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InuyashaShinichi → Guardian-Angel

Aniki why you ignore meh~ TT^TT you hate meh cuz you hate meh~~
Mar 14 2017 05:18 AM

Guardian-Angel → Frozen_Flare

I am ashamed to admit I have no idea xp
Feb 21 2016 12:56 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    I am just stupid :p

    She is, she so is >//< But Megumi's foodgasm... :">
    Mar 06 2016 09:56 AM
  • Frozen_Flare's Photo
    So have you figured it out, yet? ~.~

    LOL. xD I knew you'd like it. :p
    Mar 14 2016 07:30 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    No :p

    Yeah >//<
    Mar 14 2016 09:37 AM

*kinomoto_sakura* → Guardian-Angel

Yeah :D
Jan 01 2016 10:29 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Heeeyy 'Nii-san. Still alive but barely breathing here hahah
    Aug 14 2016 12:00 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    good to know
    Aug 14 2016 09:47 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Ah 'Nii-san. If you wanna reach me the fastest way would be to e-mail me. I'm not deleting my account here if you're wondering hahah. But I've been really busy as of late. So yeah, just send me an e-mail.
    Sep 12 2016 07:24 AM

*kinomoto_sakura* → Guardian-Angel

Ehhh... We'll see hahah
Nov 05 2015 08:14 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    It was nice. Quiet, warm, comfy. Yours?
    Jan 01 2016 06:12 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    A lot of fireworks XD And of course, food. Well, the neighbors did the fireworks thingy hahah. We stayed inside while they were lighting fireworks. We didn't want to have injuries right on the start of the new year, whether it be from fireworks or from stray bullets, if there are any people stupid and drunk enough to fire loaded guns to the sky. But we made noise on our own hahah
    Jan 01 2016 06:35 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    I see :)
    Jan 01 2016 10:05 AM
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*kinomoto_sakura* → Guardian-Angel

What? You really think I wouldn't stay single for long?
Oct 13 2015 09:33 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    God, this is terrible XD You don't choose easy ways, eh? ;)
    Nov 03 2015 10:46 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Nope, seems like I don't.
    Nov 03 2015 11:06 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Well, you seem capable of handling it just fine :)
    Nov 03 2015 07:57 PM
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Frozen_Flare → Guardian-Angel

Oct 09 2015 11:18 AM
  • Frozen_Flare's Photo
    GA-kun! >//< :D

    Yes, it has been a while. :p

    I'm doing fine, what about you? ;)

    Omg! She now knows! Oh no! Didn't expect it to happen so soon! >//<

    Also, http://www.cospa.com/images/items/pc/143323.jpg >//< >//< >//<
    Feb 17 2016 04:18 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Fine too :)

    Yeah, and so casually XD Her faces were priceless XD

    Love when the trio is together :3
    Feb 17 2016 08:46 AM
  • Frozen_Flare's Photo

    Quiz time!

    What is Megumi-chan's favorite pose?

    You cannot call yourself a big fan of her if you can't get the above right. xD
    Feb 20 2016 06:55 AM
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InuyashaShinichi → Guardian-Angel

but you made the mess first NyaNiki.. *glares*
Sep 21 2015 02:00 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    It's ok :)
    Nov 02 2015 08:14 PM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    ok..I'm gonna miss NyaNiki, Wolfie, my master and that shtupid familiar TT^TT
    Nov 03 2015 12:07 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Nov 03 2015 12:17 AM

InuyashaShinichi → Guardian-Angel

*yawns* I'm sleepy NyaNiki..pwease forgib me.(no I'm not..>__>)
Sep 17 2015 09:35 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Meow! "You know what"

    *finishes* Ok, now to the laboratory. *goes downstairs*
    Sep 20 2015 11:31 PM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo

    *helps the bird find its family back*
    Sep 21 2015 01:09 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Meow! "Singing!"

    *starts mixing potions*
    Sep 21 2015 01:11 AM
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  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    These are just girls' pics :x
    Oct 09 2015 11:05 AM
  • Frozen_Flare's Photo
    No? Are you sure you saw when the above link actually contained? :x
    Oct 09 2015 11:10 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Yes, just cute girls. Nothing ecchi :x
    Oct 09 2015 11:12 AM
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Guardian-Angel → InuyashaShinichi

Meow "No idea"
Sep 15 2015 11:07 PM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *still is mad* (in your heart, but you always hide it and now you let it slip :p)

    No, we walk this time.
    Sep 17 2015 09:15 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    *massages his injured tail* sowwy, ok..? (>___>)

    but it's easier to fly~~
    Sep 17 2015 09:24 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *seems like forgiving her slightly* (no use hiding it anymore :p)

    Walk. You need to exercise. Or you will get lazy. And I don't need lazy assistant.
    Sep 17 2015 09:30 AM
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Guardian-Angel → InuyashaShinichi

*quickly return not wanting to worry her*
Sep 12 2015 04:46 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    it's a good thing it's not raining today :) we can lay around much longer

    What? you want his service too?

    but but...I need the foods~~
    Sep 15 2015 08:59 PM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Meow! Whoof!

    Neah, I am good :p

    I know *sighs* I should have made you better... My mistake.
    Sep 15 2015 09:01 PM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    *gets up suddenly* where's the ball??

    Well, he's now not available for today anyways =___=

    made me better..?
    Sep 15 2015 10:51 PM
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InuyashaShinichi → Guardian-Angel

*shocked* wow you're so clever~
Sep 10 2015 07:41 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    *stretches* just a little bit more~

    Hihi you're suprised I can get a friend that's a boy, huh? Yup I slept with him. He slept on my bed and I slept on the mattress there cuz he's the guest :)

    *the little dragon starts flying a little wildly*
    Sep 12 2015 04:21 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *get beyond the yard*

    Er... So, he is just a friend? Not the boy that... you hug and kiss?

    Easy now, little one!
    Sep 12 2015 04:28 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    mkay..done!! yeah~~ *starts stretching again*

    H-huh?? I just slept with him! NohugsandkisseswhatareyoutalkingaboutNeechan??? @.@ *blushes hard*

    That's cuz she didn't like you calling me like that *laughs*
    Sep 12 2015 04:40 AM
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*kinomoto_sakura* → Guardian-Angel

I'm not hysterical 'Nii-san. If I'm really stressed, I eat.
Sep 10 2015 07:08 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    I see :)
    Oct 13 2015 09:17 AM
  • *kinomoto_sakura*'s Photo
    Yeah~ So I think I'll stay single until God says otherwise and sends me my match XD
    Oct 13 2015 09:22 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Heh. Ok. If you wish so ;)
    Oct 13 2015 09:23 AM
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InuyashaShinichi → Guardian-Angel

*serious face* good luck my kawaii NyaNiki!! (wait is he talking now..?)
Sep 08 2015 09:47 PM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    Whoof... "alright"

    Why do you end up losing everything? *giggles* (not in the slightest :p)

    *starts quickly mixing potions* I need to change us back asap!
    Sep 10 2015 07:05 AM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    Ok! Nice to meet you Wolfie~ *holds out hand*

    *grabs the extra bed sheet that just happens to be in that room* ...I guess this will do (EHHHHHH...................what more do you want?)

    *still crying* *saw something on the table that looks like her blanket* *approaches it*
    Sep 10 2015 07:28 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *gives her its paw* Whoof!

    *giggles* Are you cosplaying as a ghost? (Himitsu :p)

    *too focused on making a potion*
    Sep 10 2015 07:33 AM
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Guardian-Angel → InuyashaShinichi

Sep 07 2015 09:30 AM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *stops* Meow "hi"

    *giggles* It's ok, sweetie, I don't mind *winks*

    *done with the bathroom too*
    Sep 08 2015 09:19 PM
  • InuyashaShinichi's Photo
    pffft..you're trying to say hye to it..?

    *turns her back to Neechan again* sorry..

    Master, what's for lunch..?
    Sep 08 2015 09:29 PM
  • Guardian-Angel's Photo
    *looks down at her hurt* "don't laugh at me* >_<

    So shy *giggles and lies in the bath relaxing* Well, you can sulk all the way you want. I will just enjoy my time here :p

    Finish with the basement first, then we will talk about that.
    Sep 08 2015 09:32 PM
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