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Insane Soul → Kilgore_troute

Hey you are alive
Mar 05 2022 12:25 AM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    Yes haha
    Oct 05 2023 05:52 PM

Kilgore_troute → MattC302

Hey are you still on here? I can’t rememver the name of a manga you recommended years ago. The main char could talk to animals...
Jun 30 2019 08:04 PM
  • MattC302's Photo
    Doubutsu no Kuni
    Jul 30 2020 02:42 AM

Kilgore_troute → MattC302

Didn't I predict Kaido being the leader of Wano a while back?
Mar 04 2016 09:14 AM
  • MattC302's Photo
    Like i said though, your prediction is based on kin and momo's reaction to kaidou's name. It became basically obvious to anyone with reading comprehension that kaidou invaded wano.
    Mar 05 2016 05:36 PM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    I'm over that and have now become fixated on how long ago that was and how little I've done with my life in that time frame lol
    Mar 07 2016 10:52 AM
  • MattC302's Photo
    Mar 08 2016 12:58 AM

Kilgore_troute → MattC302

Did you see Moffat is stepping down from Doctor Who after this year?
Feb 10 2016 10:19 PM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    I don't remember if you told me or not. I kept watching I felt like I'd seen too much to stop now. But the new guy is apparently the creator of Broadchurch which was a really amazing show its first season and mostly good its second season.
    Feb 10 2016 11:19 PM
  • MattC302's Photo
    I don't think I'll go back now. I like the mythology of the show, but i feel like it has mostly run its course. Other than that, it's just a cheesy sci fi show with bad special effects. I don't watch much tv at all these days. I mostly raed novels.
    Feb 11 2016 01:03 AM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    You may be right about it running its course. I've never really thought about it but maybe they have already mined everything they can from the universe since the reboot. I just keep holding out hope that it will get back to how good it was during David Tennant's time as the the doctor.
    Feb 11 2016 08:17 AM

MattC302 → Kilgore_troute

Leave for a year then come back selling cakes lmao
Jan 19 2016 12:33 AM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    Lol it made me laugh. Thought it needed sharing.
    Jan 19 2016 08:59 AM

ddboy102 → Kilgore_troute

Kilgore I'm going to break into my ex's house and bleach their shit. You down? we never get to hang.
Dec 18 2015 10:02 PM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    Eh sure. I haven't picked a lock in a while it will be good practice.
    Dec 20 2015 05:55 PM

Sloan → Kilgore_troute

Jul 14 2015 07:57 AM

Insane Soul → Kilgore_troute

Long time no see Kilgore.
Apr 20 2015 12:31 PM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    I've been good. I've been reading a lot of stuff recently. If you're looking for something I'd say "World Trigger!" for Shonen battle, but my current personal recommendation is Suicide Island. It's a seinin piece that's definitely worth reading.
    Apr 30 2015 05:02 PM
  • Insane Soul's Photo
    Insane Soul
    Well, I actually have been a fan of dark series as of late, such as Tokyo Ghoul and Danganronpa, so I'll check that out!
    Apr 30 2015 06:37 PM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    Good maybe if I get enough people reading it they'll hurry up with translating all the current chapters.
    Apr 30 2015 06:44 PM

eemo23 → Kilgore_troute

Happy Birthday my friend!
Mar 17 2015 11:09 PM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Sorry Kilgore, but it was only 9:09 pm according to my time!
    Apr 08 2015 11:15 PM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    Oh well I guess I can accept Pacific Birthday wishes then haha.
    Apr 10 2015 09:39 AM
  • eemo23's Photo
    Ahhhh just let it pass this time :D
    Apr 12 2015 05:25 PM

Furinji Saiga → Kilgore_troute

Happy Birthday!
Mar 17 2015 11:46 AM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    Thanks. To be honest I completely forgot that I put my real birthday on my profile haha
    Apr 08 2015 12:53 PM

Kazekage → Kilgore_troute

Happy Womb Escape Day! Stay free and secure!
Mar 17 2015 12:26 AM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    Actually I didn't escape, I was evicted. Apparently Squatter's rights can be trumped by a cesarean section.
    Apr 08 2015 12:51 PM

Sloan → Kilgore_troute

Happy G day
Mar 17 2015 12:16 AM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    Yeah maybe I should actually check in on the chapter discussion thread it's been a while that's for sure.
    Apr 10 2015 11:00 PM
  • Sloan's Photo
    You should o:.

    So have you even liked Drrerosa/PH?
    Apr 11 2015 11:18 AM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    So far I've enjoyed it. I think the pacing was a little off but beyond that I don't really have a problem with it. But I guess it kind of depends on the resolution so I'm holding off on making a final judgment.
    Apr 11 2015 06:41 PM

Sloan → Kilgore_troute

Wagwan Busy Body
Feb 18 2015 06:53 PM

Sloan → Kilgore_troute

Sup KG long time no speak o:.
Aug 02 2014 12:41 PM
  • Sloan's Photo
    Well, I moved out. Also I'm really sore right now lol, I did body shots with my boy yesterday(Full on fight just no head shots) and my left rib is killing me every time I move, other than that not much I'm decent I guess.
    Aug 08 2014 02:20 PM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    Wow doing body shots means something totally different to me and I was very confused for a minute haha
    Aug 11 2014 09:30 AM
  • Sloan's Photo
    Ya im guessing you thought alcohol body shots.
    Aug 23 2014 10:02 PM

Furinji Saiga → Kilgore_troute

Happy Birthday!!
Mar 17 2014 03:12 PM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    Thank you very much. I forgot I listed my actual birthday on my profile, so you knowing freaked me out for a minute. Haha
    Mar 25 2014 04:32 AM
  • Furinji Saiga's Photo
    Furinji Saiga
    lol what makes you think I knew because you listed it?;)
    Mar 26 2014 12:03 AM
  • Kilgore_troute's Photo
    Honestly if you found out real information about me I would be extremely impressed by your espionage abilities haha
    Mar 26 2014 01:04 AM