tried writing up my big long response to the AG concept thread twice now (TWICE!!!) and my computer keeps shutting down and honest to god i'm still too salty to try again. PLUS that thing you said in your DM completely blew my mind and now I'm still kind of stumped on where to take this. So thanks, dude, for all this internal conflict I never asked for.

    Your profile's looking killer though! ٩(⁎❛ᴗ❛⁎)۶
    Oct 15 2016 11:01 PM

RathyOro → Sotto Voce

Nice to have you back on the forums. Are you still gonna do Air Gear?
Oct 13 2016 06:34 PM
  • Sotto Voce's Photo
    Sotto Voce
    Thanks dude! It's really nice to be back, although I wish it was as lively as it used to be.
    But people seem super stoked about your roleplay, so maybe that's going to bring back some community spirit? :'D

    Right now it's a probable-definitely. I'm still waiting to hear back from a couple people I recruited to OMF to get back to me, and waiting until I get a chance to chat with my roommate about something before I answer any questions in the concept thread. I'd be lying if I said I didn't already have a chunk of the plot and my character CS written up though.
    Oct 13 2016 07:43 PM
  • RathyOro's Photo
    Yeah I miss the days when it was buzzing here, hopefully it will pick up again.

    Good, really looking forward to it. You are way more prepared than me I still have to get the instructors in lol.

    Side note: I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the oddity that was Ariel.
    Oct 13 2016 08:17 PM
  • Sotto Voce's Photo
    Sotto Voce
    I haven't been around in the last, like... 3 years but judging by the fact that there's been no activity in the Corner in the last 4 months, I feel like 7 enthusiastic RPers is pretty impressive, right?
    It would be so rad if there was a way to contact vets like Mist and Liar and Chizzy, though.

    Thanks! The support means a lot! Schoolwork has been kind of a killer but now that my co-GM's account is in the works, I might be able to get it moving.
    And if you need any help with the RP, let me know!! I'm super invested in everything that's happening so far.

    SIDE NOTE I'M SO HAPPY OTHER PEOPLE ARE STILL THINKING ABOUT THAT RP. I, like, vaguely remember wanting Ariel to campaign to get Michael into kiddeadpool's character's position as chaser.
    Insomni and I were seriously debating going to that site and just doing threads with Nicolette and Ariel until other people showed up. Definitely not going to happen because that would be kind of pathetic but, man, that was such a promising RPG.
    Oct 15 2016 10:19 PM

ZCOverload → Sotto Voce

Holy shit you're alive
Sep 26 2016 08:27 PM
  • Sotto Voce's Photo
    Sotto Voce
    Biologically, anyway. :V
    Oct 14 2016 01:06 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    Close enough.
    Oct 14 2016 02:54 PM

Sloan → Sotto Voce

Happy G day
Dec 16 2015 10:50 PM

Petite Fleur → Sotto Voce

amg you have the cutest avatar
Dec 16 2014 03:26 PM

Kingkys001 → Sotto Voce

What's up Sotto!
Aug 07 2014 05:01 PM
  • Sotto Voce's Photo
    Sotto Voce
    I'm more than two years late to give you any response to this but

    kys come back 2 me
    Oct 18 2016 12:20 PM