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Sev → alekos23

Happy birthday!
May 13 2016 03:01 AM
  • alekos23's Photo
    Thanks Sev.
    May 13 2016 04:21 PM

Sev → Gnag

Where can I find more of this Synchronized Door band?! I love the little of them I can find of them on youtube haha Rhythmic Toy World has some awesome songs too. :D
May 01 2016 04:47 AM
  • Gnag's Photo
    I knew I had heard of NICO Touches the Walls so I decided to youtube it.

    yea.. I've seen their name in the anime credits lol.
    But ehh, I've decided to stay away from any an all artist who make music or have their stuff used in anime or however that works. =c
    So I wont bother with them.
    May 04 2016 02:55 AM
  • Gnag's Photo
    Tho I guess the few seconds I've heard of them from various anime I guess they're good. (y) Tho just not quite my style.
    May 04 2016 02:56 AM
  • Sev's Photo
    Yeah they did one of the openings of FMA brotherhood which I loved. But a lot of their other stuff seems a bit different to that song. Fair enough though :)

    I'm just trying some of the suggested similar stuff to Synchronized Door on spotify now but none of it's quite as good. :(
    May 04 2016 04:15 AM

Sev → Hadz-x

Hello, stranger! I... don't even know how long it's been since we spoke, but how have you been?!
Apr 13 2016 05:04 AM
  • Sev's Photo
    Combination of things, mostly just life getting in the way as it does haha. I ended up traveling for a few months last year and that was amazing! Now I'm back at university doing what I think I should have done the first time (computer science), and so I've slipped back into coming onto OMF more.

    Oh that's awesome, what were you studying? I feel like I almost remember, but not lol. What kind of post-grad are you hoping to come out with?
    Apr 15 2016 01:07 AM
  • Hadz-x's Photo
    Wow, check you out. Where did you go? That's awesome! How you finding being back at uni?

    I was studying English and creative writing and the postgrad I'm going on is much in the same vein, with a focus on the creative industry as a whole
    Apr 19 2016 07:38 AM
  • Sev's Photo
    Japan for a few weeks, England & Europe for a couple of months, and Vancouver on the way home (mostly because going home the opposite way I came to Europe made it a full round-the-world trip :P)

    Being back at uni is actually pretty fun. Waaaay more mentally tiring than I remember it being when I was younger though haha mostly because I'm putting in more effort I guess...

    Oh that's right! That's awesome :) How many years of postgrad are you thinking you'll do?
    May 01 2016 04:44 AM

Sev → Tokoya

Yo was that your MAL profile I posted on or some random with the same name? Haha just wanna check, I just assumed it was you since your username is unique. XD
Apr 05 2016 12:16 AM
  • Sev's Photo
    If it wasn't you... just ignore this hahaha.
    Apr 05 2016 12:16 AM
  • Tokoya's Photo
    It was probably me since I have the same username on there as well lol
    Apr 05 2016 12:52 AM


Just finished re-reading my "question time" thread from well over 2 years ago. Had me laughing so much, forgot how much I missed this place!
Mar 31 2016 08:26 AM
  • Sev's Photo
    Ohh how's X-Com 2?? I don't have a good enough PC to play it :( Wait you haven't finished the main game yet either? Haha come on man it's awesome :D More difficulty in the add-ons sounds good to me though
    Apr 01 2016 07:32 PM
  • Raiden's Photo
    X-Com 2 is pretty great ^^ for the first run I needed around 50 hours, which is good enough. The early game is a bit tough but it get's easier the later you get^^

    Yeah like I said I got disrupted with Witcher 3, but I think I'm almost finished.
    Apr 01 2016 08:49 PM
  • Sev's Photo
    Awesome, yeah I can imagine once you start getting your system sorted out - stronger weapons and troops then it gets a bit easier. Hopefully I can try and save up to build a good PC this year... or next... XD

    Ah all good man, it's a great ending imo anyway so look forward to it!
    Apr 02 2016 09:02 PM

YoWid → Sev

Happy belated birthday, mate.
Feb 18 2016 04:28 PM
  • Sev's Photo
    Belated thank you!
    Mar 31 2016 06:04 AM

Phenomiracle → Sev

Happy quarter century, homes
Feb 16 2016 01:25 AM
  • Sev's Photo
    Late reply, but nonetheless thanks man.
    Mar 31 2016 06:04 AM


I'm back after travelling the world for 3 months, time to re-embrace the internet like never before! xD
Sep 19 2015 09:10 AM
  • Sev's Photo
    I didn't haha only Munich and a little town in the Rhine Valley (forgot the name.. woops)
    Mar 31 2016 06:07 AM
  • Raiden's Photo
    Ok no problem^^ I live in Hannover so that's why I was asking :D
    Mar 31 2016 08:11 AM
  • Sev's Photo
    I remember ^^ I would've let you know if I'd been there haha.
    Mar 31 2016 08:23 AM


2 days until I'm in Japan :D
Jun 11 2015 04:53 AM

Sev → OP Eyes FTW

Happy birthday man.
Jun 04 2015 05:03 AM


Finished the Alabasta arc... I DIDN'T CRY OKAY... yeah... okay... maybe just a manly tear or two...
May 22 2015 11:54 PM
  • Kazekage's Photo
    I knew about Ace's death too but it didn't ruin anything for me. There are way more surprises up ahead.
    Jun 04 2015 09:34 AM
  • Sev's Photo
    To be honest the Skypiea arc was enjoyable but compared to other big arcs felt a bit... unrelated to everything else? I still enjoyed it though, Enel is OP lol. Just finished Enies Lobby, it was awesome! And the little post-Enies Lobby arc was great too, finding out about Garp and Dragon's relation to Luffy. I don't know how many times I've got emotional now over reading this, it's ridiculous. I nearly cried over a damn boat XD
    Jun 11 2015 04:49 AM
  • Raiden's Photo
    nice^^ But wasn't the Flashback in the Skypeia Arc one of the strongest you have ever read? :3 And Enel-sama is not only OP he is awesome and our savior!^^ And we believe he will return to us someday :D

    Yeah Post-Enies Lobby is also good^^ Sanji's and Chopper's reactions ot their wanted posters :D and the reunion with Coby and Helmeppo :3
    Jun 11 2015 05:43 AM


100 chapters down... Only 685 to go! ...Yep, I decided to start reading One Piece.
May 10 2015 12:04 AM

ZCOverload → Sev

That's a good set.
Apr 09 2015 09:03 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    You still haven't mate? Raiden got it for me as a Christmas gift and for a half-hour prequel, somehow I've managed to put over thirty hours into it already.
    May 10 2015 12:29 AM
  • Sev's Photo
    The main game is only supposed to be a half-hour long? Had no idea haha, I'll try to get around to it in the coming weeks.
    May 22 2015 11:45 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    Yeah go for it. It's perfectly addicting.
    May 28 2015 12:52 AM

Sev → Tokoya

Hey man how's things? It's been a while. Btw I've started watching Mondaiji since I've seen you talk about it several times before, Izayoi is such a boss for a MC lol
Mar 21 2015 03:22 AM
  • Sev's Photo
    Haven't been around the forums much lately, sorry for the lateness. Been sorting out my trip, ended up deciding I'm gonna go to Japan for a couple of weeks before Europe! So excited. :D

    So far I haven't ended up watching all of the series I had planned to, but I've been watching UBW, SNAFU (omg this season is so good), DanMachi and Seraph. Seraph's alright, this week's episode was pretty good, but I'm really liking the whole RPG setting for Danmachi lol. Still gotta get around to starting Arslan, Shokugeki and Kekkai Sensen.

    Btw did Gunslinger Stratos end up getting any better? I didn't even know Urobutcher was writing it :o
    May 10 2015 12:15 AM
  • Tokoya's Photo
    It's fine bro and damn I'm actually jealous that you're going to to get to go to Japan xD Let me know how it is when you get back or while you're there if you have wifi access

    And haha, I'm struggling to keep up with everything that I'm watching lol....But yeah, DanMachi has a special place in my heart and Seraph will continue to get better from This point onwards so stay tuned :P Those last 3 you haven't started are REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD man, you're missing out lol.....Plastic Memories is another really really good one too

    The last 3 episodes have been pretty good tbh a lot better than the first ones
    May 10 2015 01:29 AM
  • Sev's Photo
    I definitely will! I'll probably end up posting some pictures in the picture thread here anyway, and was thinking when I get back I might put some videos on youtube of my adventures (if they're interesting enough :P). When are you off to Europe btw? I'm going to Barcelona for a couple of days too now it turns out, but just as part of a big group tour, still should be cool!

    I only just realized the other day that DanMachi and Seraph are both only 1-cour? I figured at least one of them would've been longer but oh well. Plastic Memories looks like it would be feels-inducing lol I might watch it one day... I'll add it to the list of shows that will probably turn me into a little girl crying XD AnoHana, Angel Beats, etc.
    May 22 2015 11:52 PM

Wingman → Sev

Happy Birthday
Feb 16 2015 08:37 PM
  • Sev's Photo
    Thanks Wingman!
    Feb 18 2015 02:20 AM
  • Wingman's Photo
    You're Welcome!
    Feb 18 2015 05:43 PM