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ddboy102 → eemo23

Happy B.day
Sep 05 2018 02:25 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    enjoy your day but not to much as its all about me

    Sep 05 2018 02:25 PM

Grimmjagger → eemo23

Happy birthday bro!
Sep 05 2017 09:18 AM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Thank you so much bro, I really appreciate it!
    Sep 05 2017 06:37 PM

retroluffy13 → eemo23

lol i feel like a broken record at this point. but you need to add cherecter brackets to the thread or it wont show up. do you know how to edit thread titles?
Mar 23 2017 04:51 PM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Shoot, I don't! Sorry Retro :( Can we get a mod to change that?

    Mar 23 2017 04:54 PM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    I can walk you through it. just use the edit feature on your thred post, then click advanced edit. the rest is easy.
    Mar 23 2017 04:55 PM

eemo23 → Madara D Dragon

How are you Madara my friend!
Dec 27 2016 09:46 PM
  • Madara D Dragon's Photo
    Madara D Dragon
    Hi eemo, nice to hear from you! Everything's going quite fine, I'm on the last year of my degree, so quite busy with exams and projects, but happy to be reaching the end, and already applying for a Master's degree in Sweden! (to completely change my lifestyle next year :) )

    How is your life doing? Are you still in L.A. ?
    Dec 28 2016 06:22 AM

eemo23 → ddboy102

DDboy what's cracking brother. Haven't heard from you in a while
Dec 27 2016 01:54 AM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    Nothing really.

    Working towards my bachelor's in Computer Science.

    And learning how to program is giving me problems.

    Also I'm learning web design and a lil bit of bussiness
    Dec 27 2016 08:07 PM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Nice! Where are you going to school? Programming is difficult, but it'll pay off I'm sure!

    Web Design is definitely a handy skill - You can do lots of freelance work with that.
    Dec 27 2016 08:55 PM

eemo23 → Wingman

Wingman, what's going on bro?
Dec 27 2016 01:53 AM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Good to know buddy! I'm in NorCal doing accounting for a glass/construction firm.
    Dec 27 2016 02:44 AM
  • Wingman's Photo
    Ah nice! DO you like it so far?
    Dec 27 2016 02:49 AM
  • eemo23's Photo
    It's really good. The pay isn't bad for an entry level job - $17/hour; And hopefully I'll get an increment soon. ;)

    How about yourself? Where are you in life?
    Dec 27 2016 03:09 PM

eemo23 → Sanji

Eyyyy Sanji how's it going brother?!
Dec 27 2016 01:52 AM
  • Sanji's Photo
    Well, i'm enjoying a nice, hot cup of coffee as i'm writting this, so i can't complain haha How about you ? Was Santa generous this year ? :D
    Dec 27 2016 09:18 AM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Hey, there you go! Santa was indeed generous this year haha. I had a nice time with relatives and family. How was your Christmas? And my brother and I watched La La Land - Amazing movie. Highly recommend it!
    Dec 27 2016 03:09 PM
  • Sanji's Photo
    Awesome! Same here, got together with the whole family and had a jolly good time. Made traditional food, shared traditional drinks, played games with the little one's, exchanged presents, all the good stuff ! I even got my first One Piece volumes as a present :D My brother bought me the Omnibus 3 in 1 thing, with volumes 43 to 45 from EL. He randomly picked that one cuz it's got Robin's ass on the cover haha, but i'm happy with it since it has the awesome M3 fights, Sanji closing the gates, Merry saving them and their goodbye, the meeting between Shanks and Whitebeard, lot's of cool stuff :D
    Dec 27 2016 03:50 PM

eemo23 → YoWid

Hey YoWid! It's been a while, how are you?
Dec 27 2016 01:51 AM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Hi! Doing fine. How you doing?

    Been busy lately, but I'll keep coming once in a while X)
    Jan 06 2017 09:04 AM

eemo23 → Miss Coquine

Miss Coquine, how are you my friend?! Long time no talk!
Dec 27 2016 01:51 AM
  • Miss Coquine's Photo
    Miss Coquine
    Hi! I'm doing good. Enjoying the holidays. How are you doing?
    Hope you'll have time to take part in the OP awards ;) https://binnie86.typeform.com/to/zSga1A
    Dec 27 2016 05:45 AM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Good stuff! I'm doing well too; Christmas was fun. I just saw La La Land with my brother and it was amazing. I'd highly suggest watching it too if you have some time. I'll definitely participate - Thank you for taking the time to set it up!
    Dec 27 2016 03:08 PM

eemo23 → Furinji Saiga

Furinji san how are you my friend?!
Dec 27 2016 01:50 AM
  • Furinji Saiga's Photo
    Furinji Saiga
    sup bro, thank you for asking.
    Im pretty good, having a chill holiday. <3

    Dec 29 2016 12:31 PM

eemo23 → retroluffy13

Retro san how are you my friend?
Dec 27 2016 01:49 AM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    oh you know. Christmas was awesome. got myself put on a couple ignore lists. great success.
    Dec 27 2016 06:12 AM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Haha that's okay. You will be disliked if you have an opinion. And you know what, you should do what you think is right regardless of what others think. That's what real courage is. So stand strong!
    Dec 27 2016 03:07 PM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    lol yeah that's how I feel about it
    Dec 27 2016 03:37 PM

eemo23 → Chillman

Chillman how are you my friend! You're one of the few posters I can almost always agree with. Just curious, did you go by a different username before?
Dec 27 2016 01:49 AM
  • Chillman's Photo
    Dec 27 2016 04:27 AM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Ah okay. How was Christmas?
    Dec 27 2016 03:07 PM

retroluffy13 → eemo23

oi oi. emo. youve always been a really great frind of mine on this forum, and while this is going to sound really childish. would you join my nakama?
Dec 19 2016 03:24 PM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Retro san... There would be nothing that would make me happier than to join you as a nakama! #nakamaforlife
    Dec 19 2016 07:47 PM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    *brofist^ I knew you wouldn't disappoint dude. I know its weird of me to ask, but if I'm going t start being social again on this forum, this is how I start it off.
    Dec 19 2016 10:22 PM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Haha of course bro! *Brofist returned*

    Lol it's not weird I thought it was pretty cheesy though :D

    But eyyy, there you go bro!
    Dec 20 2016 12:41 AM

retroluffy13 → eemo23

yo eemo. are you really an eemo or did you pick your name young and stuck with it?
Dec 09 2016 11:11 PM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Haha good questions Retro! I'm not actually eemo and I wasn't eemo when I was younger either.

    The truth behind my username is this -

    One of my brother's nicknames is "Nemo" because his name is similar to Nemo.

    My name starts with the letter 'E' and I have two 'E's at the start of my name too! So I figured I would be called "Eemo" - Long before I knew what "Emo" meant!

    So I used eemo23 as my username for a lot of websites and stuck with it... But recently, I've changed to esai23.
    Dec 10 2016 12:52 AM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    lmao. yeah, I always thought the name didn't suit you. damn that's tight. i cant be the only person its confused over the years, though.
    Dec 10 2016 01:12 AM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Haha no you're not Retro! But it's whatever, I've gotten used to using this username at OMF. Like I mentioned, I use esai23 on other websites now.
    Dec 11 2016 12:31 AM

Wingman → eemo23

Happy Birthday!
Sep 05 2016 01:59 PM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Thank you Wingman!
    Sep 06 2016 01:36 AM
  • Wingman's Photo
    You're Welcome!
    Sep 06 2016 01:43 AM