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ArSoNiSt JoE → Abu Dun

Oi! Hope you're doing well wherever you are!
Nov 06 2023 08:45 PM
  • Abu Dun's Photo
    Abu Dun
    That depends on what counts towards doing well^^ With regards to work, it's going fairly good, but for that I had to relocate and leave virtually all my connections behind (at least physically, as the contact is still there^^). But it looks good so far, getting used to the new place still feels weird, though, even after more than 1 year^^
    How are you doing? What did live have in store for you in the past couple of years?
    Nov 09 2023 01:35 PM
  • ArSoNiSt JoE's Photo
    ArSoNiSt JoE
    oooooh well glad to hear that work is going fairly good. Man crazy that you had to move! I bet that mustve been quite the hassle at first! but glad that you like the new place. oooh what was it that you did for a living again? I'm a Software Engineer ^ ^

    I've been alright myself, mostly been working and keeping up with anime/manga stuff haha. Some habits never go away hehe. Just coming to terms with the fact that I'm in my mid 30s pfhaha. The JoE is old!

    One Piece has been quite something lately hasn't it. This Kuma backstory is just killing me ;=; He's been through so much ;=;
    Nov 09 2023 07:28 PM