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ddboy102 → ninpokaton

your still here?
Jan 03 2017 08:06 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo

    GUess who I'm dating now?
    Jan 03 2017 08:06 PM
  • ninpokaton's Photo
    I am sometimes haha how are you and is the love life? I'm dating a little half filipino/chinese its awesome.
    Jan 03 2017 08:48 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    I'm dating Wide Reciever Odell Beckham Jr.

    Jan 03 2017 11:29 PM

Sloan → ninpokaton

Happy G day
Nov 14 2015 07:11 PM
  • ninpokaton's Photo
    :* ;)
    Jan 04 2016 12:40 AM

Tokoya → ninpokaton

Happy Birthday!
Nov 14 2015 09:11 AM
  • ninpokaton's Photo
    :* thanks
    Jan 04 2016 12:40 AM

YoWid → ninpokaton

Happy birthday, man!
Nov 14 2015 03:49 AM
  • ninpokaton's Photo
    Thanks guy :*
    Jan 04 2016 12:40 AM

Narubi → ninpokaton

Happy Birthday Ninpo. :D
Nov 14 2015 12:02 AM
  • ninpokaton's Photo
    I haven't been on in ages! Thanks!!!! :*
    Jan 04 2016 12:40 AM

Petite Fleur → ninpokaton

Sep 08 2015 11:53 AM

ddboy102 → ninpokaton

wanna help me take over this forum
Jun 18 2015 06:34 PM
  • ninpokaton's Photo
    How do we start!

    Jun 18 2015 06:37 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    First we start by recruiting as many people as possible

    I have like 10 people. then we thrown the forum into chaos by pitting the admins against each other.
    Jun 18 2015 06:47 PM

Velvetbrush → ninpokaton

Added you coz you like FF7, omg you're a rare specimen, pls have my affection!
Jun 16 2015 09:09 PM
  • ninpokaton's Photo
    Eh!? I know many who like it. I know many who think its overrated too. We can be affectionate together
    Jun 16 2015 09:13 PM
  • Velvetbrush's Photo
    Guess most of the people I've spoken to aren't really compatible with my FF7 feels. And oh, have you played the other series connected to FF7? Really curious about Dirge of Cerberus.
    Jun 16 2015 09:23 PM
  • ninpokaton's Photo
    Eh Ive played all except Dirge I think

    Crisis core was awesome :D

    Jun 17 2015 11:43 AM

ddboy102 → ninpokaton

look inside my soul and you probably find gold and get rich.
Sep 15 2014 10:24 AM

ninpokaton → Lumi

Yo pretty Finnish lady hows the Elder scrolls online holding up?? Happy birthday too(so late I know) :P I got new PC recently I really gotta get something to play!
May 26 2014 09:30 AM

Godpachi → ninpokaton

NOT SOON ENOUGH. I feel like I've been waiting for the game for a century.
Apr 22 2014 04:52 PM
  • ninpokaton's Photo
    It's closing in on a century hahaha. But..like it should be at E3 this year...theres always hope!
    Apr 22 2014 05:08 PM
  • Godpachi's Photo
    It better be. *pouts*
    Apr 22 2014 05:32 PM

ZCOverload → ninpokaton

Mar 25 2014 07:30 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    The new PC you mentioned.

    Also, I really do need to sit down and get The Witcher...
    Mar 25 2014 07:30 PM
  • ninpokaton's Photo
    8GB ram
    Amd FX6350 @3.9Ghz
    Amd Radeon 270.

    I was contemplating getting an I3 and Nvidia 660 but really had to go with Amd parts for Price/Performance seeing as the processor and GPUs are pretty much the same power but wit different ups and downs :) Gonna be very happy when it arrives. Also in the near future games may start using multithreading alot more due to the new consoles so the FX6350 may pull one over on any i3 models and AMD gpus are in the consoles too which again may lead to better support on PC Gpus.
    Mar 26 2014 03:23 PM
  • ZCOverload's Photo
    AMD is generally the middle ground and the safest route to take for PC gaming. Nvidia has more power focused on their GPUs (although the driver ui is horrendous and i hate them) and Intel has more powerful CPUs, but don't support overclocking as well.

    I have an FX8320 @3.5 (Overclockable to 5) and a Radeon 6670. You have an R9 270? So fucking jealous.

    But yeah, I'm an AMD fanboy. Anyways, you're pretty much set for anything next gen and IIRC you're already better than all three of the consoles. MASTER RACE *fistbump*
    Mar 26 2014 03:25 PM

Raiden → ninpokaton

eh we weren't friends until now? xD funny^^
Feb 23 2014 11:57 AM
  • ninpokaton's Photo
    I know man, only noticed their yesterday
    Feb 23 2014 03:21 PM

Lumi → ninpokaton

Heyy thanks for adding me :D How are you?
Feb 23 2014 06:29 AM
  • ninpokaton's Photo
    Should of added you ages ago haha :P, i'm good, starting Skyrim again, in a horrible food Coma right now though.
    Feb 23 2014 03:20 PM

retroluffy13 → ninpokaton

yo nimpo. im interviewing interesting om patrons and staff members to write a profile essay in an english class. would youmind answering a few questions about your om experiance?
Feb 08 2014 05:30 PM
  • ninpokaton's Photo
    Sure why not? Lay em out
    Feb 08 2014 07:04 PM