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m1hawkgsm → kame d. kaze

You alive?
Feb 12 2019 07:33 PM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    What's up man. Yeah. I'm alive. lol
    I just don't keep up here or anywhere else anymore.
    Apr 01 2019 09:36 PM
  • m1hawkgsm's Photo
    no chat apps or anything?
    Jun 19 2019 09:34 PM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    Not really. I could get back on discord.
    Jul 22 2019 11:55 AM

m1hawkgsm → kame d. kaze

waz gud child
Jun 14 2018 02:24 AM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    I'm everywhere and nowhere lol.
    No where to be honest. I don't even remember my log in information for that Discord group.
    Jul 02 2018 01:05 PM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    Haven't been there in forever.
    Jul 02 2018 01:06 PM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    I'm too busy. You?
    Jul 02 2018 01:06 PM

kame d. kaze → Petite Fleur

Dec 27 2017 06:09 PM
  • Petite Fleur's Photo
    Petite Fleur
    Dec 27 2017 10:20 PM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    How have you been.I forgot I said hi to you on OMF, and just remembered. Lol. Because I don't come here anymore
    Dec 29 2017 04:49 PM

kame d. kaze → m1hawkgsm

hmmmm, You still visit this place?
Sep 30 2015 11:50 AM
  • m1hawkgsm's Photo
    Irregularly, but yes, I do try to.

    How are you brah?
    Oct 02 2015 04:45 AM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    I see.

    I'm good.
    You? How is married life?
    Oct 02 2015 07:21 AM
  • m1hawkgsm's Photo
    Good! Pretty awesome. Living and learning a lot, Nami's also doing great, exploring herself and people.

    Work hours kinda suck though lol. I'm plugged in even on the weekends haha. How's you man? What's up?
    Oct 24 2015 03:01 PM

kame d. kaze → Tale

yo, is Skype malfunctioning. Or is it just me?
Sep 21 2015 03:45 PM
  • Tale's Photo
    I haven't been on Skype in ages, so not sure.
    Sep 22 2015 11:44 AM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    You r late as hell sonnnnnnnn lol.
    But yeah it wasn't just me.
    Sep 22 2015 12:29 PM

ddboy102 → kame d. kaze

o Kame
Oct 16 2014 10:41 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    people are wanking that piece of crap Sakuroach.
    Oct 16 2014 11:38 PM
  • ddboy102's Photo
    from Naruto
    Oct 16 2014 11:38 PM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    That's bad news.
    Oct 16 2014 11:49 PM

kame d. kaze → zetruz

Well your wish came true
Jun 22 2014 06:42 PM
  • zetruz's Photo
    [02:57:12] Petite: Did your team win?
    [02:57:44] zetruz: you mean the United States of America?
    [02:58:39] zetruz: *hands Quishie pitchfork*
    [02:58:56] Quishie: you admited you are american tho
    [02:58:59] Quishier: im so proud
    [02:59:23] Quishiest: *explains to zetruz all the new perks he has obtained*
    [02:59:34] TheDEW: Ability to pretend obesity is okay
    [02:59:37] zetruz: check
    [02:59:39] TheDEW: Ability to be entitled
    [02:59:40] zetruz: check
    [02:59:47] TheDEW: Ability to complain about something but fund the company anyways
    [02:59:49] zetruz: THREE FOR THREE
    Jun 22 2014 08:15 PM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    Lmao. New perks include being a WINNAH!
    Jun 22 2014 08:16 PM
  • Relinquisher's Photo
    I figured doing that would make you forget about it, so vain. <3
    Jun 22 2014 08:16 PM

kame d. kaze → zetruz

You seem to be enjoying this. :p
Jun 08 2014 06:44 PM
  • zetruz's Photo
    I always do. =)
    Jun 08 2014 06:53 PM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    Lol. SomethingMongorer
    Jun 08 2014 07:00 PM

kame d. kaze → Furinji Saiga

How is it hanging Furinji? I have not talked to you in a long time.
May 31 2014 11:13 PM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    it's coo.
    Lmao yeah I remember that. Funny and creepy as hell and I remember posting that pic once just to bring back the horrors. I think I remember you getting banned. The only time I got banned was when Joe, Sloan, and I were off topic as hell.
    Jun 01 2014 12:42 AM
  • Furinji Saiga's Photo
    Furinji Saiga
    Yeah JoE is always involved one way or another lol
    He was banned every other week. XD
    Since is was a lot more active we keep getting off topic and there would be 16 pages of nonsense, right now its nowhere near as bad as was in the old forum.
    Jun 01 2014 12:48 AM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    lol. yeah.

    Yeah I think off topicness breathes life into the forums. Before there was a lot of traffic and it was bound to get off topic.
    Jun 01 2014 12:56 AM

kame d. kaze → Tale

Yup Yup. Exactly how I feel.
Mar 26 2014 06:20 AM
  • Tale's Photo
    :( I thought we had something together.
    Mar 28 2014 04:49 AM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    You should come to the other side.
    Mar 28 2014 04:50 AM
  • Tale's Photo
    I do that when I come to preach.
    Mar 28 2014 03:26 PM

kame d. kaze

Mar 09 2014 02:52 PM

kame d. kaze → disastrousmaster

I shall say, Well played.
Mar 09 2014 01:14 AM
  • disastrousmaster's Photo
    lol, thanks I guess. but it could have been played much better under different circumstances.
    Mar 09 2014 01:23 AM

kame d. kaze → Strawhats

I thought you hated rap?
Mar 07 2014 11:22 PM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    ON Skype! I remember you saying rap sucks. You definitely said it.
    Mar 07 2014 11:29 PM
  • Strawhats's Photo
    I must have meant current/mainstream rap. It causes aneurysms and is the second biggest killer of black men after soul food.
    Mar 08 2014 07:39 AM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    Yeah that's true. I love old school and some underground.
    Rap these days is getting worse. It imprisons black youth and it's full of women hate.
    Mar 08 2014 11:35 AM

kame d. kaze → ShinmenTakezo

What's up?
Mar 06 2014 10:28 PM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    Good. Being active in the threads these days. I left for a long time.

    Mar 06 2014 10:36 PM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    Still feel annoyed though. lol
    Mar 06 2014 10:36 PM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    I have been thinking. The real Musashi wasn't married or at least it wasn't recorded so what does the author intend to do with Takezo's relationship?
    Mar 06 2014 11:23 PM

kame d. kaze → ArSoNiSt JoE

dammit. That thread died down. It was entertaining. lmao
Nov 11 2013 02:42 AM
  • God Mode's Photo
    God Mode
    ow my feelings
    Nov 20 2013 12:13 AM
  • kame d. kaze's Photo
    kame d. kaze
    no offense to your feelings.

    Nov 20 2013 12:14 AM
  • God Mode's Photo
    God Mode
    I am always offended, no worries, not your fault.
    Nov 20 2013 12:15 AM