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YoWid → Baka-Dynasty

Happy belated birthday, Baka!
Jan 06 2017 09:04 AM

Wingman → Baka-Dynasty

Happy Birthday!
Jan 01 2017 09:09 PM

Zeando → Baka-Dynasty

happy new year and happy birthday you lucky ass getting all the fireworks as presents!!
Dec 31 2016 06:26 PM

retroluffy13 → Baka-Dynasty

oi oi baka face!!! how you doin man?
Dec 09 2016 08:57 PM
  • Baka-Dynasty's Photo
    What up broooother. Sorry super busy and shits with the holidays coming . It's actually my first day off and also last day off of the current year loool. Just playing pokemon atm making the best out of my day off I guess.

    Dec 21 2016 01:39 PM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    well take that break man. its good to hear your doin well. and oi. join my nakama. all the cool kids are doing it. its like drugs, but with none of the awesome benifiets
    Dec 21 2016 03:53 PM

Baka-Dynasty → Grimmjagger

hheeeey you !!!!! yes you !!! :D u dint tell me where in montreal are u located ? It just so happens that im also from montreal teheheh
Nov 09 2016 10:38 PM
  • Baka-Dynasty's Photo
    I really like Juventus more liberal style, Madrid just has amazing player and barca well barca is barca lol .I enjoy watching any club play so i dont really have a favorite.
    Nov 22 2016 03:40 PM
  • Baka-Dynasty's Photo
    you ?
    Nov 22 2016 03:40 PM
  • Grimmjagger's Photo
    Yeah I like Juve too but I simply have to choose Barca and ManUtd.
    Barca: Well since Messi has been my favorite player for....wait I kinda forgot how long it is but with the lost of Xavi and Puyol for me Barca isn't what they use to be and who knows I might get tired of their Ticki-Taka style soon enough.

    ManUtd: I enjoy watching Manchester play and even with what happened to them thoses recent years, I am still a huge fan of the red devils.
    Nov 22 2016 03:48 PM

Gnag → Baka-Dynasty

I apparently saw a movie with your beloved girl a few days ago without realising it was her. She wasn't horrible.
Jul 05 2016 03:56 PM
  • Baka-Dynasty's Photo
    :O what was the movie ?
    Jul 08 2016 03:02 PM
  • Gnag's Photo
    The Fundamentals of Caring.
    Jul 16 2016 03:19 PM
  • Baka-Dynasty's Photo
    Ohhh i havent seen it yet . Is it good ? As much as i love my waifu i aint gonna lie her last movies were awfull and a waste of time
    Jul 16 2016 11:07 PM

retroluffy13 → Baka-Dynasty

oi oi disaterous needs help getting into the channel
Jun 26 2016 09:05 PM
  • Baka-Dynasty's Photo
    Oh yeah i have an email says new sign in from blablabla , I said yeah its me stfu google. Should work now. Should i remove my email as the recovery email ? I dont really mind
    Jun 26 2016 10:26 PM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    ye it would be for the best. it'll make handing the channel over from one om member to another easierf.
    Jun 26 2016 10:31 PM
  • Baka-Dynasty's Photo
    Got it
    Jun 26 2016 10:43 PM

Baka-Dynasty → retroluffy13

You ded ? You dying ? You about to die ? You arleady died :O so yeah whats up,
May 10 2016 09:37 AM

Gnag → Baka-Dynasty

Christmas is over
Feb 21 2016 01:39 PM
  • Baka-Dynasty's Photo
    Says who ?
    Feb 21 2016 05:18 PM

retroluffy13 → Baka-Dynasty

my art skills really suck but i yur still looking foor an artist for your coic i could help
Jan 19 2016 08:31 AM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    manga I mean

    Jan 19 2016 08:31 AM
  • Baka-Dynasty's Photo
    would be awesome if you could show me some drawings hue and also ima get back to you later on next week i have so much things to do atm sister getting married soon :3
    Jan 20 2016 05:38 PM

Wingman → Baka-Dynasty

Happy Birthday!
Jan 01 2016 05:45 PM
  • Baka-Dynasty's Photo
    Thanks man and happy new year !!!
    Jan 02 2016 11:45 AM
  • Wingman's Photo
    You're welcome and a happy new year to you to!
    Jan 02 2016 08:56 PM

Zeando → Baka-Dynasty

first of the year? that's some date you've as birthday. Merry New BirthYear
Jan 01 2016 09:42 AM
  • Zeando's Photo
    i'm not sure if there is a specific name for that, but it's basically a statue they carry around during a procession
    that was a religious procession (the festival was about celebrating the end of the plague, but over time it became a religious thing) so that was a religious statue, when they don't have a statue they use some other symbol

    searching "procession" on google you find many different kinds of processions, but if you search "processione" you get a lot of those statues
    and then, there are these guys who carry around a statue tall 30 meters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macchina_di_Santa_Rosa they like to overdo things...
    Jan 03 2016 07:33 PM
  • Zeando's Photo
    about that specific statue in the photos, i've made some research, on wikipedia it says it was created in 1698 on commission of some local noble family, then later it got edited like 3 times, adding more little statues and details(the crown on top was added later), during the Austrian occupation it even risked of getting melted to be made into ingots but the citizens bought it back
    Jan 03 2016 07:55 PM
  • Baka-Dynasty's Photo
    The more you know O_O makes that statue is even more amazing. Since i travel a lot ima put that on my : Better take a picture of that, list ohohoh

    Jan 03 2016 08:35 PM

YoWid → Baka-Dynasty

Happy beearly birthday, Bakaaaaa!
Dec 31 2015 01:36 PM
  • Baka-Dynasty's Photo
    yeeee brah thanks merry new year and all the best to you and your family
    Dec 31 2015 06:57 PM
  • YoWid's Photo
    Back at ya broh Xd
    Jan 01 2016 05:33 AM

Baka-Dynasty → Lorenx1

Sup sis
Sep 24 2015 01:30 PM

retroluffy13 → Baka-Dynasty

oi oi. tommoro im planning on uploading a really cool video to the site. its just a sraight up reaction shot review of the new naruto spin off, but im going to do it onemanga style. im going to call it retro rips: The Seventh Hokage Gaiden, and as he name implies, im going to rip the new mini series a new one like only someone from om can..
May 05 2015 10:20 PM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    so if you could pm me the password and stuffs that would be helpful.
    May 05 2015 10:20 PM
  • Baka-Dynasty's Photo
    Done check ur pm box
    May 05 2015 11:17 PM
  • retroluffy13's Photo
    also, im going to need the recovery email because it doesn't want to let me in
    May 06 2015 01:53 PM